FIXED in “2022.09.12-alpha”
Test a pathom graphql resolver in the browser
The idea is to be able to run the following resolver in the browser with a federation query. Check the cljs file.
(def env (-> {}
[(pbir/equivalence-resolver :staker.Incentive/rewardToken :univ3.Token/id)])
{::p.gql/namespace "univ3"}
#(request-subgraph % ""))
{::p.gql/namespace "staker"}
#(request-subgraph % ""))))
[{'(:staker.Query/incentives {:first 10})
But for some reason I am getting the following exception:
Graph execution failed: Required attributes missing: [:univ3.Token/symbol] at path [:staker.Query/incentives 0]
And I also discovered that this queries failed, notice that the first one is not a federation query
{:staker.Incentive/id "0x0bb698b687540a7f44504cf1063a4977d2351f201f18fc50281def0f36349d2e"}
{:staker.Incentive/id "0x0bb698b687540a7f44504cf1063a4977d2351f201f18fc50281def0f36349d2e"}
With the following exception for the first one
Graph execution failed: Required attributes missing: [:staker.Incentive/contract] at path []
Note that all this works in plain clojure
- jack in a clojure repl
- play with the pathom-graphql-test namespace
- jack in a clojurescript repl
- select shadow
- select the :app build
- navigate to http://localhost:3000
- play with the pathom-graphql-test namespace