Reza Salari - Brannigan Lab
When setting up a simulation box (especially when lipids are involved), it is possible that some carbon chains end up passing through rings by mistake (e.g. tails of POPC goes through a benzene ring of PHE). This script tries to find such cases.
Currently, one simple algorithm is implemented - if the distance between the
center of a bond from the center of a ring is less than the PROXIMITY_CUTOFF
it will be reported. The script also creates a vmd script that help visualizing
the reported residues.
To make the script flexible and simple, it only needs a PDB file and doesn't
rely on the topology files (like PSF or TOP). On the flip side, it uses the
cutoff method to find the atoms that form bonds. The current BOND_CUTOFF
1.6 A (a bit longer than the length of C-C bond).
- Python 2.7 or higher
- Numpy
You can add more ring definitions to the RING_DEFINITIONS
in the beginning of
the script.
Use -h
for all options. Typically you can run:
python pdbfname.pdb
And it will output the residues that it thinks might have bond-in-ring issue.
Sample output:
$ python3.4 sample/pdb1.pdb
(i) include hydrogens: False
(i) cutoff for defining bonds: 1.60 A
(i) proximity cutoff for reporting bonds in rings: 2.30 A
(i) ignoring these residues: ['TIP3', 'TIP3P', 'SOD', 'CLA', 'HOH']
(i) checking inruding residues: ['POPC', 'DOPC']
(i) molecule with 1919 residues and 23471 atoms.
(i) number of found bonds based on 1.60 A cutoff:
POPC : 49 bonds
(i) parsed 9 rings belonging to 5 residues.
(i) finding bonds in rings...
(i) these residues potentially have bond-in-ring situation:
PHE 328 [1007] - POPC 40 [1738] -> 1.14 A
CHL1 17 [1715] - POPC 35 [1733] -> 1.30 A
CHL1 1 [1699] - POPC 62 [1760] -> 1.36 A
CHL1 29 [1727] - POPC 39 [1737] -> 1.36 A
TRP 308 [ 987] - POPC 148 [1846] -> 1.64 A
CHL1 122 [1820] - POPC 137 [1835] -> 1.80 A
PHE 327 [ 326] - POPC 45 [1743] -> 1.85 A
CHL1 24 [1722] - POPC 91 [1789] -> 1.92 A
CHL1 108 [1806] - POPC 216 [1914] -> 2.07 A
CHL1 26 [1724] - POPC 79 [1777] -> 2.17 A
CHL1 28 [1726] - POPC 88 [1786] -> 2.25 A
CHL1 123 [1821] - POPC 149 [1847] -> 2.30 A
(i) the vmd script is created - to visulize the reported residues:
vmd -e sample/pdb1.pdb_vmd
note that the representations are hidden by default.
go to Graphics->Representions to enable them.
(i) done.
Note that the results need visual inspection, as the current algorithm is simple and a bit paranoid. In the case of the sample above, only two sets of residues (PHE 328 - POPC 40) and (CHL1 122 - POPC 137) indeed have bonds crossing the rings.
# or if you have coverage installed:
python -m coverage run
python -m coverage report
python -m coverage html
Please use the issues page.