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Multilayer canopy code to run at US-NR1
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Gordon Bonan committed Jul 9, 2024
1 parent d730e34 commit 7de8f78
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Showing 8 changed files with 402 additions and 69 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/main/clm_varctl.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module clm_varctl

! RSL psihat look-up tables

character(len=256), public :: rslfile = '/glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rsl_lookup_tables/'
character(len=256), public :: rslfile = '/fs/cgd/csm/inputdata/lnd/clm2/rsl_lookup_tables/'

! Flag to read ndep rather than obtain it from coupler
Expand Down
96 changes: 72 additions & 24 deletions src/multilayer_canopy/MLCanopyFluxesMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ module MLCanopyFluxesMod
implicit none
integer, parameter :: nvar1d = 12 ! Number of single-level fluxes to accumulate over sub-time steps
integer, parameter :: nvar2d = 5 ! Number of multi-level profile fluxes to accumulate over sub-time steps
integer, parameter :: nvar1d = 15 ! Number of single-level fluxes to accumulate over sub-time steps
integer, parameter :: nvar2d = 8 ! Number of multi-level profile fluxes to accumulate over sub-time steps
integer, parameter :: nvar3d = 10 ! Number of multi-level leaf fluxes to accumulate over sub-time steps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ subroutine MLCanopyFluxes (bounds, num_exposedvegp, filter_exposedvegp, &
! The last dimension is the number of variables

real(r8) :: flux_accumulator(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,nvar1d) ! Single-level fluxes
real(r8) :: flux_accumulator_profile(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,1:nlevmlcan,nvar2d) ! Multi-level profile fluxes
real(r8) :: flux_accumulator_profile(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,1:nlevmlcan+1,nvar2d) ! Multi-level profile fluxes
real(r8) :: flux_accumulator_leaf(bounds%begp:bounds%endp,1:nlevmlcan,1:nleaf,nvar3d) ! Multi-level leaf fluxes

Expand All @@ -134,8 +134,9 @@ subroutine MLCanopyFluxes (bounds, num_exposedvegp, filter_exposedvegp, &
forc_v => atm2lnd_inst%forc_v_grc , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric wind speed in north direction (m/s)
forc_pco2 => atm2lnd_inst%forc_pco2_grc , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric CO2 partial pressure (Pa)
forc_po2 => atm2lnd_inst%forc_po2_grc , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric O2 partial pressure (Pa)
forc_solad => atm2lnd_inst%forc_solad_not_downscaled_grc , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric direct beam radiation (W/m2)
forc_solad_col => atm2lnd_inst%forc_solad_downscaled_col , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric direct beam radiation (W/m2)
forc_solai => atm2lnd_inst%forc_solai_grc , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric diffuse radiation (W/m2)
coszen_col => surfalb_inst%coszen_col , & ! INPUT: CLM cosine of solar zenith angle
forc_t => atm2lnd_inst%forc_t_downscaled_col , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric temperature (K)
forc_q => wateratm2lndbulk_inst%forc_q_downscaled_col , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric specific humidity (kg/kg)
forc_pbot => atm2lnd_inst%forc_pbot_downscaled_col , & ! INPUT: Atmospheric pressure (Pa)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,9 +300,9 @@ subroutine MLCanopyFluxes (bounds, num_exposedvegp, filter_exposedvegp, &
! Atmospheric forcing: CLM grid cell (g) variables -> patch (p) variables

uref(p) = max (wind_forc_min, sqrt(forc_u(g)*forc_u(g)+forc_v(g)*forc_v(g)))
swskyb(p,ivis) = forc_solad(g,ivis)
swskyb(p,ivis) = forc_solad_col(c,ivis)
swskyd(p,ivis) = forc_solai(g,ivis)
swskyb(p,inir) = forc_solad(g,inir)
swskyb(p,inir) = forc_solad_col(c,inir)
swskyd(p,inir) = forc_solai(g,inir)

! Re-partition direct and diffuse radiation if desired
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -362,19 +363,19 @@ subroutine MLCanopyFluxes (bounds, num_exposedvegp, filter_exposedvegp, &
p = filter_mlcan(fp)
c = patch%column(p)
g = patch%gridcell(p)
lat = grc%lat(g)
lon = grc%lon(g)
lat = grc%latdeg(g) * pi / 180._r8
lon = grc%londeg(g) * pi / 180._r8
coszen = shr_orb_cosz (caldaym1, lat, lon, declinm1)
solar_zen(p) = acos(max(0.01_r8,coszen))

