This is an OpenShift plugin to ElasticSearch to:
- Dynamically update the SearchGuard ACL based on a user's name
- Transform kibana index requests to support multitenant deployments
With the update to use Searchguard-2 and Searchguard-SSL for ES 2.4.x, the OpenShift-Elasticsearch-Plugin assumes the initial ACLs are seeded when the cluster is started.
You can view sample configurations [here] (./samples/).
As with sgadmin
, the plugin needs to use the certificate with a DN that matches
the searchguard.authcz.admin_dn
as defined in the ES config to be able to
update the Searchguard index. You can specify the certificate and truststore information
for the esClient with the following properties.
Property | Description |
openshift.searchguard.keystore.path | The certificate that contains the cert and key for the admin_dn. Default: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/admin.jks |
openshift.searchguard.truststore.path | The truststore that contains the certificate for Elasticsearch. Default: /usr/share/elasticsearch/config/logging-es.truststore.jks |
openshift.searchguard.keystore.password | The password to open the keystore. Default: kspass |
openshift.searchguard.truststore.password | The password to open the truststore. Default: tspass |
openshift.searchguard.keystore.type | The file type for the keystore. JKS or PKCS12 are accepted. Default: JKS |
openshift.searchguard.truststore.type | The file type for the truststore. JKS or PKCS12 are accepted. Default: JKS |
You can configure which projects are deemed part of the .operations index for ACL configuration.
In your config file:
openshift.operations.project.names: ["default", "openshift", "openshift-infra"]
The defaults must all be in lower-case to be properly matched.
The following additional parameters can be set in set in elasticsearch.yml
Property | Description |
io.fabric8.elasticsearch.acl.sync_delay_millis | The delay in milliseconds before the SG AGL document is resynced with OpenShift |
io.fabric8.elasticsearch.acl.user_profile_prefix | The prefix to use to store Kibana user visualizations (default: .kibana.USERUUID ) | | Absolute file path to a JSON document that defines the index mapping for applications |
io.fabric8.elasticsearch.kibana.mapping.ops | Absolute file path to a JSON document that defines the index mapping for operations |
*io.fabric8.elasticsearch.kibana.mapping.empty | Absolute file path to a JSON document that defines the index mapping for blank indexes |
openshift.config.project_index_prefix | The string value that project/namespace indices use as their prefix (default: ``) for example, with the |
common data model, if the namespace is test , the index name will be |
project.test.$uuid.YYYY.MM.DD . In this case, use "project" as the |
prefix - do not include the trailing . . |
Note: The io.fabric8.elasticsearch.kibana.mapping.*
properties are required and must be defined for the plugin to function. A sample file
may be found in the samples
Following are the dependencies
- [ElasticSearch 2.4.4] (
- [Search-Guard] (
- [Search-Guard-SSL] (
- Edit the Elasticsearch deployment config:
$oc edit dc/$ES_DCNAME
- Add environment variable:
- env:
- name: ES_JAVA_OPTS
value: -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4021
- Forward the debug port
oc port-forward $ES_PODNAME 4000:4021
Note: Mileage may vary here as this has not been verified since the plugin was compatible with ES1.7x
-Des.path.home=${env_var:ES_HOME} -Delasticsearch -Des.foreground=yes -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Delasticsearch -Xms256m -Xmx1g -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75 -XX:+UseCMSInitiatingOccupancyOnly -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
- Environment Variables: