simple program to rotate a circular sequence to start at a given position or string
To download and compile:
git clone ; cd rotate ; make
To run:
rotate [options] <input fasta filename>
-x <pos> position to become new start [0]
-rc reverse complement after rotating [false]
-s <string> rotate to start of search string
-m <n_mismatch> maximum number of mismatches allowed in search [0]
-o <outfilename> output file [standard output]
use either -x and optionally -rc, or -s
use filename '-' for standard input
can read .fa.gz files as well as .fa files
./rotate -s tcta test.fa > output.fa
sequence 1 length 11
forward 4 nerr 0
sequence 2 length 11
forward 10 nerr 0
sequence 3 length 12
sequence 4 length 11
reverse 10 nerr 0
cat output.fa
You also get for free a handy utility to inspect a (optionally gzipped) fasta or fastq file and return the number of sequences and their lengths, with optional additional information.
Usage: composition [opts] <filename>
will read fasta, fastq, optionally gzipped. Use filename '-' for stdin.
-b : show base counts
-q : show quality counts
-t : show time and memory used
-l : show length distribution in up to 20 quadratic bins
./composition test.fa
fasta file, 4 sequences >= 0, 45 total, 11.25 average, 11 min, 12 max
./composition -b -t -l test.fa
fasta file, 4 sequences >= 0, 45 total, 11.25 average, 11 min, 12 max
A 11 24.4 %
C 12 26.7 %
G 12 26.7 %
T 10 22.2 %
approximate N50 11
length distribution (quadratic bins)
10 3
11 1
user 0.000028 system 0.000097 max_RSS 114688 memory 16902632