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Example Configuration retroj

John J. Foerch edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 2 revisions


Here is a slightly simplified version of retroj's dot-mowedline, for mowedline 2.0.0. Its basic structure is as follows:

  • CHICKEN extensions can be imported with use. We use coops and regex.

  • buttonize-workspaces and colorize-clock are two formatting procedures. Buttonize-workspaces is an example of how to take a pre-formatted desktop list from a window manager and reparse it to add buttons and colors. It is specific to my particular window manager configuration, so I give it only as an example. Colorize-clock on the other hand can be used as-is. It highlights the time in widget:clock's output.

  • Set some defaults: text-widget-font, text-widget-color, text-widget-format. Text-widget-format is set to text-maybe-pad-left, a procedure provided by mowedline that adds extra space to the left side of any non-empty text widget.

  • Declare the window. The two widget:text and the widget:flags widgets receive their content via mowedline-client from my window manager and my irc client. The other two, widget:active-window-title and widget:clock are automatically updated internally by mowedline.


;; -*- scheme -*-

(use coops regex)

(define (buttonize-workspaces text)
   (if (string-prefix? "[" text) "" " ")
    (lambda (token markup)
       " "
         ((string-prefix? "[" token) ;; current workspace
         ((string-prefix? "!" token) ;; urgency notification
          (let ((ws (string-drop token 1)))
            `(button ,(lambda _ (switch-to-desktop ws))
                     (color (1 0 0 1) ,ws))))
          `(button ,(lambda _ (switch-to-desktop token))
    (reverse (string-tokenize text)))))

(define (colorize-clock text)
   " "
   (let ((m (string-match
             '(: (submatch (* any))
                 (submatch numeric numeric ":" numeric numeric)
                 (submatch (* any)))
      (m (set! (third m)
               `(color (.73 .73 .86 1)
                       (font "Coffee Script-11" " " ,(third m))))
         (cdr m))
      (else text)))
   " "))

(window-background 'transparent)

(text-widget-font "Inconsolata-11:bold")
(text-widget-color '(.6 .6 .6 1))
(text-widget-format text-maybe-pad-left)

(widget-background-color #f)

  name: "workspaces"
  format: buttonize-workspaces)
  name: "wmflags"
  color: '(.53 .53 .53 1)
  flags: '(("tabbed" . (color "paleturquoise3" "T"))
           ("float" . (color "firebrick3" "f"))
           ("inverse" . (color "cornflowerblue" "v"))
           ("magnifier" . (color "forestgreen" "m")))
  format: (lambda (markup) (append '(" (") markup '(")"))))
  color: '(.4 .4 .4 1)
  flex: 1)
  name: "email"
  format-pair: (lambda (k v)
                 (if v
                     (string-append (substring (->string k) 0 1)
                                    (->string v))
  format: (lambda (markup) (list "[" markup "]")))
  name: "irc"
  format: (lambda (text) (text-maybe-pad-left (with-input-from-string text read))))
  format: colorize-clock))
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