A bit of code to simulate a ball-clock, and analyze how many days a clock with n balls can continue with a unique cofiguration of [distinct] balls, before returning to its original configuration.
; Create a ball-clock
(ball-clock 4)
; => {:ones [] :fives [] :hours [] :queue <-(0 1 2 3)-<}
; How many minutes can the ball clock represent?
(maximum-minutes (ball-clock 5))
; => 9
; Increment the "minutes" field in a clock
(increment-minutes (ball-clock 3))
; => {:ones [0] :fives [] :hours [] :queue <-(1 2)-<}
; Increment the minutes a given number of times
(increment-minutes (ball-clock 5) 6)
; => {:ones [3] :fives [4] :hours [] :queue <-(2 1 0)-<}
; Analyze how many unique 12-hour cycles a clock with the given number of balls will have
(unique-cycles 29)
; => 204
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