The Belfry OpenScad Library - A library of tools, shapes, and helpers to make OpenScad easier to use.
This library is a set of useful tools, shapes and manipulators that I developed while working on various projects, including large ones like the Snappy-Reprap printed 3D printer.
- Download the .zip or .tar.gz release file for this library.
- Unpack it. It should create a
directory with the library files within it. - Rename the directory to
. - Move the
directory into the apropriate OpenSCAD library directory for your platform:- Windows:
My Documents\OpenSCAD\libraries\
- Linux:
- Mac OS X:
- Windows:
- Restart OpenSCAD.
For purposes of the BOSL library, the following terms apply:
Left: Towards X-
Right: Towards X+
Front/Forward: Towards Y-
Back/Behind: Towards Y+
Bottom/Down/Below: Towards Z-
Top/Up/Above: Towards Z+
Axis-Positive: Towards the positive end of the axis the object is oriented on. IE: X+, Y+, or Z+.
Axis-Negative: Towards the negative end of the axis the object is oriented on. IE: X-, Y-, or Z-.
Args | What it is |
fillet | Radius of rounding for interior or exterior edges. |
chamfer | Size of chamfers/bevels for interior or exterior edges. |
orient | Axis a part should be oriented along. Given as an XYZ triplet of rotation angles. It is recommended that you use the ORIENT_ constants from constants.scad . Default is usually ORIENT_Z for vertical orientation. |
align | Side of the origin that the part should be on. Given as a vector away from the origin. It is recommended that you use the V_ constants from constants.scad . Default is usually V_ZERO for centered. |
A lot of the features of this library are to allow shorter, easier-to-read, intent-based coding. For example:
BOSL/transforms.scad Examples |
Raw OpenSCAD Equivalent |
up(5) |
translate([0,0,5]) |
xrot(30,cp=[0,10,20]) |
translate([0,10,20]) rotate([30,0,0]) translate([0,-10,-20]) |
xspread(20,n=3) |
for (dx=[-20,0,20]) translate([dx,0,0]) |
zring(n=6,r=20) |
for (zr=[0:5]) rotate([0,0,zr*60]) translate([20,0,0]) |
skew_xy(xa=30,ya=45) |
multmatrix([[1,0,tan(30),0],[0,1,tan(45),0],[0,0,1,0],[0,0,0,1]]) |
BOSL/shapes.scad Examples |
Raw OpenSCAD Equivalent |
upcube([10,20,30]); |
translate([0,0,15]) cube([10,20,30], center=true); |
cuboid([20,20,30], fillet=5, edges=EDGES_Z_ALL); |
minkowski() {cube([10,10,20], center=true); sphere(r=5, $fn=32);} |
prismoid([30,40],[20,30],h=10); |
hull() {translate([0,0,0.005]) cube([30,40,0.01], center=true); translate([0,0,9.995]) cube([20,30,0.01],center=true);} |
xcyl(l=20,d=4); |
rotate([0,90,0]) cylinder(h=20, d=4, center=true); |
cyl(l=100, d=40, fillet=5); |
translate([0,0,50]) minkowski() {cylinder(h=90, d=30, center=true); sphere(r=5);} |
BOSL/masks.scad Examples |
Raw Openscad Equivalent |
chamfer_mask_z(l=20,chamfer=5); |
rotate(45) cube([5*sqrt(2), 5*sqrt(2), 20], center=true); |
fillet_mask_z(l=20,fillet=5); |
difference() {cube([10,10,20], center=true); for(dx=[-5,5],dy=[-5,5]) translate([dx,dy,0]) cylinder(h=20.1, r=5, center=true);} |
fillet_hole_mask(r=30,fillet=5); |
difference() {cube([70,70,10], center=true); translate([0,0,-5]) rotate_extrude(convexity=4) translate([30,0,0]) circle(r=5);} |
The library files are as follows:
: The most commonly used transformations, manipulations, and shortcuts are in this file.shapes.scad
: Common useful shapes and structured objects.masks.scad
: Shapes that are useful for masking withdifference()
: Modules to make triangular and trapezoidal threaded rods and nuts.paths.scad
: Functions and modules to work with arbitrary 3D paths.beziers.scad
: Functions and modules to work with bezier curves.
: Modules and functions to make involute gears and racks.joiners.scad
: Modules to make joiner shapes for connecting separately printed objects.sliders.scad
: Modules for creating simple sliders and rails.metric_screws.scad
: Functions and modules to make metric screws, nuts, and screwholes.linear_bearings.scad
: Modules to make mounts for LMxUU style linear bearings.nema_steppers.scad
: Modules to make mounting holes for NEMA motors.phillips_drive.scad
: Modules to create Phillips screwdriver tips.torx_drive.scad
: Functions and Modules to create Torx bit drive holes.wiring.scad
: Modules to render routed bundles of wires.
: Useful helper functions.constants.scad
: Useful constants for vectors, edges, etc.quaternions.scad
: Functions to work with quaternion rotations.debug.scad
: Modules to help debug creation of beziers,polygons()
s andpolyhedron()
The full library docs can be found at