Releases: ricardo-ch/ricardo-orbs
Add support to provide an external configuration file for codeql
It is now possible to define a path of the Code Scanning configuration file. A Code Scanning configuration file specifies options on how to create the CodeQL databases and what queries to run in later steps. For more details on the format of this configuration file, refer to
Js orbs improvements
View this orb release in the orb registry: View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI: `circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]`
js-related orbs refactor
⚠️ ⚠️ Breaking changes ⚠️ ⚠️
It only concerns js
related orbs.
The following jobs were renamed:
Other changes
now supports nextjs/legacy appsjs_build_job.yml
- new job
Storybook deploy job
Add a new deploy job for storybook on JS apps
v5.6.0: View this orb release in the orb registry: View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI: `circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]`
job go-build-test: login to jfrog
login to jfrog in go-build-test job so that it is possible to use testcontainers / dockercompose (given an adequate executor)
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View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI:
circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Introduce CodeQL
This release introduces the CodeQL job that eventually will be used by all of our repositories that are deployed on production.
The reason to have CodeQL as part of CircleCI instead of using GitHub Actions is to lower the risk of stuck builds / deployments because one of the CI platforms (CircleCI or GitHub) is down.
This new CircleCI job was created according to the CodeQL documentation from GitHub: It is supposed to support all the repositories, and therefore tech stacks, we currently have and use.
Use CircleCI's default docker version by default for remote-docker
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View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI:
circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
maven_assert_snapshot_version Job (and Command)
new job: maven_assert_snapshot_version
new command: maven_assert_expression
the new job allows to abort (fail) a workflow if the maven version is unexpected (typically used for library releases which should not be triggered from snapshot versions)
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circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]
Executor parameter for maven_build_test and maven_deploy_artifact
changes parametrization of maven_build_test and maven_deploy_artifact so that they take an executor instead of an executor name
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View this orb release using the CircleCI CLI:
circleci orb source ricardo/[email protected]