! Compare coszen to that expected from CLM

if (abs(coszen-surfalb_inst%coszen_col(c)) > 1.e-2_r8) then
if (abs(coszen-coszen_col(c)) .gt. 1.e-03_r8) then
write (iulog,*) 'ERROR: MLCanopyFluxes: coszen diagnostic timestepping error'
write (iulog,*) 'nstep: ',nstep
write (iulog,*) 'coszen: ',coszen
write (iulog,*) 'CLM coszen: ',surfalb_inst%coszen_col(c)
call endrun (msg=' MLCanopyFluxes: stopping on coszen error')
write (iulog,*) 'CLM coszen: ',coszen_col(c)
! call endrun (msg=' MLCanopyFluxes: stopping on coszen error')
end if
end do

Expand All @@ -401,6 +402,14 @@ subroutine MLCanopyFluxes (bounds, num_exposedvegp, filter_exposedvegp, &
lai(p) = elai(p)
sai(p) = esai(p)

write (iulog,*) ' '
write (iulog,*) 'nstep = ',nstep
write (iulog,*) 'htop, zref, ncan'
write (iulog,*) htop(p),zref(p),ncan(p)
write (iulog,*) 'lai, sai, nbot, ntop'
write (iulog,*) lai(p),sai(p),mlcanopy_inst%nbot_canopy(p),mlcanopy_inst%ntop_canopy(p)
write (iulog,*) ' '

! Vertical profiles

do ic = 1, ncan(p)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -607,7 +616,11 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,

associate ( &
ncan => mlcanopy_inst%ncan_canopy , & ! Number of aboveground layers
ustar => mlcanopy_inst%ustar_canopy , & ! Friction velocity (m/s)
beta => mlcanopy_inst%beta_canopy , & ! Value of u* / u at canopy top (-)
z0m => mlcanopy_inst%z0m_canopy , & ! Roughness length for momentum (m)
zdisp => mlcanopy_inst%zdisp_canopy , & ! Displacement height (m)
lwup => mlcanopy_inst%lwup_canopy , & ! Upward longwave radiation above canopy (W/m2)
qflx_intr => mlcanopy_inst%qflx_intr_canopy , & ! Intercepted precipitation (kg H2O/m2/s)
qflx_tflrain => mlcanopy_inst%qflx_tflrain_canopy , & ! Total rain throughfall onto ground (kg H2O/m2/s)
Expand All @@ -623,7 +636,10 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,
etair => mlcanopy_inst%etair_profile , & ! Canopy layer air water vapor flux (mol H2O/m2/s)
stair => mlcanopy_inst%stair_profile , & ! Canopy layer air storage heat flux (W/m2)
mflx => mlcanopy_inst%mflx_profile , & ! Canopy layer momentum flux (m2/s2)
kc_eddy => mlcanopy_inst%kc_eddy_profile , & ! Canopy layer eddy diffusivity from Harman and Finnigan (m2/s)
gac => mlcanopy_inst%gac_profile , & ! Canopy layer aerodynamic conductance for scalars (mol/m2/s)
lwupw => mlcanopy_inst%lwupw_profile , & ! Upward longwave flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
lwdwn => mlcanopy_inst%lwdwn_profile , & ! Downward longwave flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
lwleaf => mlcanopy_inst%lwleaf_leaf , & ! Leaf absorbed longwave radiation (W/m2 leaf)
rnleaf => mlcanopy_inst%rnleaf_leaf , & ! Leaf net radiation (W/m2 leaf)
shleaf => mlcanopy_inst%shleaf_leaf , & ! Leaf sensible heat flux (W/m2 leaf)
Expand All @@ -647,10 +663,14 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,
flux_accumulator_leaf(p,:,:,:) = 0._r8
end if

! Accumulate fluxes over sub-time steps
! Accumulate fluxes over sub-time steps for temporal averaging
! NOTE: State variables are not averaged over sub-time steps

i = 0
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + ustar(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + beta(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + z0m(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + zdisp(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + lwup(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + lwsoi(p)
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + rnsoi(p)
Expand All @@ -664,11 +684,16 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,
i = i + 1; flux_accumulator(p,i) = flux_accumulator(p,i) + qflx_tflsnow(p)

j = 0
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) + shair(p,:)
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) + etair(p,:)
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) + stair(p,:)
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) + mflx(p,:)
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j) + gac(p,:)
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + shair(p,1:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + etair(p,1:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + stair(p,1:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + mflx(p,1:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + kc_eddy(p,1:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j) + gac(p,1:ncan(p))

