Newst Magazine is a practical implementation sample of jQuery Ajax requested from API. [] This sample article website included:
- A home page
- A detail page
- And an about page
- Load article (the article API is down right now, so you can take this example and connect with any other article website that you can find; just the flow still maintain the same. Good luck 😄!)
- Pagination
- Detail article description
This sample article website has technology included:
- HTML - HyperText Markup Language for web page skeleton!
- CSS - Cascading Stylesheets for styling web page.
- Javascript - Light weight programming language to solve complicated things on web.
- Ajax - Asynchronous JavaScript And XML for Server/Client Site technique.
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps.
- jQuery - jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- JSON - JavaScript Object Notation.
All of these languages are open source and easy to learn.
It doesn't require any additional installation from code for running this sample website.
Download or clone project and then:
- Open "Application/Layout" folder.
- Open file "index.html" with "live server" plugin in VS Code.
You can use any editor to edit code. I recommend you to use one of my favorite editor is Visual Studio Code.
Free Software, Oh Yeah!