This web application is a step towards providing a one stop platform for better virtual healthcare in a hassle-free manner and eliminates any stigma associated with conventional treatment. Our aim is to provide relevant information about diseases and treatments and expanding physician’s ability to care for patients in a quick and accurate manner.
Following are the features to provide a mode of care delivery which can be easily accessed from the comfort of home:
Summarised report of symptoms and treatment : After answering few questions based on the symptoms patient will get a summarised report of his problem and possible treatment . This report will be extremely helpful to the doctors as they will be aware of patient’s condition and can diagnose accordingly.
Multiple Quick Diagnosis : In India we have a huge population with chronic conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, heart disease etc. Hence this facility will help patients to quickly monitor and diagnose their conditions which do not require direct consultation from doctors and can be managed at home.
Portal to share or fetch information regarding medical needs : There will be a section on our website where user can fetch or share accurate information about emergency medical needs like oxygen cylinder, blood, bed availability ,medicine etc.
Clone the repo to your local system
git clone
Open your terminal and go to server directory
cd server
Install node modules :
npm install
Start node server :
npm start
In another terminal change directory to ml-server :
cd ml-server
Install dependencies :
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start FastAPI server
uvicorn main:app
In another terminal chnage directory to client
cd client
Install packages
npm i
Start react server :
npm start
You can use the webapp by visiting localhost:3000 in you web browser.
Name - Priyanka Kumari
Email - [email protected] . Contact number: 9307452347
Contribution - Frontend, Management
Name - Rituparna Warwatkar
Email - [email protected] . Contact number: 7798516764
Contribution - Backend
Name - Meghna Singh
Email - [email protected] . Contact number: 9236132164
Contribution - Frontend, Content-Writing
Name - Ishan Acharyya6
Email - [email protected] . Contact number: 9977892116
Contribution - Machine Learning