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dynamic colors and cleanup
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Added 3 config options
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rejax committed Nov 8, 2014
1 parent b6fb710 commit e36aa40
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 44 deletions.
117 changes: 73 additions & 44 deletions lua/autorun/client/TTT_EasyScoreboard.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,11 +13,14 @@ EZS.Ranks["admin"] = { name = "Admin", color = Color( 150, 100, 100 ), admin = t
EZS.Ranks["donator"] = { name = "Donator", color = Color( 100, 200, 100 ), admin = false }

-- it would be nice if you left this in :)
EZS.Ranks["STEAM_0:1:45852799"] = { color = Color( 100, 200, 100 ), icon = "bug", admin = false }
EZS.Ranks["STEAM_0:1:45852799"] = { namecolor = Color( 100, 200, 100 ), color = color_white, icon = "bug", admin = false }

-- label enable on the top? what should it say?
EZS.CreateRankLabel = { enabled = true, text = "Rank" }

-- what to show when the player doesnt have an entry
EZS.DefaultLabel = ""

-- sadly there is no way to shift the background bar over as TTT draws it manually :c
EZS.HideBackground = false

Expand All @@ -39,11 +42,21 @@ EZS.ShiftRankIcon = 1
-- should we color the names?
EZS.UseNameColors = true

-- should names get rainbow?
EZS.AllowNamesToHaveRainbow = true
-- if there is no name color set, should we use the rank color?
EZS.DefaultNameColorToRankColor = false

-- should names get dynamic (changing) color?
EZS.AllowNamesToHaveDynamicColor = true

EZS.DynamicColors = {}

-- frequency of rainbow (if enabled)
EZS.RainbowFrequency = .5
EZS.DynamicColors.rainbow = function( ply )
local frequency, time = .5, RealTime()
local red = math.sin( frequency * time ) * 127 + 128
local green = math.sin( frequency * time + 2 ) * 127 + 128
local blue = math.sin( frequency * time + 4 ) * 127 + 128
return Color( red, green, blue )

EZS.RightClickFunction = { enabled = true, ask_admins = true, functions = {
["User Functions"] = {
Expand All @@ -58,7 +71,7 @@ EZS.RightClickFunction = { enabled = true, ask_admins = true, functions = {
_icon = "icon16/group.png",
["Admin Functions"] = {
["Kick"] = { func = function( ply )
RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "kick", ply:Nick():gsub( ";", "" ) )
end, icon = "icon16/user_delete.png" },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,21 +116,23 @@ hook.Run( "EZS_AddRightClickFunction", EZS.RightClickFunction.functions )

for id, rank in pairs( EZS.Ranks ) do
if rank.icon then
rank.__iconmat = Material( ("icon16/%s.png"):format( rank.icon ) )
rank.iconmat = Material( ("icon16/%s.png"):format( rank.icon ) )
rank.dynamic_col = isstring( rank.color )
rank.dynamic_namecol = isstring( rank.namecolor )

local function RealUserGroup( ply )
if ply.EV_GetRank then return ply:EV_GetRank() end
return ply:GetUserGroup()

local function rainbow()
local frequency, time = EZS.RainbowFrequency, RealTime()
local red = math.sin( frequency * time ) * 127 + 128
local green = math.sin( frequency * time + 2 ) * 127 + 128
local blue = math.sin( frequency * time + 4 ) * 127 + 128
return Color( red, green, blue )
function EZS.GetRank( ply )
return EZS.Ranks[ply:SteamID()] or EZS.Ranks[RealUserGroup( ply )]

local function dynamic( rank, ply )
return (EZS.DynamicColors[rank.color] or EZS.DynamicColors.rainbow)( ply )

function EZS.HandleShift( sb )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,21 +193,27 @@ function EZS.AddRankLabel( sb )
EZS.Scoreboard = sb
local heading = EZS.CreateRankLabel.enabled and EZS.CreateRankLabel.text or ""

local function RainbowFunction( label, key )
local function AttachDynamicColor( label, ply )
label.HasRainbow = true
label.Think = function( s )
if EZS.Ranks[key] and EZS.Ranks[key].color ~= "rainbow" then
s:SetTextColor( EZS.Ranks[key].color )
local rank = EZS.GetRank( ply )
if not rank then s:SetTextColor( color_white ) return end

if not rank.dynamic_col then
s:SetTextColor( rank.color )
s:SetTextColor( rainbow() )
s:SetTextColor( dynamic( rank, ply ) )
sb.nick.Think = function( s )
if EZS.Ranks[key] and EZS.Ranks[key].color ~= "rainbow" then
s:SetTextColor( EZS.Ranks[key].color )
local rank = EZS.GetRank( ply )
if not rank then s:SetTextColor( color_white ) return end

