organize photos by year with python. requires the pillow module. to install:
$ python -m pip install --user pillow
works on windows (tested with python 3.7.2) and linux (tested on fedora python 2.7.15 and 3.7.3) not tested on mac.
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-t] [-s SOURCE] [-d DEST] [-b BDIR] [-v VDIR]
[-l LOGFILE] [-n] [-k]
This script organizes photos by year
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t dry run, output to log file
-s SOURCE source dir
-d DEST destination dir
-b BDIR dir to store images without year data
-v VDIR dir to store videos in
-n do not make directories for months
-k dont remove files from source dir
- dry run(-t) with source(-s), destination(-d), and bastard directory(-b) arguments. The bastard directory is for jpgs that do not have metadata and cannot therefore be organized. It will create the target directories if they dont exist and further organize the photos by month. All source files will be removed in this example. Simply remove the -t to run for real.
$ python -t -s /home/rxlx/Pictures/ -d /home/rxlx/Mstor/Pictures/ -b /home/rxlx/Mstor/Pictures/loose/
ON WINDOWS (on windows the paths can get kind of tricky, i suggest always doing a dry run first :) )
>python -t -s "E:\TEMP\src\\" -d "E:\TEMP\dst\\" -b "E:\Pictures\loose\\"
- dry run with the keep at source(-k) and no month(-n) args, followed by source, destination, bastard and video directory(-v) args. this will copy the files to the new destination instead of removing them from the source. the no month option will only create the year directory at the target destination ( so all photos will be in say 2019/ instead of 2019/May, 2019/Jan ...etc)
$ python -tkn -s /home/rxlx/Pictures/ -d /storage/Pictures/ -b /storage/Pictures/loose/ -v /home/rxlx/Mstor/Videos/
thats cool, here's how you do it. using you're second favorite text editor, open the file and look for these lines:
home = os.path.expanduser("~")
user_vdir = os.path.join(home, 'Videos')
user_source = os.path.join(home, 'Pictures')
user_bdir = os.path.join(user_source, 'loose')
user_dest = os.path.join(user_source, 'Phone')
test_file = 'jpg_boss_dryrun.txt'
DONT modify the variable names, just their values. options -tkn will still work as intended, now you just dont need -sdbv