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[Bug?]: Prisma Migrate isn't properly migrating enums #7890

1 task
codewriter3000 opened this issue Mar 23, 2023 · 6 comments
1 task

[Bug?]: Prisma Migrate isn't properly migrating enums #7890

codewriter3000 opened this issue Mar 23, 2023 · 6 comments
bug/needs-info More information is needed for reproduction


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What's not working?

I have an enum in my schema but it's not being recognized when I try to import it. Inside of /api/src/services/sportOptions/sportOptions.ts when I use this line:

import { Sport } from '@prisma/client'

I get the error: Module '"@prisma/client"' has no exported member 'Sport'.

How do we reproduce the bug?

  1. Make a type in schema.prisma with an enum (this is the one I made):
enum Sport {
  1. Run yarn rw prisma migrate dev
  2. Try to import Sport and you'll get an error.

What's your environment? (If it applies)

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.19044
    Node: 16.19.0 - ~\AppData\Local\Temp\xfs-880a4f99\node.CMD
    Yarn: 3.4.1 - ~\AppData\Local\Temp\xfs-880a4f99\yarn.CMD
    Edge: Spartan (44.19041.1266.0), Chromium (111.0.1661.51)
    @redwoodjs/auth-dbauth-setup: 4.3.1 => 4.3.1
    @redwoodjs/core: 4.3.1 => 4.3.1
    PostgreSQL 15.2 (remote server on local intranet)

Are you interested in working on this?

  • I'm interested in working on this
@codewriter3000 codewriter3000 added the bug/needs-info More information is needed for reproduction label Mar 23, 2023
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codewriter3000 commented Mar 23, 2023

