A personal list for DevOps and SRE tools, showcases and guides that I've used in production or plan to use soon.
Self hosted tools that provide excellent external authentication integration will be used rather than SAAS ones, as larger organizations typically want to own their data and may have security requirements preventing the use of SAAS. SAAS only options will be marked as such. The only cases this won't apply is where there's no reasonable self hosted alternative or the utility of the tool is that high that making a case for it could be considered.
- Atlassian Bamboo (SAAS or on Prem, being deprecated in favour of SAAS Bitbucket pipelines)
- Azure DevOps Pipelines (SAAS)
- GitLab CI (SAAS or on Prem)
- Jetbrains Teamcity
- Integration Testing - Test Kitchen
- Unit Tests - Rspec
- Style/Linter - Cookstyle
- Blast-Radius - potentailly defunct, doesn't work for large scale projects
- Infracost (SAAS) - Quite new, supports some AWS resources with more provider support coming soon
- Terraform Visual - haven't tested in some time
- Checkov
In my opinion engineers are most productive when documentation is kept as close to source code as possible.
- BookStack - not git compatible but you could set git up to pull into the source directory on a schedule
- Gitbook (SAAS)
- MDBook
- Datadog (SAAS)
- Prometheus, Alertmanager & Grafana
- Pager Duty (SAAS)