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CogRPC Implementation in JavaScript

This library implements CogRPC in JavaScript with types included. It offers a CogRPC client and the building blocks to implement a CogRPC server. This documentation assumes familiarity with CogRPC.


@relaycorp/cogrpc can be installed as follows:

npm install @relaycorp/cogrpc


The next section explains how to use this library. You may also want to read the API documentation.

As a client

The first step to use the CogRPC client is to initialize it:

import { CogRPCClient } from '@relaycorp/cogrpc';

const SERVER_URL = '';
const client = await CogRPCClient.init(SERVER_URL);

You can start delivering and collecting cargo once the client is initialized -- Simply use the client methods deliverCargo() and collectCargo(), respectively.

For example, the following is an overly simplistic version of a courier synchronizing cargo with the public gateway at

import { CogRPCClient } from '@relaycorp/cogrpc';
import { Cargo, CargoDeliveryRequest } from '@relaycorp/relaynet-core';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';

const ROOT_DIR = '/var/cargoes';

async function main(): Promise<void> {
  const gwAddress = '';
  const client = await CogRPCClient.init(gwAddress);

  // Deliver cargo
  const outgoingCargoes = retrieveOutgoingCargoes(gwAddress);
  for await (const deliveredCargoPath of client.deliverCargo(outgoingCargoes)) {
    // Delete each cargo as soon as it's delivered
    await fs.unlink(deliveredCargoPath);

  // Collect cargo
  const cca = await fs.readFile(`${ROOT_DIR}/ccas/${gwAddress}`);
  for await (const incomingCargo of client.collectCargo(cca)) {
    let cargo: Cargo;
    try {
      cargo = await Cargo.deserialize(incomingCargo);
      await cargo.validate();
    } catch (error) {
    const path = `${ROOT_DIR}/sneakernet-bound/${cargo.recipientAddress}/${}`;
    await fs.writeFile(path, incomingCargo);

async function* retrieveOutgoingCargoes(
  publicGatewayAddress: string,
): AsyncIterable<CargoDeliveryRequest> {
  const dir = `${ROOT_DIR}/internet-bound/${publicGatewayAddress}`;
  for await (const cargoPath of fs.readdir(dir)) {
    yield { cargo: await fs.readFile(cargoPath), localId: cargoPath };

In a server

If you're writing a CogRPC server in a courier or a public gateway, you may want to use the following values exported by this library:

  • CargoRelayService, which is the ProtoBuf representation of the service.
  • CargoDelivery and CargoDeliveryAck, the interfaces for the data exchanged over gRPC.


If you have any questions or comments, please create an issue on GitHub.


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