An attempt to create a single entry point for creating password policies.
- Provide information to developers as to what a good password policy is.
- Possibly provide different language implementations with password policy check, allowing lazy developer to gain quick win status.
- Single page web site with all information contained.
- Possibly include live password validation example (js based).
- Page includes list of rules (like allow spaces or deny something else) and if possible, why.
- Section on how to encode passwords in a database (perhaps libraries should include this too)
- Fancy logo to promote? I'm not sure, but some folk like that kind of stuff.
I've initially put 1 year of hosting in place, it's just shy of $3. Once the page is up, if you want to donate, please drop me a paypal donation (to remy at remysharp) with the number of years you want to cover. I'm happy to host on my hosting platform (unless someone wants to take over).
- Remy Sharp
- You? Go'wan, you know you want to.