This is my graphql.d.ts file:

``` import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client' import { User as PrismaUser, UserCredential as PrismaUserCredential, League as PrismaLeague, } from '@prisma/client' import { GraphQLResolveInfo, GraphQLScalarType, GraphQLScalarTypeConfig, } from 'graphql'

import { MergePrismaWithSdlTypes, MakeRelationsOptional } from '@redwoodjs/api'
import { RedwoodGraphQLContext } from '@redwoodjs/graphql-server/dist/functions/types'
export type Maybe = T | null
export type InputMaybe = Maybe
export type Exact<T extends { [key: string]: unknown }> = {
[K in keyof T]: T[K]
export type MakeOptional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
[SubKey in K]?: Maybe<T[SubKey]>
export type MakeMaybe<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
[SubKey in K]: Maybe<T[SubKey]>
export type ResolverFn<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs> = (
args?: TArgs,
obj?: { root: TParent; context: TContext; info: GraphQLResolveInfo }
) => TResult | Promise
export type RequireFields<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & {
[P in K]-?: NonNullable<T[P]>
export type OptArgsResolverFn<
TParent = {},
TContext = {},
TArgs = {}

= (
args?: TArgs,
obj?: { root: TParent; context: TContext; info: GraphQLResolveInfo }
) => TResult | Promise

export type RequiredResolverFn<
TParent = {},
TContext = {},
TArgs = {}

= (
args: TArgs,
obj: { root: TParent; context: TContext; info: GraphQLResolveInfo }
) => TResult | Promise
/** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
export type Scalars = {
ID: string
String: string
Boolean: boolean
Int: number
Float: number
BigInt: number
Date: Date | string
DateTime: Date | string
JSON: Prisma.JsonValue
JSONObject: Prisma.JsonObject
Time: Date | string

export type CreateLeagueInput = {
description: Scalars['String']
name: Scalars['String']
sport: Scalars['Int']

export type League = {
__typename?: 'League'
description: Scalars['String']
id: Scalars['Int']
name: Scalars['String']
sport: Scalars['Int']

export type Mutation = {
__typename?: 'Mutation'
createLeague: League
deleteLeague: League
updateLeague: League

export type MutationcreateLeagueArgs = {
input: CreateLeagueInput

export type MutationdeleteLeagueArgs = {
id: Scalars['Int']

export type MutationupdateLeagueArgs = {
id: Scalars['Int']
input: UpdateLeagueInput

/** About the Redwood queries. /
export type Query = {
__typename?: 'Query'
league?: Maybe
leagues: Array
* Fetches the Redwood root schema. */
redwood?: Maybe

/** About the Redwood queries. */
export type QueryleagueArgs = {
id: Scalars['Int']


  • The RedwoodJS Root Schema
  • Defines details about RedwoodJS such as the current user and version information.
    export type Redwood = {
    __typename?: 'Redwood'
    * The current user. /
    currentUser?: Maybe<Scalars['JSON']>
    * The version of Prisma. /
    prismaVersion?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>
    * The version of Redwood. */
    version?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>

export type UpdateLeagueInput = {
description?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>
name?: InputMaybe<Scalars['String']>
sport?: InputMaybe<Scalars['Int']>

type MaybeOrArrayOfMaybe = T | Maybe | Maybe[]
type AllMappedModels = MaybeOrArrayOfMaybe

export type ResolverTypeWrapper = Promise | T

export type Resolver<
TParent = {},
TContext = {},
TArgs = {}

= ResolverFn<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs>

export type SubscriptionSubscribeFn<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs> = (
parent: TParent,
args: TArgs,
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => AsyncIterable | Promise<AsyncIterable>

export type SubscriptionResolveFn<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs> = (
parent: TParent,
args: TArgs,
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => TResult | Promise

export interface SubscriptionSubscriberObject<
TKey extends string,

subscribe: SubscriptionSubscribeFn<
{ [key in TKey]: TResult },

resolve?: SubscriptionResolveFn<
{ [key in TKey]: TResult },


export interface SubscriptionResolverObject<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs> {
subscribe: SubscriptionSubscribeFn<any, TParent, TContext, TArgs>
resolve: SubscriptionResolveFn<TResult, any, TContext, TArgs>

export type SubscriptionObject<
TKey extends string,

| SubscriptionSubscriberObject<TResult, TKey, TParent, TContext, TArgs>
| SubscriptionResolverObject<TResult, TParent, TContext, TArgs>

export type SubscriptionResolver<
TKey extends string,
TParent = {},
TContext = {},
TArgs = {}

| ((
...args: any[]
) => SubscriptionObject<TResult, TKey, TParent, TContext, TArgs>)
| SubscriptionObject<TResult, TKey, TParent, TContext, TArgs>