! Note special indexing for radiative fluxes, which are dimensioned 0 to ncan
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j) + lwupw(p,0:ncan(p))
j = j + 1; flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j) + lwdwn(p,0:ncan(p))

k = 0
k = k + 1; flux_accumulator_leaf(p,:,:,k) = flux_accumulator_leaf(p,:,:,k) + lwleaf(p,:,:)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -700,6 +725,9 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,

i = 0
i = i + 1; ustar(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; beta(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; z0m(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; zdisp(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; lwup(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; lwsoi(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
i = i + 1; rnsoi(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)
Expand All @@ -713,11 +741,16 @@ subroutine SubTimeStepFluxIntegration (niter, num_sub_steps, num_filter, filter,
i = i + 1; qflx_tflsnow(p) = flux_accumulator(p,i)

j = 0
j = j + 1; shair(p,:) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j)
j = j + 1; etair(p,:) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j)
j = j + 1; stair(p,:) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j)
j = j + 1; mflx(p,:) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j)
j = j + 1; gac(p,:) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,:,j)
j = j + 1; shair(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)
j = j + 1; etair(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)
j = j + 1; stair(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)
j = j + 1; mflx(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)
j = j + 1; kc_eddy(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)
j = j + 1; gac(p,1:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p),j)

! Note special indexing for radiative fluxes, which are dimensioned 0 to ncan
j = j + 1; lwupw(p,0:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j)
j = j + 1; lwdwn(p,0:ncan(p)) = flux_accumulator_profile(p,1:ncan(p)+1,j)

k = 0
k = k + 1; lwleaf(p,:,:) = flux_accumulator_leaf(p,:,:,k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,6 +834,11 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxesDiagnostics (num_filter, filter, mlcanopy_inst)
shair => mlcanopy_inst%shair_profile , & ! Canopy layer air sensible heat flux (W/m2)
etair => mlcanopy_inst%etair_profile , & ! Canopy layer air water vapor flux (mol H2O/m2/s)
stair => mlcanopy_inst%stair_profile , & ! Canopy layer air storage heat flux (W/m2)
lwupw => mlcanopy_inst%lwupw_profile , & ! Upward longwave flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
lwdwn => mlcanopy_inst%lwdwn_profile , & ! Downward longwave flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
swupw => mlcanopy_inst%swupw_profile , & ! Upward diffuse solar flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
swdwn => mlcanopy_inst%swdwn_profile , & ! Downward diffuse solar flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
swbeam => mlcanopy_inst%swbeam_profile , & ! Direct beam solar flux above canopy layer (W/m2)
fracsun => mlcanopy_inst%fracsun_profile , & ! Canopy layer sunlit fraction (-)
vcmax25_profile => mlcanopy_inst%vcmax25_profile, & ! Canopy layer leaf maximum carboxylation rate at 25C (umol/m2/s)
lwleaf => mlcanopy_inst%lwleaf_leaf , & ! Leaf absorbed longwave radiation (W/m2 leaf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -991,7 +1029,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxesDiagnostics (num_filter, filter, mlcanopy_inst)
vcmax25veg(p) = vcmax25veg(p) + vcmax25_profile(p,ic) * dpai(p,ic)
end do

! Check energy balance for conservation
! Check vegetation energy balance for conservation

err = swveg(p,ivis) + swveg(p,inir) + lwveg(p) - shveg(p) - lhveg(p) - stflx(p)
if (abs(err) >= 1.e-03_r8) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1029,7 +1067,7 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxesDiagnostics (num_filter, filter, mlcanopy_inst)
radout = albcan(p,ivis)*(swskyb(p,ivis)+swskyd(p,ivis)) + albcan(p,inir)*(swskyb(p,inir)+swskyd(p,inir)) + lwup(p)

err = rnet(p) - (radin - radout)
if (abs(err) > 0.01_r8) then
if (abs(err) > 0.001_r8) then
call endrun (msg=' ERROR: CanopyFluxesDiagnostics: energy conservation error (2)')
end if

