Web base note application. Save your ideas, or the web, and keep it safe and secure.
-Removed secret keys
-Simplified the encryption. I did this to avoid having the encryption method out. I use the keyczar still on the website, but include a special changing salt and extra security. On the github version I use just the keyczar encryption. This is simply a security thing for the website.
-This version is setup to use sqlite. Just makes it easier to test and run locally. It is a super quick change.
python virtualenv.py flask
Then Install:
flask/bin/pip install flask
flask/bin/pip install flask-login
flask/bin/pip install flask-openid
flask/bin/pip install sqlalchemy==0.7.9
flask/bin/pip install flask-sqlalchemy==0.16
flask/bin/pip install sqlalchemy-migrate==0.7.2
flask/bin/pip install flask-whooshalchemy==0.55a
flask/bin/pip install flask-wtf==0.8.4
flask/bin/pip install beautifulsoup
flask/bin/pip install Image
flask/bin/pip install python-keyczar --pre
Create Encryption Keys:
chmod a+x create_keys.py
Create Database:
chmod a+x db_create.py
To Run:
chmod a+x run.py
-Shared Notebooks/Notes