Grab all the slack users from a community, and create a kumu directory diagram with pictures and the rest of the user data.
This is just boilerplate from a chatgpt discussion for now. Placeholder to save the idea before I crash out.
How to Use: Update Tokens: Replace SLACK_TOKEN, KUMU_API_TOKEN, and KUMU_PROJECT_ID with your actual Slack and Kumu credentials. Run the Script: On your Mac terminal, run the script with: bash Copy code python Visualize in Kumu: After running the script, you will see the users' circular elements with their profile pictures in Kumu. Clicking on any element will show the rest of their Slack information in the description. This script now fully integrates both profile pictures and Slack user data into Kumu, creating a rich, interactive diagram of Slack users. Let me know if you need any further adjustments!