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CN: Tidy up function specification parsing (#889)
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This is in preparation for unifying function definition and declaration
specification parsing, as needed by #371.
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dc-mak authored Feb 27, 2025
1 parent a082bc5 commit 20f55e1
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Showing 32 changed files with 1,593 additions and 1,515 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ let normalise_fun_map_decl
(* let d_st = CAE.set_cn_c_identifier_env ail_env d_st in *)
let d_st = CAE.{ inner = Pmap.find ail_marker markers_env; markers_env } in
let@ trusted, accesses, requires, ensures, mk_functions =
Parse.function_spec attrs
Parse.function_spec loc attrs
debug 6 (lazy (string "parsed spec attrs"));
let@ mk_functions =
Expand Down
72 changes: 45 additions & 27 deletions backend/cn/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,37 +60,55 @@ let cn_statements annots =
annots |> get_cerb_magic_attr |> ListM.concat_mapM (parse C_parser.cn_statements)

let function_spec (Attrs attributes) =
let function_spec warning_loc (Attrs attributes) =
let@ conditions =
[ Aattrs (Attrs (List.rev attributes)) ]
|> get_cerb_magic_attr
|> ListM.concat_mapM (parse C_parser.function_spec)
|> ListM.mapM (parse C_parser.fundef_spec)
(fun acc cond ->
match (cond, acc) with
| Cn.CN_trusted loc, (_, [], [], [], []) ->
return (Mucore.Trusted loc, [], [], [], [])
| Cn.CN_trusted loc, _ ->
fail { loc; msg = Generic !^"Please specify 'trusted' before other conditions" }
| CN_accesses (loc, ids), (trusted, accs, [], [], ex) ->
return (trusted, accs @ (fun id -> (loc, id)) ids, [], [], ex)
| CN_accesses (loc, _), _ ->
{ loc;
msg =
Generic !^"Please specify 'accesses' before any 'requires' and 'ensures'"
| CN_requires (loc, cond), (trusted, accs, reqs, [], ex) ->
return (trusted, accs, reqs @ (fun c -> (loc, c)) cond, [], ex)
| CN_requires (loc, _), _ ->
fail { loc; msg = Generic !^"Please specify 'requires' before any 'ensures'" }
| CN_ensures (loc, cond), (trusted, accs, reqs, enss, ex) ->
return (trusted, accs, reqs, enss @ (fun c -> (loc, c)) cond, ex)
| CN_mk_function (loc, nm), (trusted, accs, reqs, enss, ex) ->
return (trusted, accs, reqs, enss, ex @ [ (loc, `Make_Logical_Function nm) ]))
(Mucore.Checked, [], [], [], [])
let process
Cn.{ cn_fundef_trusted; cn_fundef_acc_func; cn_fundef_requires; cn_fundef_ensures }
let cross_fst x =
match x with None -> [] | Some (a, bs) -> (fun b -> (a, b)) bs
let trust =
match cn_fundef_trusted with
| None -> Mucore.Checked
| Some loc -> Mucore.Trusted loc
let accs, exs =
match cn_fundef_acc_func with
| None -> ([], [])
| Some (loc, Cn.CN_mk_function nm) -> ([], [ (loc, `Make_Logical_Function nm) ])
| Some (loc, Cn.CN_accesses ids) -> (cross_fst (Some (loc, ids)), [])
let reqs = cross_fst cn_fundef_requires in
let enss = cross_fst cn_fundef_ensures in
(trust, accs, reqs, enss, exs)
let conditions = process conditions in
let base = (Mucore.Checked, [], [], [], []) in
match conditions with
| [] -> return base
| [ condition ] -> return condition
| _ :: _ :: _ ->
(* TODO remove this "feature" *)
!^"Deprecated: function specs should not be split across multiple magic comments.";
let comb left right =
match (left, right) with
| Mucore.Trusted loc, _ -> Mucore.Trusted loc
| _, Mucore.Trusted loc -> Mucore.Trusted loc
| _, _ -> Mucore.Checked
let combine left right =
match (left, right) with
| (trust, accs, reqs, enss, ex), (trust', accs', reqs', enss', ex') ->
return (comb trust trust', accs @ accs', reqs @ reqs', enss @ enss', ex @ ex')
ListM.fold_leftM combine base conditions

