Social network scraper. Just a simple implementation to grab info from Facebook and Twitter.
Python 2.7.x
MongoDB >= 2.2.x
RabbitMQ >= 3.3.4
yum install mongodb-server rabbitmq-server supervisor nginx
chkconfig mongodb-server on
chkconfig rabbitmq-server on
chkconfig supervisord on
chkconfig nginx on
useradd raker
cd /opt/
git clone
chown raker: raker -R
cd raker
mkdir env logs
virtualenv env
./env/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
cp raker/ raker/
(Edit and put your accesses informations)
You can use a process control system to launch your application, so take a look at utils folders.
cat /opt/raker/utils/api_supervisord.conf >> /etc/supervisord.conf
cp /opt/raker/utils/raker.nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
sed -i bak -e /YOUR_DOMAIN/<put_your_domain_here>/g /etc/nginx/conf.d/raker.nginx.conf
service supervisord restart
service nginx restart
Your can run N workers in distributed servers, so if it'll be isolated remember to install supervisord and run:
cat /opt/raker/utils/celery_supervisord.conf >> /etc/supervisord.conf
service supervisord restart
If you don't want run the above step, just open a terminal and run the processess.
To start the RESTful API:
To start scraper:
/opt/raker/env/bin/celery -A raker.tasks worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=10 -n worker1.%h
To scrap a facebook profile:
curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"profile":"","p_type":"f"}' http://localhost:8080/profile
To scrap a twitter profile:
curl -i -H 'Content-type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"profile":"ribeiroit","p_type":"t"}' http://localhost:8080/profile
To read a profile already scraped:
curl http://localhost:8080/profile/f/
To read all profiles ordering by popularity:
curl http://localhost:8080/profile/popularity
/opt/raker/env/bin/python -m unittest discover