export type TypeResolveFn<TTypes, TParent = {}, TContext = {}> = (
parent: TParent,
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => Maybe | Promise<Maybe>

export type IsTypeOfResolverFn<T = {}, TContext = {}> = (
obj: T,
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => boolean | Promise

export type NextResolverFn = () => Promise

export type DirectiveResolverFn<
TResult = {},
TParent = {},
TContext = {},
TArgs = {}

= (
next: NextResolverFn,
parent: TParent,
args: TArgs,
context: TContext,
info: GraphQLResolveInfo
) => TResult | Promise

/** Mapping between all available schema types and the resolvers types */
export type ResolversTypes = {
BigInt: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['BigInt']>
Boolean: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['Boolean']>
CreateLeagueInput: CreateLeagueInput
Date: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['Date']>
DateTime: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['DateTime']>
Int: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['Int']>
JSON: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['JSON']>
JSONObject: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['JSONObject']>
League: ResolverTypeWrapper<
MakeRelationsOptional<League, AllMappedModels>,

Mutation: ResolverTypeWrapper<{}>
Query: ResolverTypeWrapper<{}>
Redwood: ResolverTypeWrapper
String: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['String']>
Time: ResolverTypeWrapper<Scalars['Time']>
UpdateLeagueInput: UpdateLeagueInput

/** Mapping between all available schema types and the resolvers parents */
export type ResolversParentTypes = {
BigInt: Scalars['BigInt']
Boolean: Scalars['Boolean']
CreateLeagueInput: CreateLeagueInput
Date: Scalars['Date']
DateTime: Scalars['DateTime']
Int: Scalars['Int']
JSON: Scalars['JSON']
JSONObject: Scalars['JSONObject']
League: MergePrismaWithSdlTypes<
MakeRelationsOptional<League, AllMappedModels>,

Mutation: {}
Query: {}
Redwood: Redwood
String: Scalars['String']
Time: Scalars['Time']
UpdateLeagueInput: UpdateLeagueInput

export type requireAuthDirectiveArgs = {
roles?: Maybe<Array<Maybe<Scalars['String']>>>

export type requireAuthDirectiveResolver<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
Args = requireAuthDirectiveArgs

= DirectiveResolverFn<Result, Parent, ContextType, Args>

export type skipAuthDirectiveArgs = {}

export type skipAuthDirectiveResolver<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
Args = skipAuthDirectiveArgs

= DirectiveResolverFn<Result, Parent, ContextType, Args>

export interface BigIntScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['BigInt'], any> {
name: 'BigInt'

export interface DateScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['Date'], any> {
name: 'Date'

export interface DateTimeScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['DateTime'], any> {
name: 'DateTime'

export interface JSONScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['JSON'], any> {
name: 'JSON'

export interface JSONObjectScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['JSONObject'], any> {
name: 'JSONObject'

export type LeagueResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['League'] = ResolversParentTypes['League']

= {
description: OptArgsResolverFn<

id: OptArgsResolverFn<ResolversTypes['Int'], ParentType, ContextType>
name: OptArgsResolverFn<ResolversTypes['String'], ParentType, ContextType>
sport: OptArgsResolverFn<ResolversTypes['Int'], ParentType, ContextType>
__isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn<ParentType, ContextType>

export type LeagueRelationResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['League'] = ResolversParentTypes['League']

= {
description?: RequiredResolverFn<

id?: RequiredResolverFn<ResolversTypes['Int'], ParentType, ContextType>
name?: RequiredResolverFn<ResolversTypes['String'], ParentType, ContextType>
sport?: RequiredResolverFn<ResolversTypes['Int'], ParentType, ContextType>
__isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn<ParentType, ContextType>

export type MutationResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Mutation'] = ResolversParentTypes['Mutation']

= {
createLeague: Resolver<
RequireFields<MutationcreateLeagueArgs, 'input'>

deleteLeague: Resolver<
RequireFields<MutationdeleteLeagueArgs, 'id'>

updateLeague: Resolver<
RequireFields<MutationupdateLeagueArgs, 'id' | 'input'>


export type MutationRelationResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Mutation'] = ResolversParentTypes['Mutation']

= {
createLeague?: RequiredResolverFn<
RequireFields<MutationcreateLeagueArgs, 'input'>

deleteLeague?: RequiredResolverFn<
RequireFields<MutationdeleteLeagueArgs, 'id'>