let loop_spec attrs =
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions frontend/model/cn.lem
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -215,16 +215,16 @@ type cn_type_synonym 'a = <|
cn_tysyn_rhs: cn_base_type 'a;

type cn_function_spec 'a 'ty =
| CN_accesses of Loc.t * list Symbol.identifier
| CN_requires of Loc.t * list (cn_condition 'a 'ty)
| CN_ensures of Loc.t * list (cn_condition 'a 'ty)
| CN_trusted of Loc.t
| CN_mk_function of Loc.t * 'a
type cn_acc_func 'a =
| CN_accesses of list Symbol.identifier
| CN_mk_function of 'a

type cn_fundef_spec 'a 'ty = <|
cn_fundef_trusted: maybe Loc.t;
cn_fundef_acc_func: maybe (Loc.t * cn_acc_func 'a);
cn_fundef_requires: maybe (Loc.t * list (cn_condition 'a 'ty));
cn_fundef_ensures: maybe (Loc.t * list (cn_condition 'a 'ty));

type cn_loop_spec 'a 'ty =
| CN_inv of Loc.t * list (cn_condition 'a 'ty)
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107 changes: 42 additions & 65 deletions parsers/c/c_parser.mly
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,13 +17,9 @@ module LF = Lexer_feedback
let id =
fun z -> z

let option d f = function
| Some x -> f x
| None -> d

let map_option f = function
| Some x -> Some (f x)
| None -> None
let opt_to_rev_list = function
| None -> []
| Some xs -> List.rev xs

let empty_specs =
{ storage_classes= [];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,7 +312,7 @@ type asm_qualifier =

%start<Cerb_frontend.Cabs.translation_unit> translation_unit
%start function_spec
%start fundef_spec
%start loop_spec
%start cn_statements
%start cn_toplevel
Expand All @@ -330,7 +326,7 @@ type asm_qualifier =
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_resource> resource
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_pred> pred
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_condition> condition
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_function_spec list> function_spec
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_fundef_spec> fundef_spec
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_loop_spec> loop_spec
%type<(Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_statement> cn_statement
%type<((Symbol.identifier, Cabs.type_name) Cn.cn_statement) list> cn_statements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,7 +498,7 @@ primary_expression:
// | LPAREN stmt= scoped(compound_statement) RPAREN
| LPAREN LBRACE bis_opt= block_item_list? RBRACE RPAREN
{ CabsExpression ( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) (PointCursor $startpos($2)))
, CabsEgcc_statement (option [] List.rev bis_opt) ) }
, CabsEgcc_statement (opt_to_rev_list bis_opt) ) }

(* § Generic selection *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -535,7 +531,7 @@ postfix_expression:
, CabsEsubscript (expr1, expr2) ) }
| expr= postfix_expression LPAREN exprs_opt= argument_expression_list? RPAREN
{ CabsExpression ( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor)
, CabsEcall (expr, option [] List.rev exprs_opt) ) }
, CabsEcall (expr, opt_to_rev_list exprs_opt) ) }
| expr= postfix_expression DOT i= general_identifier
{ CabsExpression ( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) (PointCursor $startpos($2)))
, CabsEmemberof (expr, i) ) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,10 +817,10 @@ constant_expression:
| decspecs= declaration_specifiers
idecls_opt= init_declarator_list(declarator_varname)? SEMICOLON
{ Declaration_base (Annot.no_attributes, decspecs, option [] List.rev idecls_opt) }
{ Declaration_base (Annot.no_attributes, decspecs, opt_to_rev_list idecls_opt) }
| decspecs= declaration_specifiers_typedef
idecls_opt= init_declarator_list(declarator_typedefname)? SEMICOLON
{ Declaration_base (Annot.no_attributes, decspecs, option [] List.rev idecls_opt) }
{ Declaration_base (Annot.no_attributes, decspecs, opt_to_rev_list idecls_opt) }
| sa= static_assert_declaration
{ Declaration_static_assert sa }
Expand All @@ -834,10 +830,10 @@ declaration:
{ xs_decl }
| attr= attribute_specifier_sequence decspecs= declaration_specifiers
idecls_opt= init_declarator_list(declarator_varname)? SEMICOLON
{ Declaration_base (to_attrs (Some attr), decspecs, option [] List.rev idecls_opt) }
{ Declaration_base (to_attrs (Some attr), decspecs, opt_to_rev_list idecls_opt) }
| attr= attribute_specifier_sequence decspecs= declaration_specifiers_typedef
idecls_opt= init_declarator_list(declarator_typedefname)? SEMICOLON
{ Declaration_base (to_attrs (Some attr), decspecs, option [] List.rev idecls_opt) }
{ Declaration_base (to_attrs (Some attr), decspecs, opt_to_rev_list idecls_opt) }
| attribute_declaration
{ (*TODO: this is a dummy declaration*)
let loc = Cerb_location.(region($startpos, $endpos) (PointCursor $startpos)) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -994,7 +990,7 @@ struct_declaration:
{ if has_extra then warn_extra_semicolon $startpos(has_extra) INSIDE_STRUCT;
let (tspecs, tquals, align_specs) = tspecs_tquals in
Struct_declaration (to_attrs attr_opt, tspecs, tquals, align_specs,
option [] List.rev rev_sdeclrs_opt) }
opt_to_rev_list rev_sdeclrs_opt) }
| sa_decl= static_assert_declaration
{ Struct_assert sa_decl }
Expand All @@ -1020,7 +1016,7 @@ struct_declarator:
| decltor= declarator
{ SDecl_simple (LF.cabs_of_declarator decltor) }
| decltor_opt= declarator? COLON expr= constant_expression
{ SDecl_bitfield (map_option LF.cabs_of_declarator decltor_opt, expr) }
{ SDecl_bitfield ( LF.cabs_of_declarator decltor_opt, expr) }

