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Code for the user-facing API of DECODE OpenCloud.

The user-facing API handles the communication with the users. The authenticated users can:

  • handle files
    • upload data or configuration
    • delete data
    • download job outputs
  • handle jobs
    • start jobs
    • list jobs/check job status
  • handle authentication (only in development and test environments)
    • create user
    • create new login token

Behind the scenes, the API communicates with the worker-facing API of DECODE OpenCloud. When a user starts a job, it sends it to the worker-facing API and gets job updates from it.

Development guide

Prepare the development environment

We use poetry for dependency tracking. See online guides on how to use it, but this setup should work:

  • conda create -n "3-11-10" python=3.11.10
  • conda activate 3-11-10
  • pip install pipx
  • pipx install poetry
  • poetry env use /path/to/conda/env/bin/python
  • poetry install Afterwards, when you need a new package, use poetry add [--group dev] <package> to add new dependencies. The --group dev option adds the dependency only for development (e.g., pre-commit hooks, pytest, ...).

Install the pre-commit hooks: pre-commit install. These currently include ruff and mypy.

Run locally

Define the environment variables

Copy the .env.example file to a .env file at the root of the directory and define its fields appropriately:

  • Deployment settings:
    • AUTH: whether to activate the authentication endpoints (for testing purposes).
  • Data settings:
    • FILESYSTEM: one of local or s3, where the data is stored.
    • S3_BUCKET: if FILESYSTEM==s3, in what bucket the data is stored.
    • S3_REGION: if FILESYSTEM==s3, in what region the bucket lies.
    • USER_DATA_ROOT_PATH: base path of the data storage (e.g. ../user_data for a local filesystem, or user_data for S3 storage).
    • DATABASE_URL: url of the database (e.g. sqlite:///./sql_app.db for a local database, or postgresql://postgres:{}@<db_url>:5432/<db_name> for a PostgreSQL database on AWS RDS).
    • DATABASE_SECRET: secret to connect to the database, will be filled into the DATABASE_URL in place of a {} placeholder. Can also be the ARN of an AWS SecretsManager secret.
  • Worker-facing API:
    • WORKERFACING_API_URL: url to use to connect to the worker-facing API.
    • INTERNAL_API_KEY_SECRET: secret to authenticate to the worker-facing API, and for the worker-facing API to authenticate to this API, for internal endpoints. Can also be the ARN of an AWS SecretsManager secret.
  • Authentication (only AWS Cognito is supported):
    • COGNITO_CLIENT_ID: Cognito client ID.
    • COGNITO_SECRET: Secret for the client (if required). Can also be the ARN of an AWS SecretsManager secret.
    • COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID: Cognito user pool ID.
    • COGNITO_REGION: Region for the user pool.
  • Application config location: APPLICATION_CONFIG_FILE (either local path or S3 path).
  • (Optional) Email notifications sending (only Mailjet is supported):
    • EMAIL_SENDER_SERVICE: Service used to send emails (can only be mailjet, or empty for no email notifications).
    • EMAIL_SENDER_ADDRESS: Address from which emails have to be sent (the API key must of course have the permissions for it).
    • EMAIL_SENDER_API_KEY: API key to use the email sender.
    • EMAIL_SENDER_SECRET_KEY: API key secret to use the email sender. Can also be the ARN of an AWS SecretsManager secret.

Start the user-facing API

poetry run serve

View the API documentation

You can find it at <API_URL>/docs (if running locally, <API_URL>=localhost:8000).


Alternatively, you can build a Docker image. For this, run poetry run docker-build: This will create a Docker image named api:<branch_name>.
To run the Docker container, use poetry run docker-serve.
To stop and delete all containers for this package, use poetry run docker-stop. If you want to additionally remove all images for this package and prune dangling images, run poetry run docker-cleanup.


Run them with poetry run pytest.

Note that tests marked with aws are skipped by default, to avoid the need for an AWS setup. They are however ran in the GitHub Action. For this to work, they must have been ran once locally with an account with sufficient permissions (poetry run pytest -m "aws"), since for security reasons, the AWS account used on GitHub does not have permissions to create RDS instances.

Add/modify runnable applications

Dockerize the application

See for example DECODE and Comet.
The image should:

  • Not define an ENTRYPOINT, for technical reasons (for workers on AWS Batch, we need to prepend a command that maps the job's folder on EFS to /files before the application is started).
  • Have run-specific input parameters either defined in an input file (typically a .yaml configuration), or read from environment variables.
  • Save its outputs separated in an output directory, an artifact directory (an example for this would be trained ML models that will be later used for predictions, e.g. in DECODE), and a logs directory. These directories are all optional.
    Then, push the image to a public repository, e.g., using this command line script.

Define the application configuration for DECODE OpenCloud

Add/modify entries in application_config.yaml (locally or on AWS S3, depending on the filesystem used), like:

        cmd: [<cmd_args>]
        env: [<allowed_env_keys>]
        image_url: <docker_image_url>  # local workers with docker-compose
        files_down: {<job_data_argument>: <relative_path_in_container>}  # e.g. {config_id: config, data_ids: data, artifact_ids: artifact}
        files_up: {<job_output_data_argument>: <relative_path_in_container>}  # e.g. {log: log, artifact: model, output: output}
        hardware:  # defines the resources requested to AWS if the user does not specify hardware constraints
          MEMORY: <default_memory>
          VCPU: <default_vcpu>
          GPU: <default_gpu>
        timeout: <default_timeout>


          - "/docker/"
          - "--train"
          - "--calib_path=$(find /files/data -name '*.mat' | head -n 1)"
          - "--param_path=$(find /files/config -name '*.yaml' | head -n 1)"
          - "--model_path=/files/model"
          - "--log_path=/files/log"
        env: []
        image_url: ""
          config_id: config
          data_ids: data
          artifact_ids: artifact
          log: log
          artifact: model
          MEMORY: 8000
          VCPU: 4
          GPU: 1
        timeout: 18000


  • Input and output files are always mounted under /files.
  • files_down specifies where the user-provided input directories should be mounted to, within the /files folder. For example, the folders specified by the user as data (data_ids) will be mounted to /files/data.
  • The input files (--calib_path and --param_path) are found via the file extension. Since it is specified in files_down that the configuration (config_id) will go to /files/config, $(find /files/config -name '*.yaml' | head -n 1) picks the .yaml configuration from there.
  • DECODE training produces an output model, whose location is set by passing the --model_path argument to the Docker container (in this case, to /files/model). files_up['artifact'] specifies that the worker will find the resulting artifact (the trained model) in /files/model.
  • In this case, there is no output data that is produced that are not logs or the output model. For this reason, there is not key output in files_up.

Use the new application

The new version configuration will be available immediately (the API reloads the application configuration when it is changed, see the technical implementation here).


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