RISC processor and MPEG-4 decoder examples using ForSyDe-SADF.
This is a temporary repository for the case study for the paper
R. Bonna, D. S. Loubach, G. Ungureanu and I. Sander. Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Applications using Scenario-Aware Dataflow
In the future these examples will be migrated and integrated to forsyde-shallow-examples
This project needs the Haskell platform and the package manager Stack.
Note: install stack according to the instructions on the web page, i.e.
curl -sSL https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
wget -qO- https://get.haskellstack.org/ | sh
Update Stack, so that it reflects a current snapshot of the package repositories.
stack upgrade
stack update
Now you only need to install this project:
cd path/to/forsydeSADF-examples
stack install
and wait until everything is properly installed.
The source files can be found in the src/
directory. To load them into a Haskell interpreter session where you can execute all the declared functions individually, type in
stack ghci
To run the provided test suites defined in in test/
with example input values, type in
stack build :risc-example # executes the RISC example in the paper
stack build :mpeg-example # executes the MPEG4 example with test input
stack test # runs both previous examples