Hello and welcome! This project is a Flask web application hosted on Heroku, created using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Python, PostgreSQL and obviously Flask. You can find it online.
Overall, it is a service searching for information about books. When you access the website the first time, you will be asked to log in. You can create a new account and then search in a database with 5000 books. Book page consists of simple info about the book(title, author, publication year and ISBN number), user reviews and a rating from Goodreads.com, which I got using their API. Also, you can create get requests to /api/isbn, where ISBN is 10 or 13 digit number, and information about the book will be returned in JSON format.
application.py - is a place with all server-side code. It creates a Flask app, sets up the database and adds several routes to be served.
import.py is used to import all information from book.csv to online database.
templates/ and static/ contain all HTML and CSS part of the web app.
All database commands were written with SQLalchemy module for python and raw SQL commands.
It's pretty simple. You just make GET request to this address - https://rezyayev-cs50w-project1.herokuapp.com/api/isbn, and use needed ISBN number. Example:
import requests
res = requests.get("https://rezyayev-cs50w-project1.herokuapp.com/api/1416949658")
return res.json()
This code will return JSON:
'title': 'The Dark Is Rising',
'author': 'Susan Cooper',
'year': '1973',
'isbn': '1416949658',
'review_count': 47614,
'average_score': '4.07'