Expand All @@ -1040,6 +1078,16 @@ subroutine CanopyFluxesDiagnostics (num_filter, filter, mlcanopy_inst)
call endrun (msg=' ERROR: CanopyFluxesDiagnostics: energy conservation error (3)')
end if

! Check radiative fluxes at top of canopy

ic = ntop(p)
radin = swbeam(p,ic,ivis) + swbeam(p,ic,inir) + swdwn(p,ic,ivis) + swdwn(p,ic,inir) + lwdwn(p,ic)
radout = swupw(p,ic,ivis) + swupw(p,ic,inir) + lwupw(p,ic)
err = (radin - radout) - rnet(p)
if (abs(err) > 0.001_r8) then
call endrun (msg=' ERROR: CanopyFluxesDiagnostics: energy conservation error (4)')
end if

! Sunlit and shaded canopy fluxes

laisun(p) = 0._r8 ; laisha(p) = 0._r8
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/multilayer_canopy/MLCanopyFluxesType.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ module MLCanopyFluxesType
real(r8), pointer :: PrSc_canopy(:) ! Prandtl (Schmidt) number at canopy top (-)
real(r8), pointer :: Lc_canopy(:) ! Canopy density length scale (m)
real(r8), pointer :: zdisp_canopy(:) ! Displacement height (m)
real(r8), pointer :: z0m_canopy(:) ! Roughness length for momentum (m)

! Canopy stomatal conductance variables: dimension is (patch)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,6 +243,8 @@ module MLCanopyFluxesType
real(r8), pointer :: stair_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer air storage heat flux (W/m2)
real(r8), pointer :: mflx_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer momentum flux (m2/s2)
real(r8), pointer :: gac_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer aerodynamic conductance for scalars (mol/m2/s)
real(r8), pointer :: kc_eddy_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer eddy diffusivity from Harman and Finnigan (m2/s)
real(r8), pointer :: sigma_w_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer vertical velocity (m/s)

real(r8), pointer :: swleaf_mean_profile(:,:,:) ! Canopy layer weighted mean: leaf absorbed solar radiation (W/m2 leaf)
real(r8), pointer :: lwleaf_mean_profile(:,:) ! Canopy layer weighted mean: leaf absorbed longwave radiation (W/m2 leaf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -464,6 +467,7 @@ subroutine InitAllocate (this, bounds)
allocate (this%PrSc_canopy (begp:endp)) ; this%PrSc_canopy (:) = spval
allocate (this%Lc_canopy (begp:endp)) ; this%Lc_canopy (:) = spval
allocate (this%zdisp_canopy (begp:endp)) ; this%zdisp_canopy (:) = spval
allocate (this%z0m_canopy (begp:endp)) ; this%z0m_canopy (:) = spval

! Canopy stomatal conductance variables

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -559,6 +563,8 @@ subroutine InitAllocate (this, bounds)
allocate (this%stair_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%stair_profile (:,:) = spval
allocate (this%mflx_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%mflx_profile (:,:) = spval
allocate (this%gac_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%gac_profile (:,:) = spval
allocate (this%kc_eddy_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%kc_eddy_profile (:,:) = spval
allocate (this%sigma_w_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%sigma_w_profile (:,:) = spval

allocate (this%swleaf_mean_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan,1:numrad)) ; this%swleaf_mean_profile (:,:,:) = spval
allocate (this%lwleaf_mean_profile (begp:endp,1:nlevmlcan)) ; this%lwleaf_mean_profile (:,:) = spval
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/multilayer_canopy/MLCanopyNitrogenProfileMod.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -186,13 +186,12 @@ subroutine CanopyNitrogenProfile (num_filter, filter, mlcanopy_inst)
end do

! Check that canopy sum of vcmax25 equals the expected value obtained by analytical integration
! NB slevis 2024/3/22: The next was a valid error check before introducing minimum dlai and dsai

numerical = sum(vcmax25_profile(p,1:ncan(p)) * dpai(p,1:ncan(p)))
analytical = vcmax25top * (1._r8 - exp(-kn*(lai(p) + sai(p)))) / kn
! if (abs(numerical-analytical) > 1.e-06_r8) then
! call endrun (msg='ERROR: CanopyNitrogenProfile: canopy integration error')
! end if
if (abs(numerical-analytical) > 1.e-06_r8) then
call endrun (msg='ERROR: CanopyNitrogenProfile: canopy integration error')
end if

end do

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