updateLeague?: RequiredResolverFn<
RequireFields<MutationupdateLeagueArgs, 'id' | 'input'>


export type QueryResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Query'] = ResolversParentTypes['Query']

= {
league: Resolver<
RequireFields<QueryleagueArgs, 'id'>

leagues: OptArgsResolverFn<

redwood: OptArgsResolverFn<


export type QueryRelationResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Query'] = ResolversParentTypes['Query']

= {
league?: RequiredResolverFn<
RequireFields<QueryleagueArgs, 'id'>

leagues?: RequiredResolverFn<

redwood?: RequiredResolverFn<


export type RedwoodResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Redwood'] = ResolversParentTypes['Redwood']

= {
currentUser: OptArgsResolverFn<

prismaVersion: OptArgsResolverFn<

version: OptArgsResolverFn<

__isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn<ParentType, ContextType>

export type RedwoodRelationResolvers<
ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext,
ParentType extends ResolversParentTypes['Redwood'] = ResolversParentTypes['Redwood']

= {
currentUser?: RequiredResolverFn<

prismaVersion?: RequiredResolverFn<

version?: RequiredResolverFn<

__isTypeOf?: IsTypeOfResolverFn<ParentType, ContextType>

export interface TimeScalarConfig
extends GraphQLScalarTypeConfig<ResolversTypes['Time'], any> {
name: 'Time'

export type Resolvers<ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext> = {
BigInt: GraphQLScalarType
Date: GraphQLScalarType
DateTime: GraphQLScalarType
JSON: GraphQLScalarType
JSONObject: GraphQLScalarType
League: LeagueResolvers
Mutation: MutationResolvers
Query: QueryResolvers
Redwood: RedwoodResolvers
Time: GraphQLScalarType

export type DirectiveResolvers<ContextType = RedwoodGraphQLContext> = {
requireAuth: requireAuthDirectiveResolver<any, any, ContextType>
skipAuth: skipAuthDirectiveResolver<any, any, ContextType>


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codewriter3000 commented Mar 23, 2023

Here is my node_modules/.prisma/client/index.js file:


Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

const {
} = require('@prisma/client/runtime/library')

const Prisma = {}

exports.Prisma = Prisma


  • Prisma Client JS version: 4.11.0
  • Query Engine version: 8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb
    Prisma.prismaVersion = {
    client: "4.11.0",
    engine: "8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb"

Prisma.PrismaClientKnownRequestError = PrismaClientKnownRequestError;
Prisma.PrismaClientUnknownRequestError = PrismaClientUnknownRequestError
Prisma.PrismaClientRustPanicError = PrismaClientRustPanicError
Prisma.PrismaClientInitializationError = PrismaClientInitializationError
Prisma.PrismaClientValidationError = PrismaClientValidationError
Prisma.NotFoundError = NotFoundError
Prisma.Decimal = Decimal


  • Re-export of sql-template-tag
    Prisma.sql = sqltag
    Prisma.empty = empty
    Prisma.join = join
    Prisma.raw = raw
    Prisma.validator = () => (val) => val


  • Shorthand utilities for JSON filtering
    Prisma.DbNull = objectEnumValues.instances.DbNull
    Prisma.JsonNull = objectEnumValues.instances.JsonNull
    Prisma.AnyNull = objectEnumValues.instances.AnyNull

Prisma.NullTypes = {
DbNull: objectEnumValues.classes.DbNull,
JsonNull: objectEnumValues.classes.JsonNull,
AnyNull: objectEnumValues.classes.AnyNull

const path = require('path')

const fs = require('fs')

// some frameworks or bundlers replace or totally remove __dirname
const hasDirname = typeof __dirname !== 'undefined' && __dirname !== '/'

// will work in most cases, ie. if the client has not been bundled
const regularDirname = hasDirname && fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, 'schema.prisma')) && __dirname

// if the client has been bundled, we need to look for the folders
const foundDirname = !regularDirname && findSync(process.cwd(), [
], ['d'], ['d'], 1)[0]

const dirname = regularDirname || foundDirname || __dirname


exports.Prisma.LeagueScalarFieldEnum = makeEnum({
id: 'id',
name: 'name',
description: 'description',
sport: 'sport'

exports.Prisma.QueryMode = makeEnum({
default: 'default',
insensitive: 'insensitive'

exports.Prisma.SortOrder = makeEnum({
asc: 'asc',
desc: 'desc'

exports.Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel = makeStrictEnum({
ReadUncommitted: 'ReadUncommitted',
ReadCommitted: 'ReadCommitted',
RepeatableRead: 'RepeatableRead',
Serializable: 'Serializable'

exports.Prisma.UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum = makeEnum({
id: 'id',
userId: 'userId',
publicKey: 'publicKey',
transports: 'transports',
counter: 'counter'

exports.Prisma.UserScalarFieldEnum = makeEnum({
id: 'id',
username: 'username',
email: 'email',
hashedPassword: 'hashedPassword',
