Nix? Flatpak? Why not both?
NixPak is essentially a fancy declarative wrapper around bwrap and xdg-dbus-proxy. You can use it to sandbox all sorts of Nix-packaged applications, including graphical ones.
- Bind-mount any host path, rw and ro
- Bind-mount devices
- Full network isolation
- D-Bus access control
- Flatpak Shim
- Fools xdg-desktop-portal into thinking your Nix application is a Flatpak!
- Enables use of the Document Portal, so you don't need to bind-mount your entire home directory but can still open and save files in arbitrary locations.
Also see the examples directory
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
nixpak = {
url = "github:max-privatevoid/nixpak";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixpak }: {
packages.x86_64-linux = let
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
mkNixPak = inputs.nixpak.lib.nixpak {
inherit (pkgs) lib;
inherit pkgs;
sandboxed-hello = mkNixPak {
config = {
# the application to isolate
app.package = pkgs.hello;
# path to the executable to be wrapped
# this is usually autodetected but
# can be set explicitly nonetheless
app.binPath = "bin/hello";
# enabled by default, flip to disable
# and to remove dependency on xdg-dbus-proxy
dbus.enable = true;
# same usage as --see, --talk, --own
dbus.policies = {
"org.freedesktop.DBus" = "talk";
"ca.desrt.dconf" = "talk";
# needs to be set for Flatpak emulation
# defaults to com.nixpak.${name}
# where ${name} is generated from the drv name like:
# hello -> Hello
# my-app -> MyApp
flatpak.appId = "org.myself.HelloApp";
bubblewrap = {
# disable all network access
network = false;
# lists of paths to be mounted inside the sandbox
# supports limited runtime resolution of environment variables
# does not support mounting things at a different path (SRC != DST)
# this is subject to change and will be much nicer eventually = [
]; = [
]; = [
in {
# Just the wrapped /bin/${mainProgram} binary
hello = sandboxed-hello.config.script;
# A symlinkJoin that resembles the original package,
# except the main binary is swapped for the
# wrapper script, as are textual references
# to the binary, like in D-Bus service files.
# Useful for GUI apps.
hello-env = sandboxed-hello.config.env;