A plugin for puppeteer-extra to provide puppeteer functionality with Angular synchronization support on Angular pages. It supports non-Angular pages starting on version 3.x.
$ npm install --save puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Provide puppeteer functionality with Angular synchronization support.
Extends: external:PuppeteerExtraPlugin
Param | Type | Description |
opts | Object |
Options |
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra');
(async () => {
const configs = [
label: 'Email',
selector: 'input.email',
type: 'type',
value: 'theEmail'
label: 'Subscribe',
selector: 'input.subscribe',
type: 'check',
label: 'Send',
selector: 'button',
type: 'click',
const data = {
theEmail: '[email protected]',
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
// Calling page.waitUntilActionReady internally.
await page.navigateUntilReady('https://angular.io');
await page.formFillOut(configs, data);
// Calling page.waitUntilActionReady internally.
await page.clickIfExists('a.link', 'A Link');
await page.toggleUncheck('input.radio[value="1"]', 'Uncheck Radio');
await page.toggleSelectByText('select1', 'Option 1', 'Selection');
await page.toggleDeselectByText('select2', 'Option 2', 'Deselection');
await page.toggleCheck('input.check', 'Checkbox');
// Wait until both document.readyState is interactive or complete
// and Angular is ready.
await page.waitUntilActionReady();
await page.typeIfExists('input.text', 'Something', 'Textfield');
// Wait until Angular is ready.
await page.waitUntilAngularReady();
await page.close();
await browser.close();
- puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular ⇐
- static
- .Click
- .ifExists(selector, [label], [timeout]) ⇒
- .ifExists(selector, [label], [timeout]) ⇒
- .Form
- .fillOut(configs, [data]) ⇒
- .fillOut(configs, [data]) ⇒
- .Navigate
- .untilReady(url, [timeout]) ⇒
- .untilReady(url, [timeout]) ⇒
- .Toggle
- .check(selector, [label]) ⇒
- .deselectByText(selector, values, [label]) ⇒
- .selectByText(selector, values, [label]) ⇒
- .uncheck(selector, [label]) ⇒
- .check(selector, [label]) ⇒
- .Type
- .ifExists(selector, value, [label]) ⇒
- .ifExists(selector, value, [label]) ⇒
- .Wait
- .untilActionReady([timeout]) ⇒
- .untilAngularReady([timeout]) ⇒
- .untilActionReady([timeout]) ⇒
- .Click
- inner
- static
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Trigger Click event if given selector exists and wait for Angular to be ready.
Kind: static method of Click
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if click triggered and Angular is ready, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
[label] | string |
"click" |
Debug label. |
[timeout] | number |
25000 |
Maximum wait timeout. |
const response = await page.clickIfExists('a[href="/"]', 'Some Link', 5000);
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Fill out the form's field on given configs and data.
Kind: static method of Form
Returns: Promise.<void>
- Promise to be resolved once the form filled out.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
configs | Array.<Object> |
An array of field configs. | |
[configs[].defaultValue] | string |
null |
Default value. |
configs[].label | string |
Debug label. | |
configs[].selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
configs[].type | check | click | deselect-text | select-text | type | uncheck |
Action type. | |
configs[].value | string |
JmesPath expression of the given data. | |
[data] | Object |
{} |
Data to be used to fill out the form. |
const configs = [
label: 'Name',
selector: 'input.name',
type: 'type',
value: 'theName'
label: 'Company',
selector: 'input.company',
type: 'type',
value: 'theCompany'
const data = {
theCompany: 'My Company',
theName: 'My Name',
await page.formFillOut(configs, data);
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Navigate to given url and wait for Angular to be ready.
