View fusion event by circos plot. I will support multiple formats generated by different fusion dicovery softwares in future. Currently it has only implemented parsing results coming from FusionHunter program.
perl -i/--input <inputFusionResult> -f/--format [fusionResultFormat] -s/--species [human] -b/--build [hg19]
-i/--input fusion result file from fusion detecting program(e.g, FusionHunter)
-f/--format the format of the fusion result, use program name as it format, default is FusionHunter
-s/--species which species's karyotype will be use in the plot(e.g,human,mouse),default is human
-b/--build which version(e.g., hg19,mm8,mm9),default is hg19
-h/--help print out this help
-l/--list list current supported species' karyotypes in karyotype folder,then exists
In the 'Example' sub-folder, there is an example of fusion result coming from FusionHunter. It combines contents in the FusionHunter.fusion and FusionHunter.readthrough files. According to the author, FusionHunter.readthrough is fusion genes linking two adjacent genes on chromosome, while FusionHunter.fusion reports fusion genes from distinct genomic regions.
../ -i FusionHunter.result