ECE 8813 Content Analysis System
Best practice is to run all commands in the main directory where the git repo is created.
Note: will create historical content directories in directory wherever crawler is ran
To run web crawler:
All our historical data is under /nethome/tlisowski3/gatechContentAnalysis/web & /nethome/tlisowski3/gatechContentAnalysis/ip/ Results in directories formatted as "year_month_day_hour" that the fetching started. Under each directory are all the historical results for that fetch. ip contains the IP whois data and web contains the web content for the domain names.
htmlDifferDriver automates and serializing the diffing results for all the web pages fetched in two historical time periods.
To run htmlDifferDriver:
python path/to/earlierDateContent path/to/laterDateContent
Ex) python web/2015_10_30_4/ web/2015_11_9_22/ -the two directories above lead to historical web content that wants to be compared
htmlDiff is the diffing engine. It outputs the differences between two web pages.
To run htmlDiff:
python /path/to/earlierWebPage /path/to/laterWebPage
Ex) python web/2015_10_30_4/ web/2015_11_9_22/
Features can be calculated using the methods in A script is used to generate the training vectors for the classifier. The training vectors can be recalculated using:
The output csv, training_vectors.csv can be opened in Weka, and a classifier can be trained and evaluated using 10-fold cross validation using the output feature vectors.