Ansible Role to install Jetty
See the defaults file, ansible-role-jetty/defaults/main.yml, f or the definitive list.
There are three defaults that can be altered:
jetty_version: 9.4.9.v20180320
- the jetty version - currently this is the only version supported
- the distribution file is pulled from
jetty_base: /opt/jetty_base
- put your jetty customizations here
jetty_home: /opt/jetty_home
- the definitive jetty install
jetty_user: jetty
- user who owns and runs jetty
jetty_group: jetty
- group who owns and runs jetty
- hosts: jetty_servers
- role:
become: yes
This role was development with molecule
To install all the development requirements
pip install ansible==2.8.1 \
ansible-lint==4.1.0 \
To use the docker scenario you will also need pip install docker==4.0.2
To run the complete suite of tests (yamlint, ansible-lint, idempotency, etc) run molecule test
To test application of role on a docker image run molecule converge
To log into said image run molecule login
Destroy test container with molecule destroy
And if you're testing with packer (or anywhere else locally) you can use
ln -s $(pwd)/ansible-role-jetty ~/.ansible/roles/rhythmic.jetty
so it will be available to the ansible provisioner