It is a Material UI based React Component that helps in selecting list of items from one list and placing them in the other.
Checkout the demo here.
npm install react-list-selector
import ListSelector from 'react-list-selector'
ref={(node) => {
this.listSeperator = node
SelectAllButton={<SelectAllButton />}
UnSelectAllButton={<UnSelectAllButton />}
Make sure your app is wrapped inside <MuiThemeProvider>
which you can import like this: import MuiThemeProvider from 'material-ui/styles/MuiThemeProvider'
Check out App.js for a complete example.
Prop | Prop Type | Default Value | isRequired | Description |
unSelectedList |
Array<ListItemConfig> |
[] | true | List of items that will be shown in the un selected list. |
selectedList |
Array<ListItemConfig> |
[] | true | List of items that will be shown in the selected list. |
disableHoverColor |
boolean |
false | false | If set, will remove hover color from both the list items. |
unSelectedItemHoverColor |
string |
'' | false | Hover color for un selected list items. |
selectedItemHoverColor |
string |
'' | false | Hover color for selected list items. |
style |
Obejct |
{} | false | Style for each of the list containers. |
onUnselectedItemClick |
(item: ListItemConfig) => void |
() => {} |
false | Will be called when an un selected item has been clicked. |
onSelectedItemClick |
(item: ListItemConfig) => void |
() => {} |
false | Will be called when a selected item has been clicked. |
onClick |
(item: ListItemConfig, selected: boolean) => void |
() => {} |
false | Will be called when an item has been clicked. Returns the clicked item and also its new state, weather it was selected or not? |
hideDivider |
boolean |
false |
false | If set will hide the divider after each list item. |
hideBulkUpdateButtons |
boolean |
false | false | Will hide Select All and UnSelect All buttons. |
SelectAllButton |
Node |
null |
false | Select All Button that will be shown instead of the default button. (Click logic will be injected into the node by the ListSelector component.) |
SelectAllButton |
Node |
null |
false | Unselect All Button that will be shown instead of the default button. (Click logic will be injected into the node by the ListSelector component.) |
onSelectAllClick |
() => void |
() => {} |
false | Will be called when the Select All button is clicked. |
onUnSelectAllClick |
() => void |
() => {} |
false | Will be called when the Unselect All button is clicked. |
Function Name | Function Type | Description |
getUnSelectedList |
() => Array<ListItemConfig> |
Returns the list of un selected items. |
getSelectedList |
() => Array<ListItemConfig> |
Returns the list of selected items. |
selectAll |
() => void |
Selects all items. |
unSelectAll |
() => void |
Un selects all items. |
You can find the type of ListItemConfig
from the next section.
You can call these functions using the ListSelector's ref
type ListItemConfig = {
id: number,
disabled: ?boolean,
primaryText: string | Node,
secondaryText: ?string | Node,
style: ?Object,
Key | Default Value | isRequired | Description |
id | 0 | true | Unique value that will be used to identify the item in the list. |
disabled | false | false | If set, will disable on click on the item. |
primaryText | '' | true | Text or Node that will be rendered as in the item. |
secondaryText | '' | false | Secondary Text or Node that will be rendered as in the item. |
style | {} | false | Custom styling that will be applied on the item. |