Translate Markdown document on Google Translate
is a command line tool to translate your Markdown document on Google Translate. It receives Markdown document from stdin and strips it to plain text, then open Google Translate with the plain text on a browser.
$ npm install -g translate-markdown
Please see translate-markdown --help
$ translate-markdown [--help|--strip-only|--apikey {key}] {target lang}
Translate Makrdown document from stdin.
Below receive Markdown text ( from stdin and open a browser to
translate it in Google Translate.
$ cat | translate-markdown ja
Note that there is restriction of the number of characters.
{target lang}
Specify target language you want to translate. For example, 'en' is for
English and 'ja' is for Japanese. The language of markdown text is
automatically detected.
Strip markdown to plain text only. Stripped plain text is output to
--apikey {key}
Use Google Translate API isntead of opening a browser. The result text will
be output to stdout. You can also use $TRANSLATE_MARKDOWN_APIKEY environment
variable to set a API key.
Show this help.
Features are also available from Node.js program. Please see APIs in code.
function! s:translate_markdown(lang) abort
if &filetype !=# 'markdown'
echoerr 'Not a Markdown buffer!'
if !executable('translate-markdown')
echoerr '`translate-markdown` command is not found!'
let start = getpos("'<")
let end = getpos("'>")
let saved = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', start)
normal! v
call setpos('.', end)
let save_reg_g = getreg('g')
let save_regtype_g = getregtype('g')
normal! "gy
let input = getreg('g')
call setreg('g', save_reg_g, save_regtype_g)
call setpos('.', saved)
echo system('translate-markdown ' . a:lang, input)
command! -nargs=0 -range=% TranslateMarkdown call <SID>translate_markdown('en')<CR>
Copy and paste above code to your .vimrc
. Now :TranslateMarkdown
command is available in visual mode and normal mode. Select the range you want to translate and execute :TranslateMarkdown
, then Google Translate is opened with the selected text in browser.
If you want to map the command to some key sequence, please use :autocmd
and :noremap
. Below maps <Leader>T
to the command.
autocmd FileType markdown noremap <buffer><Leader>T :TranslateMarkdown<CR>