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This project contains tasks for learning to create internationalized web pages with Flask.

Tasks To Complete

  • 0. Basic Flask app contains a Python script that sets up a basic Flask app with the following requirements:

    • Create a single / route and an index.html template that simply outputs “Welcome to Holberton” as page title (<title>) and “Hello world” as header (<h1>).
  • 1. Basic Babel setup

    • Copy into and templates/0-index.html into templates/1-index.html.
    • Install the Babel Flask extension:
      pip3 install flask_babel
    • Instantiate the Babel object in your app. Store it in a module-level variable named babel.
    • In order to configure available languages in our app, you will create a Config class that has a LANGUAGES class attribute equal to ["en", "fr"].
    • Use Config to set Babel’s default locale ("en") and timezone ("UTC").
    • Use that class as config for your Flask app.
  • 2. Get locale from request

  • 3. Parametrize templates

    • Copy into and templates/2-index.html into templates/3-index.html.
    • Use the _ or gettext function to parametrize your templates. Use the message IDs home_title and home_header.
    • Create a babel.cfg file containing:
      [python: **.py]
      [jinja2: **/templates/**.html]
    • Initialize your translations with:
      ~/.local/bin/pybabel extract -F babel.cfg -o messages.pot .
    • Initialize your two dictionaries with:
      ~/.local/bin/pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l en
      ~/.local/bin/pybabel init -i messages.pot -d translations -l fr
    • Edit files translations/[en|fr]/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po to provide the correct value for each message ID for each language. Use the following translations:
      msgid English French
      home_title "Welcome to Holberton" "Bienvenue chez Holberton"
      home_header "Hello world!" "Bonjour monde!"
    • Compile your dictionaries with:
      ~/.local/bin/pybabel compile -d translations
    • Reload the home page of your app and make sure that the correct messages show up.
  • 4. Force locale with URL parameter

    • In this task, you will implement a way to force a particular locale by passing the locale=fr parameter to your app’s URLs.
    • Copy into and templates/3-index.html into templates/4-index.html.
    • In your get_locale function, detect if the incoming request contains locale argument and if its value is a supported locale, return it. If not or if the parameter is not present, resort to the previous default behavior.
    • You should be able to test different translations by visiting[fr|en].
    • Visiting should display this level 1 heading:
      Hello World! in French
  • 5. Mock logging in

    • Copy into and templates/4-index.html into templates/5-index.html.
    • Creating a user login system is outside the scope of this project. To emulate a similar behavior, copy the following user table into
      users = {
          1: {"name": "Balou", "locale": "fr", "timezone": "Europe/Paris"},
          2: {"name": "Beyonce", "locale": "en", "timezone": "US/Central"},
          3: {"name": "Spock", "locale": "kg", "timezone": "Vulcan"},
          4: {"name": "Teletubby", "locale": None, "timezone": "Europe/London"},
    • This will mock a database user table. Logging in will be mocked by passing login_as URL query parameter containing the user ID to log in as.
    • Define a get_user function that returns a user dictionary or None if the ID cannot be found or if login_as was not passed.
    • Define a before_request function and use the app.before_request decorator to make it be executed before all other functions. before_request should use get_user to find a user if any, and set it as a global on flask.g.user.
    • In your HTML template, if a user is logged in, in a paragraph tag, display a welcome message otherwise display a default message as shown in the table below.
      msgid English French
      logged_in_as "You are logged in as %(username)s." "Vous êtes connecté en tant que %(username)s."
      not_logged_in "You are not logged in." "Vous n'êtes pas connecté."
    • Visiting in your browser should display this:
      Hello World! in English with a logged out message
    • Visiting in your browser should display this:
      Hello World! in English with a logged in message
  • 6. Use user locale

    • Copy into and templates/5-index.html into templates/6-index.html.
    • Change your get_locale function to use a user’s preferred locale if it is supported.
    • The order of priority should be:
      1. Locale from URL parameters.
      2. Locale from user settings.
      3. Locale from request header.
      4. Default locale.
    • Test by logging in as different users.
      Hello World! in French with a logged in message
  • 7. Infer appropriate time zone

    • Copy into and templates/6-index.html into templates/7-index.html.
    • Define a get_timezone function and use the babel.timezoneselector decorator.
    • The logic should be the same as get_locale:
      1. Find timezone parameter in URL query parameters.
      2. Find time zone from user settings.
      3. Default to UTC.
    • Before returning a URL-provided or user time zone, you must validate that it is a valid time zone. To that, use pytz.timezone and catch the pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError exception.
  • 8. Display the current time

    • Copy into and templates/7-index.html into templates/index.html.
    • Based on the inferred time zone, display the current time on the home page in the default format. For example: Jan 21, 2020, 5:55:39 AM or 21 janv. 2020 à 05:56:28.
    • Use the following translations:
      msgid English French
      current_time_is "The current time is %(current_time)s." "Nous sommes le %(current_time)s."
    • Displaying the time in French looks like this:
      Hello World! with a logged in message and the current time in French
    • Displaying the time in English looks like this:
      Hello World! with a logged in message and the current time in English# ALX Backend

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