Graphics and physics research, snippets, demos. Some are described here:
Directory Structure:
core/ - shared foundation code, math lib, etc
cloth/ - implementation of Cornell CS5643 assignment two (the spaghetti factory)
dew/ - prototype for live motion captured graffiti demo
empty/ - base for a project
fem/ - co-rotational finite element demo with fracture
fluid/ - implementation of Fedkiw's Visual Simulation of Smoke, vortex particles and black-body rendering
fog/ - analytic integration of inscattering from a point light
gi/ - real-time point based illumination implementation
granular2d/ - granular materials in CUDA
granular3d/ - granular materials in CUDA
mathematica/ - misc notebooks
metaballs/ - old 2d metaballs effect
nanoray/ - path tracer I wrote while reading PBRT
probeview/ - app to view Debevec format HDR light probes
rigidbody/ - unfinished LCP rigid body solver
sh/ - glossy reflections using spherical harmonics
springs/ - implicit spring solver
surfel/ - misnamed, unfinished uv-atlas generation