(* § Enumeration specifiers *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1121,12 +1117,12 @@ array_declarator:
| ddecltor= direct_declarator LBRACK tquals_opt= type_qualifier_list?
expr_opt= assignment_expression? RBRACK
{ LF.array_decl (ADecl (Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor),
option [] List.rev tquals_opt, false,
map_option (fun x -> ADeclSize_expression x) expr_opt)) ddecltor }
opt_to_rev_list tquals_opt, false, (fun x -> ADeclSize_expression x) expr_opt)) ddecltor }
| ddecltor= direct_declarator LBRACK STATIC tquals_opt= type_qualifier_list?
expr= assignment_expression RBRACK
{ LF.array_decl (ADecl (Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor),
option [] List.rev tquals_opt,
opt_to_rev_list tquals_opt,
true, Some (ADeclSize_expression expr))) ddecltor }
| ddecltor= direct_declarator LBRACK tquals= type_qualifier_list STATIC
expr= assignment_expression RBRACK
Expand All @@ -1135,7 +1131,7 @@ array_declarator:
Some (ADeclSize_expression expr))) ddecltor }
| ddecltor= direct_declarator LBRACK tquals_opt= type_qualifier_list? STAR RBRACK
{ LF.array_decl (ADecl (Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor),
option [] List.rev tquals_opt, false,
opt_to_rev_list tquals_opt, false,
Some ADeclSize_asterisk)) ddecltor }

Expand All @@ -1155,7 +1151,7 @@ pointer:
| STAR ioption(attribute_specifier_sequence) tquals= type_qualifier_list?
ptr_decltor= pointer?
{ PDecl (Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor),
option [] List.rev tquals, ptr_decltor) }
opt_to_rev_list tquals, ptr_decltor) }

type_qualifier_list: (* NOTE: the list is in reverse *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1214,12 +1210,12 @@ array_abstract_declarator:
| dabs_decltor= ioption(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK
tquals= ioption(type_qualifier_list) expr= assignment_expression? RBRACK
{ DAbs_array (dabs_decltor, ADecl (Cerb_location.unknown,
option [] id tquals, false,
option None (fun e -> Some (ADeclSize_expression e)) expr)) }
Option.fold ~none:[] ~some:id tquals, false, (fun e -> ADeclSize_expression e) expr)) }
| dabs_decltor= ioption(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK STATIC
tquals= type_qualifier_list? expr= assignment_expression RBRACK
{ DAbs_array (dabs_decltor, ADecl (Cerb_location.unknown,
option [] id tquals, true, Some (ADeclSize_expression expr))) }
Option.fold ~none:[] ~some:id tquals, true, Some (ADeclSize_expression expr))) }
| dabs_decltor= ioption(direct_abstract_declarator) LBRACK
tquals= type_qualifier_list STATIC expr= assignment_expression RBRACK
{ DAbs_array (dabs_decltor, ADecl (Cerb_location.unknown, tquals, true,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1331,7 +1327,7 @@ compound_statement:
{ CabsStatement
( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor)
, Annot.no_attributes
, CabsSblock (option [] List.rev bis_opt) ) }
, CabsSblock (opt_to_rev_list bis_opt) ) }
(* NON-STD cppmem syntax *)
| LBRACES stmts= separated_nonempty_list(PIPES, statement) RBRACES
{ CabsStatement (Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1373,7 +1369,7 @@ expression_statement:
{ CabsStatement
( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor)
, Annot.no_attributes
, option CabsSnull (fun z -> CabsSexpr z) expr_opt ) }
, Option.fold ~none:CabsSnull ~some:(fun z -> CabsSexpr z) expr_opt ) }
| attr= attribute_specifier_sequence expr= expression SEMICOLON
{ CabsStatement
(Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1401,6 +1397,7 @@ selection_statement:
, CabsSswitch (expr, stmt) ) }