if not rank.dynamic_col then
s:SetTextColor( rank.color )
if EZS.AllowNamesToHaveRainbow then
s:SetTextColor( rainbow() )
if EZS.AllowNamesToHaveDynamicColor then
s:SetTextColor( dynamic( rank, ply ) )
Expand All @@ -201,16 +222,14 @@ function EZS.AddRankLabel( sb )
if EZS.HideBackground and KARMA.IsEnabled() then -- ttt pls

sb:AddColumn( heading, function( ply, label )
local key = ply:SteamID()
if not EZS.Ranks[key] then key = RealUserGroup( ply ) end
local rank = EZS.Ranks[key]
local rank = EZS.GetRank( ply )

local ov_name = hook.Run( "EZS_GetPlayerRankName", ply )
if ov_name and not rank then return ov_name end

if not rank and not ov_name then return "" end
if not rank and not ov_name then return EZS.DefaultLabel end

label:SetName( "EZS" )

Expand All @@ -219,39 +238,42 @@ function EZS.AddRankLabel( sb )
label:SetPos( px - rank.offset, py )

if rank.icon and not rank.__iconmat:IsError() then
if rank.icon and not rank.iconmat:IsError() then
label.Paint = function( s, w, h )
surface.DisableClipping( true )
surface.SetDrawColor( color_white )
surface.SetMaterial( rank.__iconmat )
surface.SetMaterial( rank.iconmat )

local posx = -6

if and EZS.ShowIconsWithRanks then
posx = 0 - s:GetTextSize() - EZS.ShiftRankIcon

surface.DrawTexturedRect( posx, -1, rank.__iconmat:Width(), rank.__iconmat:Height() )
surface.DrawTexturedRect( posx, -1, rank.iconmat:Width(), rank.iconmat:Height() )
surface.DisableClipping( false )

if not then return " " end

if rank.color ~= "rainbow" then
if not rank.dynamic_col then
label.Think = function( s )
if EZS.Ranks[key] and EZS.Ranks[key].color ~= "rainbow" then
s:SetTextColor( EZS.Ranks[key].color )
local rank = EZS.GetRank( ply )
if not rank then return end

if not rank.dynamic_col then
s:SetTextColor( rank.color )
s:SetTextColor( rainbow() )
s:SetTextColor( dynamic( rank, ply ) )
elseif not label.HasRainbow then
RainbowFunction( label, key )
elseif not label.AttachedDynamicColors then
AttachDynamicColor( label, ply )

if ov_name then return ov_name end
return or ""
end, EZS.ColumnWidth )

EZS.HandleShift( sb )
Expand All @@ -260,19 +282,23 @@ function EZS.AddRankLabel( sb )
hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardColumns", "EZS_Columns", EZS.AddRankLabel )

local function AddNameColors( ply )
function EZS.AddNameColor( ply )
if not EZS.UseNameColors then return end
local col = EZS.Ranks[ply:SteamID()] or EZS.Ranks[RealUserGroup( ply )]
if not col then return end
local rank = EZS.GetRank( ply )
if not rank then return color_white end

local color = col.namecolor == nil and col.color or col.namecolor
if color == "rainbow" then
color = EZS.AllowNamesToHaveRainbow and rainbow() or color_white
local color = rank.namecolor
if not color and EZS.DefaultNameColorToRankColor then color = rank.color end
if rank.dynamic_namecol then
if EZS.AllowNamesToHaveDynamicColor then color = dynamic( rank, ply ) end
return color or color_white
elseif color then
return color

return color_white -- nothing set
hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer", "EasyScoreboard_NameColors", AddNameColors )
hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardColorForPlayer", "EasyScoreboard_NameColors", EZS.AddNameColor )

local function AddMenu( menu )
local RCF = EZS.RightClickFunction
Expand All @@ -298,6 +324,7 @@ local function AddMenu( menu )

if istable( f ) then
if f.func then
if istable( f.allowed ) and not table.HasValue( f.allowed, LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup() ) then continue end
local option = menu:AddOption( name )
option.DoClick = function()
if not IsValid( ply ) then return end
Expand All @@ -312,6 +339,8 @@ local function AddMenu( menu )
option:SetIcon( f.icon )
for n, d in pairs( f ) do
if istable( d.allowed ) and not table.HasValue( d.allowed, LocalPlayer():GetUserGroup() ) then continue end

local option = menu:AddOption( n )
option.DoClick = function()
if not IsValid( ply ) then return end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,4 +371,4 @@ local function AddMenu( menu )
hook.Add( "TTTScoreboardMenu", "EasyScoreboard_Menu", AddMenu )

concommand.Add( "ezs_refreshscoreboard", function() gamemode.Call( "ScoreboardCreate" ) end )
concommand.Add( "ezs_refreshscoreboard", function() gamemode.Call( "ScoreboardCreate" ) end )

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