Releases: ricardo-ch/ricardo-orbs
Change working directory of (isopod) build_push_image job
- execute isopod build_push_image job with module directory as working directory (allows dockerfile to be path agnostic)
- bump orb version in examples and readme
this is a breaking change for monorepos - so far paths were hardcoded in the respective dockerfiles (which were typically placed in the respective app module/directory); with this new orb version the build expects the dockerfile to be in the same directory as the isopod.yml and the build outputs (e.g. target/
in case of maven/java), and the dockerfile can be path-agnositc in turn.
[ric-orb@2 ➡️ ric-orb@3]: minimal (yet complete) example to highlight the migration is ricardo-ch/incidents-api#182
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circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Improve maven_build_test job
- login to jfrog so that builds using test-containers can download the required docker images
- mark all lines in examples that have to be edited when applying the example
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circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Improve Java Examples
monorepo example now designed to support github status-checks
Improve Java Examples
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circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Use docker layer caching by default
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circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Testing jobs for js
- runs jest tests with CircleCi parallelism
- runs all other js tests, e.g. lint
, ts
Improved support for java applications (incl bugfix)
fixes a regression from v2.0.0 (where parameters in default values are not resolved)
release notes v2.0.0:
new resources to minimize configuration in java repos:
- new java specific
job - new java specific
commands - new java specific
executors - new examples to be used as template for config in java repos / monorepos
introduces some breaking changes:
job: fixing typo in parameter namedocker_layer_cashing
job: removinglang
parameter - it had little to no functiondeploy_job
job: removingdefault_deploy
param - overwriting thedeploy_steps
should be enough, no need for a redundant 2nd parameter
see also notion
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View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI:
circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Publish npm modules job
Publish npm modules job
js executor
Minor fixes: creating existing directory
- Fix mkdir for already existing .m2 dir
ISOPOD_VERSION as default isopod version
View this orb release in the orb registry: View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI: `circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]`