Ansible role for installing Zabbix agent and configuring to monitor Raspberry Pi specific parameters. Role will install script that can monitor:
- board version
- board revision
- board serialnumber
- firmware version
- cpu voltage
- cpu clock
- cpu memmory
- cpu temperature
- gpu memmory
Script deployment path:
rpi_monitor_script: /usr/local/sbin/
The name of the service to be restarted:
zabbix_agent_service: zabbix-agent
Name of the Zabbix Agent package in repository:
zabbix_agent_package: zabbix-agent
Where is Zabbix Agent config is located at:
zabbix_agent_config: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
Hostname of the server where Zabbix Agent is running (configured in Zabbix Server):
zabbix_agent_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
Number of second Zabbix Agent should timeout Active checks scripts:
zabbix_agent_timeout: 10
UserParameters to be checked by Zabbix Agent: ``zabbix_agent_userparameters:
- {name: "rpi.boardversion", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} boardversion"}
- {name: "rpi.boardrevision", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} boardrevision"}
- {name: "rpi.boardserialnumber", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} boardserialnumber"}
- {name: "rpi.cpuvoltage", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} cpuvoltage"}
- {name: "rpi.cpuclock", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} cpuclock"}
- {name: "rpi.cpumem", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} cpumem"}
- {name: "rpi.firmwareversion", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} firmwareversion"}
- {name: "rpi.gpumem", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} gpumem"}
- {name: "rpi.temperature", command: "sudo {{ rpi_monitor_script }} temperature"}``
IP address of the Zabbix Server:
Scripts that will be zabbix user able to start without password as root:
zabbix_user_sudoers_scripts: "{{ rpi_monitor_script }}"
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters):
- hosts: all roles: - raspberry-pi-zabbix
Zabbix template raspberry-pi-zabbix_template.xml
is stored in meta directory. You can import this template into your Zabbix in order to start monitoring your Raspberry Pi.
Created by Richard Kellner (@RicCo386).
Submit issues and pull requests on GitHub at ``_.