Backend for mobile app builder - Apper (
User can store projects and build them. Build is happening inside gitlab CI runners when backend sends request to Gitlab Pipeline API (see lib/apperback/project_build.ex
) to trigger pipeline job by name (ios, android, publish js bundle) in special repo that contains scripts for building and publishing React-Native app to servers.
Sooner I realized that this project is not a one-man job and decided to abandon it.
It worked tho.
I decided to omit auth part when building MVP until launch phase but it did not happen so there's no auth.
You can generate auth token this way:
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
- Then type this in terminal:
ApperbackWeb.AuthService.sign(%Apperback.User{id: "123"})
- You will get token to use when sending requests to
- Add these env vars to ansible config so it would work when deployed: