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RingCentral Notification Add-in for Google Forms

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A RingCentral Add-in to receive Google Forms response messages at RingCentral Team Messaging.



Step.1 Clone this project

$ git clone

Step.2 Install dependencies

Inside project root:

$ npm install

Step.3 Start Ngrok Web Tunnel

# start proxy server, this will allow your local bot server to be accessed by the RingCentral service
$ npm run ngrok

# will show
# Forwarding           -> localhost:6066
# Remember the, we will use it later

ngrok will expose your local server to a public address where you can have other services interact with it.

Note: your local firewall might block certain ngrok regions. If so, try changing ngrok http -region us 6066 in package.json to other regions.

Step.4 Set Up Environment Info

$ cp .env.sample .env

Edit .env file as .env.sample to set environment variables. The APP_SERVER is publish uri that we get from ngrok. For DATABASE_CONNECTION_URI, we can just keep sqlite://./db.sqlite. We will use sqlite as local database. Get Google Client credentials from Google Developer Console. For GOOGLE_PUBSUB_TOPIC_NAME, please create Pub/Sub topic follow here.

Step.5 Create A Notification Add-In App In RingCentral Developer Portal

Go to RingCentral Developer Portal and create a notification add-in app.

On app creation page, please:

  • Tick on 'This app can be installed via web' and fill in

Step.6 Start Local Server and Client

Open 2 new terminals and run below commands respectively:

# open a new terminal
# start local server
npm run start

# open another new terminal
# start webpack server
npm run client

Step.7 Try at RingCentral Sandbox

Go to with your sandbox account, you can get your apps in development here. Click Plus icon to add the notification app to test.


Deploy with Serverless

1. Compile JS files

$ npm run client-build

And get all JS assets file at public folder. Upload all files in public into CDN or static web server.

2. Create serverless-deploy/env.yml file

$ cp serverless-deploy/env.default.yml serverless-deploy/env.yml

Edit serverless-deploy/env.yml to set environment variables. We will get APP_SERVER after first deploy. So now just keep it blank.

3. Create serverless-deploy/serverless.yml file

$ cp serverless-deploy/serverless.default.yml serverless-deploy/serverless.yml

Edit serverless-deploy/env.yml to update serverless settings. The Dynamo TableName should be ${DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX}users. DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX is environment variable that we set upper. ASSETS_PATH is uri where you host JS files in Step 1.

4. Deploy

$ npm run serverless-build
$ npm run serverless-deploy

In first deploy, you will get lambda uri in console output: Copy the uri, and update environment variable APP_SERVER with it in serverless-deploy/env.yml file. Then deploy again:

$ npm run serverless-deploy


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