Interactive 3D plot for cluster analysis for JavaScript. Based on ThreeJS for WebGL.]
The project is closed. For 3D cluster plotting check vis library, especially the following example.
The simplest way to draw the plot is using the function THREEx.doPlot3d (same as it's used in jQuery):
THREEx.doPlot3d(containerId, data, dataOptions, plotOptions, onItemLoad, onItemsLoad, onBeforeLoad, onPlotHover, onPlotHoverOut)
- containerId — id of DOM element for the plot.
- data — plot data. Array of indexed collections (objects or arrays) is required.
- dataOptions — data view options.
- plotOptions — plot options. Optional.
- onItemLoad — callback function. Executes, when new element is added to plot. Optional.
- onItemsLoad — callback function. Executes, when adding of elements to the plot is completed. Optional.
- onBeforeLoad — callback function. Executes before the loading of elements is started. Optional.
- onPlotHover — callback function. Executes, when an element in selected. Optional.
- onPlotHoverOut — callback function. Executes, when the selection is off. Optional.
Add libraries:
<script src="js/three.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/THREEx.Plot3d.min.js"></script>
Create DOM objects:
canvas { width: 100%; height: 100% }
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.1.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<link rel=stylesheet href="css/jquery-ui.css" />
<div id="ThreeJS" style="z-index: 2; left:0px; top:0px; width: 100%; height:100%;"></div>
$(function() {
var sourceData = [
[0,0,0,5, "color1"],
[10,10,10,5, "color2"],
[20, 20, 20, 5, "color3"]
var plot = THREEx.doPlot3d(
{ color : 4, type_const : THREEx.PLOT_TYPE.ITEM.SPHERE },
{ x : 0, y : 1, z : 2, size : 3 }
If there're a lot of elements (>200), it's better to use particle mode:
$(function() {
var sourceData = [
[4, 59, 1],
[4, 50, 1],
[1, 40, 1],
//...1 000 elements more...
[111, 0, 0],
var plot = THREEx.doPlot3d(
{ color: 2 },
colorBackgroundBox : 0x000000,
axisLabelFrontColor : 0x000000,
axisLabelSideColor : 0xffffff,
axisLabelBevelSize : 1
Main object of this library. Extends THREE.js with interactive 3D cluster plot object.
Function THREEx.doPlot3d covers this class, letting to create the plot with one call.
Class supports methods chaining.
var data = [
[0,0,0,5, "color1"],
[10,10,10,5, "color2"],
[20, 20, 20, 5, "color3"]
var containerId = "ThreeJS";
var plotOptions = {};
var dataOptions = { color : 4, type_const : THREEx.PLOT_TYPE.ITEM.SPHERE },
var cluster3d = new THREEx.ClusterPlot3d(plotOptions)
.doParseData(data, dataOptions)
Class methods:
- THREEx.ClusterPlot3d(plotOptions) — class constructor. plotOptions define the options for whole plot.
- doDrawBackground(elemId) — draw background and coordinate box at DOM object with ID equals to elemId.
- doClear() — clear the plot.
- doParseData(data, dataOptions) — load plot data. data hasis array of indexed collections (arrays or objects). dataOptions defines the view options.
- doDrawData() — show data on plot
Event methods:
- addEvent(eventTitle, func) — add event eventTitle. Название события передаётся в строке, например: 'onItemLoad'
- execEvent(eventTitle, e) — execute functions for eventTitle, passing param e.
Allowed events:
- onItemLoad — executes, when an element is added to plot.
- onItemsLoaded — executes, when adding of elements to the plot is completed.
- onBeforeLoad — executes before the loading of elements is started.
- onPlotHover — executes when an element in selected.
- onPlotHoverOut — executes when the selection is off.
Defines the index in data source element that has to be used as param on plot. If value of color, or shapem or position has to be fixed, use postfix _const, like this:
{ color: 2, material_const : THREEx.PLOT_TYPE.MATERIAL.BASIC }
- title — Data element title. Default null.
- x — Index in source data for X axis. Default 0.
- y — Index in source data for Y axis. Default 1.
- z — Index in source data for Z axis. Default 2.
- color — Color for data element. Default value is const 0xff0000 (red).
- outlineColor — Color for halo of data element. Default value is const null.
- outlineExpand — Halo size. Default 1.2. This param is used only if outlineColor is not null.
- material — elements material. This param is used only if itemViewMode is equal to THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.GEOMETRY. Default THREEx.PLOT_TYPE.MATERIAL.LAMBER. Possible values:
- size — Element size. Default 3.
- type — Element shape. Will be changed, if itemViewMode is THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.GEOMETRY. Default THREEx.PLOT_TYPE.ITEM.CUBE. Possible values:
- showSkybox — Show the background skybox. If set it to true, you will see the default black background. There're bugs in Internet Explorer 9 when skybox is off, so it's recommended to leave default value.Default true.
- colorBackgroundBox — Background color. Default 0xffffff.
- lightX — X of light source. Default 400.
- lightY — Y of light source. Default 300.
- lightZ — Z of light source. Default 400.
- colorLight — Light color. Default 0xffffff (white).
- colorXZ — color for box wall between X and Z. Default 0x006600.
- colorXZCentral — color for central lines of box wall between X and Z. Default 0x00ff00.
- сolorXY — color for box wall between X and Y. Default 0x000066.
- colorXYCentral — color for central lines of box wall between X and Y. Default 0x0000ff.
- сolorYZ — color for box wall between Y and Z. Default 0x660000.
- colorYZCentral — color for central lines of box wall between Y and Z. Default 0xff0000.
- stepsSize — Box wall size. Default 100.
- stepsCount — Box wall element size. Default 20.
- stratch — Stratch elements by plot. Default true.
- showGrids — show box walls. Default true.
- cameraX — X of camera position. Default 400.
- cameraY — Y of camera position. Default 300.
- cameraZ — Z of camera position. Default 400.
- cameraAngle — camera angle (degrees). Default 45.
palette — Plot palette. Default THREEx.COLOR_PALETTE_TYPE.HSL. Possible variants:
- THREEx.COLOR_PALETTE_TYPE.HSL — all possible colors (based on HSL palette)
- THREEx.COLOR_PALETTE_TYPE.SEMAPHORE — Reg-Yellow-Green and all of colors between
highlightSelected — Hightlight the selected element. Default true. If mode is THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.PARTICLE highlighting doesn't work.
selectedItemColor — Color of selected element's highlighting. Default 0xffffff.
itemViewMode — Element's drawing mode. Default THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.GEOMETRY. Posible variants:
- THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.GEOMETRY — standart geometry. Different materials are allowed, the selection of element is supported.
- THREEx.CONST_ITEMS_MODE.PARTICLE — drawing in particicles mode. No support of materials or element selection, but works much better for a lot of elements (>1 000).
- showAxisLabels — Show axis labels. Default true.
- axisLabelX — Label for axis X. Default x.
- axisLabelY — Label for axis Y. Default y.
- axisLabelZ — Label for axis Z. Default z.
- axisLabelFont — Axis label font. Default THREEx.FONT.helvetiker. Allowed:
- axisLabelCurveSegments — Curve segments. Default 0.
- axisLabelFrontColor — Middle color for axis label. Default 0xffffff.
- axisLabelSideColor — Side color for axis label. Default 0x000000.
- axisLabelSize — Label size. Default 18.
- axisLabelHeight — Label height. Default 4.
- axisLabelBevelEnabled — Use bevel. Default true.
- axisLabelBevelSize — Bevel size. Default 2.
- axisLabelBevelThickness — Bevel thickness. Default 1.