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machine learning data partitioning tool that allows for group-disjunct splits and stratification on multiple target and grouping variables


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Uwe Reichel, audEERING GmbH, Gilching, Germany

  • machine learning data splitting tool that allows for:
    • group-disjunct splits (e.g. different speakers in train, dev, and test partition)
    • stratification on multiple target and grouping variables (e.g. emotion, gender, language)

From PyPI

  • set up a virtual environment venv_splitutils, activate it, and install splitutils. For Linux this works e.g. as follows:
$ virtualenv --python="/usr/bin/python3" venv_splitutils
$ source venv_splitutils/bin/activate
(venv_splitutils) $ pip install splitutils

From GitHub

$ git clone [email protected]:reichelu/spliutils.git
$ cd splitutils/
$ virtualenv --python="/usr/bin/python3" venv_splitutils
$ source venv_splitutils/bin/activate
$ (venv_splitutils) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
def optimize_traintest_split(X, y, split_on, stratify_on, weight=None,
                             test_size=.1, k=30, seed=42):

    ''' optimize group-disjunct split into training and test set which is guided by:
    - disjunct split of values in SPLIT_ON
    - stratification by all keys in STRATIFY_ON (targets and groupings)
    - test set proportion in X should be close to test_size (which is the test
      proportion in set(split_on))

    X: (np.array or pd.DataFrame) of features
    y: (np.array) of targets of length N
      if type(y[0]) in ["str", "int"]: y is assumed to be categorical, so that it is
      additionally tested that all partitions cover all classes.
      Else y is assumed to be numeric and no coverage test is done.
    split_on: (np.array) list of length N with grouping variable (e.g. speaker IDs),
      on which the group-disjunct split is to be performed. Must be categorical.
    stratify_on: (dict) Dict-keys are variable names (targets and/or further groupings)
      the split should be stratified on (groupings could e.g. be sex, age class, etc).
      Dict-Values are np.array-s of length N that contain the variable values. All
      variables must be categorical.
    weight: (dict) weight for each variable in stratify_on. Defines their amount of
      contribution to the optimization score. Uniform weighting by default. Additional
      key: "size_diff" defines how test size diff should be weighted.
    test_size: (float) test proportion in set(split_on), e.g. 10% of speakers to be
    k: (int) number of different splits to be tried out
    seed: (int) random seed

    train_i: (np.array) train set indices in X
    test_i: (np.array) test set indices in X
    info: (dict) detail information about reference and achieved prob distributions
        "size_testset_in_spliton": intended test_size
        "size_testset_in_X": optimized test proportion in X
        "p_ref_{c}": reference class distribution calculated from stratify_on[c]
        "p_test_{c}": test set class distribution calculated from stratify_on[c][test_i]
def optimize_traindevtest_split(X, y, split_on, stratify_on, weight=None,
                                dev_size=.1, test_size=.1, k=30, seed=42):

    ''' optimize group-disjunct split into training, dev, and test set, which is
    guided by:
    - disjunct split of values in SPLIT_ON
    - stratification by all keys in STRATIFY_ON (targets and groupings)
    - test set proportion in X should be close to test_size (which is the test
      proportion in set(split_on))

    X: (np.array or pd.DataFrame) of features
    y: (np.array) of targets of length N
      if type(y[0]) in ["str", "int"]: y is assumed to be categorical, so
         that it is additionally tested that all partitions cover all classes.
         Else y is assumed to be numeric and no coverage test is done.
    split_on: (np.array) list of length N with grouping variable (e.g. speaker IDs),
      on which the group-disjunct split is to be performed. Must be categorical.
    stratify_on: (dict) Dict-keys are variable names (targets and/or further groupings)
      the split should be stratified on (groupings could e.g. be sex, age class, etc).
      Dict-Values are np.array-s of length N that contain the variable values. All
      variables must be categorical.
    weight: (dict) weight for each variable in stratify_on. Defines their amount of
      contribution to the optimization score. Uniform weighting by default. Additional
      key: "size_diff" defines how the corresponding size differences should be weighted.
    dev_size: (float) proportion in set(split_on) for dev set, e.g. 10% of speakers
      to be held-out
    test_size: (float) test proportion in set(split_on) for test set
    k: (int) number of different splits to be tried out
    seed: (int) random seed

    train_i: (np.array) train set indices in X
    dev_i: (np.array) dev set indices in X
    test_i: (np.array) test set indices in X
    info: (dict) detail information about reference and achieved prob distributions
        "dev_size_in_spliton": intended grouping dev_size
        "dev_size_in_X": optimized dev proportion of observations in X
        "test_size_in_spliton": intended grouping test_size
        "test_size_in_X": optimized test proportion of observations in X
        "p_ref_{c}": reference class distribution calculated from stratify_on[c]
        "p_dev_{c}": dev set class distribution calculated from stratify_on[c][dev_i]
        "p_test_{c}": test set class distribution calculated from stratify_on[c][test_i]
def binning(x, nbins=2, lower_boundaries=None, seed=42):

    bins numeric data.