Kind: static method of Navigate
Returns: Promise.<void>
- Promise to be resolved once the navigation is completed.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
url | string |
Target URL. | |
[timeout] | number |
25000 |
Maximum wait timeout. |
await page.navigateUntilReady('https://angular.io', 5000);
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
- .Toggle
- .check(selector, [label]) ⇒
- .deselectByText(selector, values, [label]) ⇒
- .selectByText(selector, values, [label]) ⇒
- .uncheck(selector, [label]) ⇒
- .check(selector, [label]) ⇒
Check the checkbox or radio button field.
Kind: static method of Toggle
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if the field is checked, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
[label] | string |
"toggle" |
Debug label. |
const response = await page.toggleCheck('input.checkbox', 'Some Checkbox');
Deselect given values from the select field options.
Kind: static method of Toggle
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if the given values are deselected, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
values | Array |
A list of value to be deselected from the select field. | |
[label] | string |
"toggle" |
Debug label. |
const response = await page.toggleDeselectByText('select.by-text',
'Some Option', 'Some Select');
Select given values from the select field options.
Kind: static method of Toggle
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if the given values are selected, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
values | Array |
A list of value to be selected from the select field. | |
[label] | string |
"toggle" |
Debug label. |
const response = await page.toggleSelectByText('select.by-text',
'Some Other Option', 'Some Select');
Uncheck the checkbox or radio button field.
Kind: static method of Toggle
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if the field is unchecked, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
[label] | string |
"toggle" |
Debug label. |
const response = await page.toggleUncheck('input.checkbox', 'Some Checkbox');
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Fill out the field on given selector with given value.
Kind: static method of Type
Returns: Promise.<boolean>
- Truthy if the field is filled out, otherwise falsy.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
selector | string |
Selector to match. | |
value | string |
Value to be used to fill out the field. | |
[label] | string |
"'type'" |
Debug label. |
const response = await page.typeIfExists('input.email', '[email protected]', 'Email');
Kind: static constant of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
- .Wait
- .untilActionReady([timeout]) ⇒
- .untilAngularReady([timeout]) ⇒
- .untilActionReady([timeout]) ⇒
Wait until both page and Angular is ready.
Kind: static method of Wait
Returns: Promise.<void>
- Promise to be resolved once the wait is completed.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[timeout] | number |
25000 |
Maximum wait timeout. |
await page.waitUntilActionReady(5000);
Wait until Angular is ready.
Kind: static method of Wait
Returns: Promise.<void>
- Promise to be resolved once the wait is completed.
Param | Type | Default | Description |
[timeout] | number |
25000 |
Maximum wait timeout. |
await page.waitUntilAngularReady(5000);
Kind: inner class of puppeteer-extra-plugin-angular
Process debug information if it is not negligible messages.
Kind: instance method of Logger
Returns: null
- Null value.
Param | Type | Description |
...args | * |
Debug arguments. |
const logger = new Logger('module:namespace');
const response = await logger.debug('debug message %s', Error('error'));
Process debug information if it is not negligible messagesi and return response value.
Kind: instance method of Logger
Returns: *
- Given response value.
Param | Type | Description |
response | * |
Response value. |
...args | * |
Debug arguments. |
const logger = new Logger('module:namespace');
const response = await logger.debugAndReturn(true, 'debug message %s', Error('error'));
You will need to install Node.js as a local development dependency. The npm
package manager comes bundled with all recent releases of Node.js
npm install
will attempt to resolve any npm
module dependencies that have been declared in the project’s package.json
file, installing them into the node_modules
$ npm install
To make sure we followed code style best practice, run:
$ npm run lint
To make sure we did not break anything, let's run:
$ npm test
If you would like to contribute code to Puppeteer Extra Plugin Angular repository you can do so through GitHub by forking the repository and sending a pull request.
If you do not agree to Contribution Agreement, do not contribute any code to Puppeteer Extra Plugin Angular repository.
When submitting code, please make every effort to follow existing conventions and style in order to keep the code as readable as possible. Please also include appropriate test cases.
That's it! Thank you for your contribution!
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020 Richard Huang.
This plugin is free software, licensed under: GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL-3.0).
Documentation and other similar content are provided under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.