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npm i cesium cesium-mvt-imagery-provider
import { Viewer } from "cesium";
import CesiumMVTImageryProvider from "cesium-mvt-imagery-provider";

const imageryProvider = new CesiumMVTImageryProvider({
  urlTemplate: "http://localhost:8080/sample_mvt/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt",
  layerName: "layerName", // or "layerName1,layerName2,layerName3"
  style: feature => {
    return {
      strokeStyle: "green",
      fillStyle: "green",
      lineWidth: 1,
  onSelectFeature: feature => {
    console.log("Feature is selected");
  credit: "cesium.js",

const layers = viewer.scene.imageryLayers;
const currentLayer = layers.addImageryProvider(imageryProvider);
currentLayer.alpha = 0.5;

// Call `layers.remove(currentLayer);` when it is unnecessary.

See example directory for more details.


  1. yarn
  2. yarn unlink && yarn build && yarn run link
  3. cd ./example
  4. yarn && yarn dev
  5. Then example cesium application is started

If you run example, you need to set sample MVT data to ./example/public. And you should change layerName option for MVTImageryProvider in ./example/src/Imagery.tsx.