This branch contains some necessary changes to the x0xb0x MarOS15 firmware, which has already been adapted by Nordcode. The adjustments are largely compatible with the MarOS15 1.81 version (Nordcode) - but only for the x0xLarge CPU (Atmega2561) and include the following changes. The main source version on which the changes are based is in the 'Original' branch.
- fixed compiler warnings
- removed CRC stuff
- added c0nb0x (1.02) communication
- added more visuals in midiplay mode
- added antto's modified MVA note tracking algorithm in midiplay mode
- added holded notes release by transposed keys in midiplay mode
- fixed pattern "program change" in "advanced mode" (next, bank, visuals etc.)
- fixed note range for midiplay without octave loop
- fixed note range for pattern_play
- fixed run/stop handling issues
Key #4 LED ON = ignores pattern selection by notes (fullrange trans)
Key #7 LED ON = transposing down -1OCT for midiplay incoming notes
Key #8 LED ON = instant program change
Feature: MarOS15 - Rio Adaption (version 182)
MarOS15 for x0xlarge CPU (Atmega2561).
Original code by Limor Fried - - Modifications by Sokkan + Mario1089 + Nordcore + Rio