(* FIXME magic comments should be singletons, not a list *)
| xs= magic_comment_list magic= CERB_MAGIC
{ magic :: xs }
Expand All @@ -1425,7 +1422,7 @@ iteration_statement:
{ CabsStatement
( Cerb_location.(region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor)
, magic_to_attrs (List.rev magic)
, CabsSfor (map_option (fun x -> FC_expr x) expr1_opt, expr2_opt,expr3_opt, stmt) ) }
, CabsSfor ( (fun x -> FC_expr x) expr1_opt, expr2_opt,expr3_opt, stmt) ) }
| FOR LPAREN xs_decl= declaration expr2_opt= expression? SEMICOLON
expr3_opt= expression? RPAREN magic= magic_comment_list stmt= scoped(statement)
{ CabsStatement
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2334,23 +2331,6 @@ cn_option_func_body:
{ None }

| CN_LET str= cn_variable EQ e= expr SEMICOLON c= cn_func_body
{ let loc = Cerb_location.point $startpos(str) in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_fb_letExpr (loc, str, e, c) }
{ Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_fb_return (Cerb_location.region $loc(e) NoCursor, e) }
| SWITCH e= delimited(LPAREN, expr, RPAREN) cs= nonempty_list(cn_func_body_case)
{ let loc = Cerb_location.point $startpos($1) in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_fb_cases (loc, e, cs) }
| CASE nm= cn_variable LBRACE body=cn_func_body RBRACE
{ (nm, body) }

| CN_TAKE str= cn_variable EQ res= resource SEMICOLON c= clause
{ let loc = Cerb_location.point $startpos(str) in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2423,27 +2403,24 @@ condition:
{ Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_cconstr (Cerb_location.region $loc NoCursor, e) }

{ let loc = Cerb_location.region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_trusted loc }
| CN_ACCESSES accs=nonempty_list(terminated(cn_variable,SEMICOLON))
{ let loc = Cerb_location.region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_accesses (loc, accs) }
| CN_REQUIRES cs=nonempty_list(condition)
{ let loc = Cerb_location.region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_requires (loc, cs) }
| CN_ENSURES cs=nonempty_list(condition)
{ let loc = Cerb_location.region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_ensures (loc, cs) }
| CN_FUNCTION nm=cn_variable SEMICOLON
{ let loc = Cerb_location.region ($startpos, $endpos) NoCursor in
Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_mk_function (loc, nm) }

| fs=list(function_spec_item) EOF
{ fs }
{ Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_mk_function nm }
| accs=nonempty_list(CN_ACCESSES accs=separated_nonempty_list(COMMA,cn_variable) SEMICOLON { accs })
{ Cerb_frontend.Cn.CN_accesses (List.concat accs) }

| trusted=option(CN_TRUSTED SEMICOLON { () })
acc_func=option(af=accesses_or_function { af } )
requires=option(CN_REQUIRES reqs=nonempty_list(condition) { reqs })
ensures=option(CN_ENSURES ens=nonempty_list(condition) { ens })
{ let region p = Cerb_location.region p NoCursor in
let opt_loc p = (fun list -> (region p, list)) in
{ cn_fundef_trusted = (fun () -> region $loc(trusted)) trusted
; cn_fundef_acc_func = opt_loc $loc(acc_func) acc_func
; cn_fundef_requires = opt_loc $loc(requires) requires
; cn_fundef_ensures = opt_loc $loc(ensures) ensures } }

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