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Releases: ribot/easy-adapter

1.5.0 - Extra methods in adapters

10 Jun 09:47
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Add new methods to EasyAdapter and EasyRecyclerAdapter:

  • getItems(): Access the underlying List of data items so there is more flexibility to interact with the Adapter.
  • removeItem(T item): Removes a given item from the adapter and refreshes the AdapterView or RecyclerView
  • removeItems(Collection items): Same as above but for a collection of items.
  • addItems(Collection items): Add a Collection of items and refreshes the AdapterView or RecyclerView
  • setItemsWithoutNotifying(List): Same as setItems(List) but this method does not call notifyDataSetChanged()

1.4.0 - Listener support

19 Dec 11:24
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  • Improves the way that exceptions are handled.
  • Adds the option to pass a generic Object to the ItemViewHolder through the easy adapters constructor. This new argument called listener is intented to pass an implementation of an interface to the view holder that then can be used as a callback to notify Activities or Fragments of an action, i.e one of the views in the list has been clicked.

1.3.0 - RecyclerView Support

05 Nov 20:32
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Adds a EasyRecyclerAdapter and BaseEasyRecyclerAdapter so now we can use this library with RecyclerViews in the same way as ListViews


11 Sep 16:34
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Refactor EasyAdapter, move getView() implementation to an abstract BaseEasyAdapter to allow the implementation of custom easy adapters with different data structures.


07 Jul 16:01
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Performance improvements. Now onSetListeners() is only called once when the ItemViewHolder is created. This introduces breaking changes because now onSetListeners() doesn't have any parameters.


14 Apr 10:09
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Adds a new helper method ViewHolder.getContext() that makes it easier to access the resources in the ViewHolder


31 Mar 07:14
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Merge branch 'master' of