This iOS App uses the Google Places REST API and the IBM Watson Tone Analyzer REST API to list nearby restaurants filtered by keyword.
The app uses RxSwift with MVVM. Services for Google Places and the Tone Analyzer client publish events on ReplaySubjects, that are subscribed to by the ViewModel. The ViewModel publishes updates to view model sequences, that are consumed by the ViewController.
The Google Places client tries to fetch the current location after location permissions are granted, on app startup, and before the View Controller appears. A REST call to the Google Places 'nearby" search fetches restaurants nearby, filtered by a keyword. A REST call then fetches details about the retrieved places, including reviews. The reviews are sent to the Tone Analyzer to request the set of all tones detected in the reviews.
- Create a property list file named ApiKeys.plist, with two key-value pairs:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
- cd into the root directory and enter
pod install
- click on dineout.xcworkspace to open the project
- Set your bundle id and your team in Project settings
- Build and run
See this link for a demo: Dine Out Demo