    If X is one-dimensional:
        binning is done either intrinsically into nbins classes
        based on an equidistant percentile split, or extrinsically
        by using the lower_boundaries values.
    If X is two-dimensional
        binning is done by kmeans clustering into nbins clusters

    x: (list, np.array) with numeric data.
    nbins: (int) number of bins
    lower_boundaries: (list) of lower bin boundaries.
      If y is 1-dim and lower_boundaries is provided, nbins will be ignored
      and y is binned extrinsically. The first value of lower_boundaries
      is always corrected not to be higher than min(y).
    seed: (int) random seed for kmeans

    c: (np.array) integers as bin IDs

if you use this software for a publication please cite:

Reichel, U.: splitutils - machine learning data partitioning software, version 0.3.0. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10793086, 2024.

  author =       {Reichel, U.},
  title =        {splitutils -- machine learning data partitioning software, version 0.3.0},
  howpublished = {doi:10.5281/zenodo.10793086},
  year =         {2024}
  • see scripts/
  • partitions are:
    • disjunct on categorical "split_var"
    • stratified on categorical "target", "strat_var1", "strat_var2"
    • each contain all levels of "target"
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

# add this line if you have cloned the code from github to PROJECT_DIR
# sys.path.append(PROJECT_DIR)

from splitutils import optimize_traindevtest_split

# set seed
seed = 42

# size
n = 100

# feature array
data = np.random.rand(100, 20)

# target variable
target = np.random.choice(["A", "B"], size=n, replace=True)

# array with variable on which to do a disjunct split
split_var = np.random.choice(["D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"],
                             size=n, replace=True)

# dict of variables to stratify on. Key names are arbitrary.
stratif_vars = {
    "target": target,
    "strat_var1": np.random.choice(["L", "M"], size=n, replace=True),
    "strat_var2": np.random.choice(["N", "O"], size=n, replace=True)

# weight importance of all stratification variables in stratify_in
# as well as of "size_diff", which punishes the deviation of intended
# and received partition sizes.
# Key names must match the names in stratif_vars.
weights = {
    "target": 2,
    "strat_var1": 1,
    "strat_var2": 1,
    "size_diff": 1

# test partition proportion (from 0 to 1)
test_size = .2

# number of disjunct splits to be tried out in brute force optimization
k = 30

train_i, test_i, info = optimize_traintest_split(

print("test levels of split_var:", sorted(set(split_var[test_i])))
print("goodness of split:", info)
  • see scripts/
  • Partitions are
    • disjunct on categorical "split_var"
    • stratified on categorical "target", "strat_var1", "strat_var2"
    • each contain all levels of "target"
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

# add this line if you have cloned the code from github to PROJECT_DIR
# sys.path.append(PROJECT_DIR)

from splitutils import optimize_traindevtest_split

# set seed
seed = 42

# size
n = 100

# feature array
data = np.random.rand(100, 20)

# target variable
target = np.random.choice(["A", "B"], size=n, replace=True)

# array with variable on which to do a disjunct split
split_var = np.random.choice(["D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"],
                             size=n, replace=True)

# dict of variables to stratify on. Key names are arbitrary.
stratif_vars = {
    "target": target,
    "strat_var1": np.random.choice(["F", "G"], size=n, replace=True),
    "strat_var2": np.random.choice(["H", "I"], size=n, replace=True)

# weight importance of all stratification variables in stratify_in
# as well as of "size_diff", which punishes the deviation of intended
# and received partition sizes.
# Key names must match the names in stratif_vars.
weights = {
    "target": 2,
    "strat_var1": 1,
    "strat_var2": 1,
    "size_diff": 1

# dev and test partition proportion (from 0 to 1)
dev_size = .1
test_size = .1

# number of disjunct splits to be tried out in brute force optimization
k = 30

train_i, dev_i, test_i, info = optimize_traindevtest_split(

print("test levels of split_var:", sorted(set(split_var[test_i])))
print("goodness of split:", info)
  • see scripts/
  • Partitions are
    • disjunct on categorical "split_var"
    • stratified on numeric "target", and on 3 other numeric stratification variables
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

# add this line if you have cloned the code from github to PROJECT_DIR
# sys.path.append(PROJECT_DIR)

from splitutils import (

example script how to split dummy data into training, development,
and test partitions that are
* disjunct on categorical "split_var"
* stratified on numeric "target", and on 3 other numeric stratification

# set seed
seed = 42

# size
n = 100

# features
data = np.random.rand(n, 20)

# numeric target variable
num_target = np.random.rand(n)

# array with variable on which to do a disjunct split
split_var = np.random.choice(["D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K"],
                             size=n, replace=True)

