Blogracy is a simple peer-to-peer social networking system, built on top of Bittorrent.
The installation process is not yet streamlined. Essentially Blogracy is composed by two main modules:
- a Vuze plugin
- a web application
The build system uses Maven. If you have a working maven installation things should be rather smooth.
The preferred way to obtain blogracy sources is with git. Blogracy main repository is hosted at git:// However, if you intend to contribute to blogracy, we strongly encourage you to make a fork and then pull request the modifications.
- Create a fork through GitHub repository
- The fork repository will be at [email protected]:<USERNAME>/blogracy.git where <USERNAME> is your actual username
- Clone the new git fork:
git clone [email protected]:<USERNAME>/blogracy.git
If you are using Eclipse, issue the command directly in the workspace or move the sources afterwards.
To get the sources "read only" simply:
Issue the following command:
For more detailed information, read the instructions in the folder of each module:
The code of the present versions is mostly written by Enrico Franchi and Michele Tomaiuolo.
The project is currently maintained by Enrico Franchi and Michele Tomaiuolo.
- Enrico Franchi ([email protected]) [ core ]
- Michele Tomaiuolo ([email protected]) [ core ]
- Alan Nonnato () [ old core ]