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Easy to use tracing with zipkin or jaeger tracing in golang


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Go-tracing provides an easy way to use jeager tracing with only four lines of code.

Quick start

// import the library
import ""

// set your tracer
tracing.SetGlobalTracer(appName, "{zipkin_url}")
defer tracing.FlushCollector()

// define a trace
span, ctx := tracing.CreateSpan(ctx, "{span_name}", nil)
defer span.Finish()


make run-jaeger
go run examples/basic/main.go
go run examples/httpServer/main.go
go run examples/httpServer-middleware/main.go
go run examples/httpGoKit-middleware/main.go

To watch traces you just have to hit http://localhost:16686/search

Examples declare the envar they need in the code (e.g.: os.Setenv("JAEGER_AGENT_HOST", "localhost")), but technically, if using jaeger you are supposed to properly declare envar outside of the code. See list there


  • Create span from nothing
  • Create span from context
  • Extract/Inject span from/to httpRequest
  • Extract/Inject span from/to a map[string]string (textMapCarrier)
  • Declare an error span


go-tracing is licensed under the MIT license. (


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