# further numeric variables to stratify on
num_strat_vars = np.random.rand(n, 3)

# intrinsically bin target into 3 bins by equidistant
# percentile boundaries
binned_target = binning(num_target, nbins=3)

# ... alternatively, a variable can be extrinsically binned by
# specifying lower boundaries:
# binned_target = binning(num_target, lower_boundaries=[0, 0.33, 0.66])

# bin other stratification variables into a single variable with 6 bins
# (2-dim input is binned by StandardScaling and KMeans clustering)
binned_strat_var = binning(num_strat_vars, nbins=6)

# ... alternatively, each stratification variable could be binned
# individually - intrinsically or extrinsically the same way as num_target
# strat_var1 = binning(num_strat_vars[:,0], nbins=...) etc.

# now add the obtained categorical variable to stratification dict
stratif_vars = {
    "target": binned_target,
    "strat_var": binned_strat_var

# weight importance of all stratification variables in stratify_in
# as well as of "size_diff", which punishes the deviation of intended
# and received partition sizes
weights = {
    "target": 2,
    "strat_var": 1,
    "size_diff": 1

# dev and test partition proportion (from 0 to 1)
dev_size = .1
test_size = .1

# number of disjunct splits to be tried out in brute force optimization
k = 30

train_i, dev_i, test_i, info = optimize_traindevtest_split(

print("test levels of split_var:", sorted(set(split_var[test_i])))
print("goodness of split:", info)
  • find optimal train, dev, and test set split based on:
    • disjunct split of a categorical grouping variable G (e.g. speaker)
    • optimized joint stratification on an arbitrary amount of categorical target and grouping variables (e.g. emotion, gender, ...)
    • close match of partition proportions in G and underlying dataset X
  • brute-force optimization on k disjunct splits of G
  • score to be minimzed for train/test set split:
(sum_v[w(v) * irad(v)] + w(d) * d) / (sum_v[w(v)] + w(d))

v: variables to be stratified on
w(v): their weight
irad(v): information radius between reference and test set distribution of factor levels in v
d: absolute difference between test proportions of X and G, i.e. between the proportion of test
   samples and the proportion of groups (e.g. speakers) that go into the test set
w(d): its weight
  • score to be minimzed for train / dev / test set split:
(sum_v[w(v) * max_irad(v)] + w(d) * max_d) / (sum_v[w(v)] + w(d))

v: variables to be stratified on
w(v): their weight
max_irad(v): maximum information radius of reference distribution of classes in v and
             - dev set distribution,
             - test set distribution
max_d: maximum of absolute difference between proportions of X and G (see above) calculated for
       the dev and test set
w(d): its weight
  • let's look at Example 2 above. There info becomes:
  'score': 0.030828359568603338,
  'size_devset_in_spliton': 0.1,
  'size_devset_in_X': 0.14,
  'size_testset_in_spliton': 0.1,
  'size_testset_in_X': 0.13,
  'p_target_ref': {'B': 0.49, 'A': 0.51},
  'p_target_dev': {'A': 0.5, 'B': 0.5},
  'p_target_test': {'A': 0.5384615384615384, 'B': 0.46153846153846156},
  'p_strat_var1_ref': {'G': 0.56, 'F': 0.44},
  'p_strat_var1_dev': {'G': 0.5714285714285714, 'F': 0.42857142857142855},
  'p_strat_var1_test': {'F': 0.5384615384615384, 'G': 0.46153846153846156},
  'p_strat_var2_ref': {'I': 0.48, 'H': 0.52},
  'p_strat_var2_dev': {'I': 0.5, 'H': 0.5},
  'p_strat_var2_test': {'I': 0.46153846153846156, 'H': 0.5384615384615384}
  • Explanations
    • score: see above, score to be minimzed for train / dev / test set split:
    • size_devset_in_spliton: proportion of to-be-split-on variable levels in development set
    • size_devset_in_X: proportion of rows in X in development set
    • size_testset_in_spliton: proportion of to-be-split-on variable levels in test set
    • size_testset_in_X: proportion of rows in X in test set
    • p_target_ref: reference target class distribution over all data
    • p_target_dev: target class distribution in development set
    • p_target_test: target class distribution in test set
    • p_strat_var1_ref: first stratification variable's reference distribution over all data
    • p_strat_var1_dev: first stratification variable's class distribution in development set
    • p_strat_var1_test: first stratification variable's class distribution in test set
    • p_strat_var2_ref: second stratification variable's reference distribution over all data
    • p_strat_var2_dev: second stratification variable's class distribution in development set
    • p_strat_var2_test: second stratification variable's class distribution in test set
  • Remarks
    • for splitutils.optimize_traintest_split() no development set results are reported
    • all *_strat_var* keys: key names derived from key names in stratify_on argument


machine learning data partitioning tool that allows for group-disjunct splits and stratification on multiple target and grouping variables







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