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A Python parser for BM&F Bovespa Historical Series Files


  • Parses COTAHISTXXXX.TXT files
  • Parses data passed as string array
  • Configurable to retrieve specific data:
    • Contains market type filters (VISTA, OPCOES, ...)
    • Accepts configuration of desired data fields to be retrieved
    • Data fields order can be freely specified


pip install bovespaparser

There are no external dependencies.


Getting started

In the sample code presented bellow, you can check out how to parse a file and print it's data out:

import bovespaparser.bovespaparser as bvparser

with open('filename', 'rU') as f:
	result = bvparser.parsedata(f)

print result

The results returned by the parsedata function consists of a list of lists: a list of records, where a record holds some information-data for a stock paper in a certain day (a line on the given file).

The parsedata function has two optional parameters:

def parsedata(data, opts=[CODNEG, DATA, PREABE, PREMIN, PREMAX, PREULT, QUATOT], market=VISTA):
    # implementation ...
  • opts parameter: specifies what information should be retrieved for each stock paper tick;
  • market parameter: specifies the desired market data (filters out other markets)

Calling the function (using the default parameters) would then return a list of records holding:

  • symbol - the stock symbol (str)
  • date - the period of the quotation tick (datetime.datetime)
  • open - stock tick open value (float)
  • min - stock tick min value (float)
  • max - stock tick max value (float)
  • close - stock tick close value (float)
  • volume - the volume in the period (int)

So, it easy to analyse results:

for symbol, datetime, f_open, f_min, f_max, f_close, volume in results:
    # process data ...

To find out more about the available parameter options and its meanings, refer to the official BMFBOVESPA documentation (also present on the docs directory).

Importing data into pandas

Bellow, a (not so pretty/optimized) example of how to import data from a file and creating pandas dataframes for each stock symbol:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import pandas
import collections
import bovespaparser.bovespaparser as bvparser

class CotahistImporter(object):

    def __init__(self, f):
        self.dataFrameMap = {}

        dataMap = collections.defaultdict(list)
        mapping = [("open", 1), ("high", 2), ("low", 3), ("close", 4), ("volume", 5)]

        for symbol, datetime, openv, minv, maxv, close, volume in bvparser.parsedata(f):
            symbolData = dataMap.get(symbol)
            symbolData.append([datetime, openv, maxv, minv, close, volume])

        for symbol in dataMap.keys():
            data = zip(*dataMap.get(symbol))
            timeseries = dict((column_name, pandas.TimeSeries(data[column_index], index=data[0], name=column_name)) for column_name, column_index in mapping)
            self.dataFrameMap[symbol] = pandas.DataFrame(timeseries, columns=['open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'])

    def getDataFrameMap(self):
        return self.dataFrameMap


Any feedback is always appreciated!


Python parser for BM&F Bovespa Historical Series Files






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