salt: 'salt',
resetToken: 'resetToken',
resetTokenExpiresAt: 'resetTokenExpiresAt',
webAuthnChallenge: 'webAuthnChallenge'
exports.Sport = makeEnum({

exports.Prisma.ModelName = makeEnum({
User: 'User',
UserCredential: 'UserCredential',
League: 'League'

const dmmfString = "{"datamodel":{"enums":[{"name":"Sport","values":[{"name":"BASEBALL","dbName":null},{"name":"BASKETBALL","dbName":null},{"name":"DODGEBALL","dbName":null},{"name":"FOOTBALL","dbName":null},{"name":"LACROSSE","dbName":null},{"name":"SOFTBALL","dbName":null}],"dbName":null}],"models":[{"name":"User","dbName":null,"fields":[{"name":"id","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":true,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":true,"type":"Int","default":{"name":"autoincrement","args":[]},"isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"username","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":true,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"email","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":true,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"hashedPassword","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"salt","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"resetToken","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":false,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"resetTokenExpiresAt","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":false,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"DateTime","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"webAuthnChallenge","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":false,"isUnique":true,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"credentials","kind":"object","isList":true,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"UserCredential","relationName":"UserToUserCredential","relationFromFields":[],"relationToFields":[],"isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false}],"primaryKey":null,"uniqueFields":[],"uniqueIndexes":[],"isGenerated":false},{"name":"UserCredential","dbName":null,"fields":[{"name":"id","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":true,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"userId","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":true,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"Int","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"user","kind":"object","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"User","relationName":"UserToUserCredential","relationFromFields":["userId"],"relationToFields":["id"],"isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"publicKey","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"Bytes","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"transports","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":false,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"counter","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"BigInt","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false}],"primaryKey":null,"uniqueFields":[],"uniqueIndexes":[],"isGenerated":false},{"name":"League","dbName":null,"fields":[{"name":"id","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":true,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":true,"type":"Int","default":{"name":"autoincrement","args":[]},"isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"name","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"description","kind":"scalar","isList":false,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"String","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false},{"name":"sport","kind":"enum","isList":true,"isRequired":true,"isUnique":false,"isId":false,"isReadOnly":false,"hasDefaultValue":false,"type":"Sport","isGenerated":false,"isUpdatedAt":false}],"primaryKey":null,"uniqueFields":[],"uniqueIndexes":[],"isGenerated":false}],"types":[]},"mappings":{"modelOperations":[{"model":"User","plural":"users","findUnique":"findUniqueUser","findUniqueOrThrow":"findUniqueUserOrThrow","findFirst":"findFirstUser","findFirstOrThrow":"findFirstUserOrThrow","findMany":"findManyUser","create":"createOneUser","createMany":"createManyUser","delete":"deleteOneUser","update":"updateOneUser","deleteMany":"deleteManyUser","updateMany":"updateManyUser","upsert":"upsertOneUser","aggregate":"aggregateUser","groupBy":"groupByUser"},{"model":"UserCredential","plural":"userCredentials","findUnique":"findUniqueUserCredential","findUniqueOrThrow":"findUniqueUserCredentialOrThrow","findFirst":"findFirstUserCredential","findFirstOrThrow":"findFirstUserCredentialOrThrow","findMany":"findManyUserCredential","create":"createOneUserCredential","createMany":"createManyUserCredential","delete":"deleteOneUserCredential","update":"updateOneUserCredential","deleteMany":"deleteManyUserCredential","updateMany":"updateManyUserCredential","upsert":"upsertOneUserCredential","aggregate":"aggregateUserCredential","groupBy":"groupByUserCredential"},{"model":"League","plural":"leagues","findUnique":"findUniqueLeague","findUniqueOrThrow":"findUniqueLeagueOrThrow","findFirst":"findFirstLeague","findFirstOrThrow":"findFirstLeagueOrThrow","findMany":"findManyLeague","create":"createOneLeague","createMany":"createManyLeague","delete":"deleteOneLeague","update":"updateOneLeague","deleteMany":"deleteManyLeague","updateMany":"updateManyLeague","upsert":"upsertOneLeague","aggregate":"aggregateLeague","groupBy":"groupByLeague"}],"otherOperations":{"read":[],"write":["executeRaw","queryRaw"]}}}"
const dmmf = JSON.parse(dmmfString)
exports.Prisma.dmmf = JSON.parse(dmmfString)


  • Create the Client
    const config = {
    "generator": {
    "name": "client",
    "provider": {
    "fromEnvVar": null,
    "value": "prisma-client-js"
    "output": {
    "value": "A:\Node\profrec\node_modules\@prisma\client",
    "fromEnvVar": null
    "config": {
    "engineType": "library"
    "binaryTargets": [
    "fromEnvVar": null,
    "value": "windows"
    "previewFeatures": []
    "relativeEnvPaths": {
    "rootEnvPath": "..\..\..\.env",
    "schemaEnvPath": "..\..\..\.env"
    "relativePath": "..\..\..\api\db",
    "clientVersion": "4.11.0",
    "engineVersion": "8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb",
    "datasourceNames": [
    "activeProvider": "postgresql",
    "dataProxy": false
    config.dirname = dirname
    config.document = dmmf

const { warnEnvConflicts } = require('@prisma/client/runtime/library')

rootEnvPath: config.relativeEnvPaths.rootEnvPath && path.resolve(dirname, config.relativeEnvPaths.rootEnvPath),
schemaEnvPath: config.relativeEnvPaths.schemaEnvPath && path.resolve(dirname, config.relativeEnvPaths.schemaEnvPath)

const PrismaClient = getPrismaClient(config)
exports.PrismaClient = PrismaClient
Object.assign(exports, Prisma)

path.join(__dirname, "query_engine-windows.dll.node");
path.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules\.prisma\client\query_engine-windows.dll.node")
path.join(__dirname, "schema.prisma");
path.join(process.cwd(), "node_modules\.prisma\client\schema.prisma")


@codewriter3000 codewriter3000 changed the title [Bug?]: Prisma Migrate isn't migrating enums [Bug?]: Prisma Migrate isn't properly migrating enums Mar 23, 2023
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codewriter3000 commented Mar 23, 2023




  • Client

import * as runtime from '@prisma/client/runtime/library';
type UnwrapPromise

= P extends Promise ? R : P
type UnwrapTuple<Tuple extends readonly unknown[]> = {
[K in keyof Tuple]: K extends ${number} ? Tuple[K] extends Prisma.PrismaPromise ? X : UnwrapPromise<Tuple[K]> : UnwrapPromise<Tuple[K]>


  • Model User

export type User = {
id: number
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt: Date | null
webAuthnChallenge: string | null


  • Model UserCredential

export type UserCredential = {
id: string
userId: number
publicKey: Buffer
transports: string | null
counter: bigint


  • Model League

export type League = {
id: number
name: string
description: string
sport: Sport[]


  • Enums

// Based on
// microsoft/TypeScript#3192 (comment)

export const Sport: {

export type Sport = (typeof Sport)[keyof typeof Sport]


  • Prisma Client ʲˢ

  • Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js
  • @example
  • const prisma = new PrismaClient()
  • // Fetch zero or more Users
  • const users = await prisma.user.findMany()
  • Read more in our docs.
    export class PrismaClient<
    T extends Prisma.PrismaClientOptions = Prisma.PrismaClientOptions,
    U = 'log' extends keyof T ? T['log'] extends Array<Prisma.LogLevel | Prisma.LogDefinition> ? Prisma.GetEvents<T['log']> : never : never,
    GlobalReject extends Prisma.RejectOnNotFound | Prisma.RejectPerOperation | false | undefined = 'rejectOnNotFound' extends keyof T
    ? T['rejectOnNotFound']
    : false


    • Prisma Client ʲˢ

    • Type-safe database client for TypeScript & Node.js
    • @example
    • const prisma = new PrismaClient()
    • // Fetch zero or more Users
    • const users = await prisma.user.findMany()
    • Read more in our docs.

constructor(optionsArg ?: Prisma.Subset<T, Prisma.PrismaClientOptions>);
$on<V extends (U | 'beforeExit')>(eventType: V, callback: (event: V extends 'query' ? Prisma.QueryEvent : V extends 'beforeExit' ? () => Promise : Prisma.LogEvent) => void): void;


  • Connect with the database
    $connect(): Promise;


  • Disconnect from the database
    $disconnect(): Promise;


  • Add a middleware
    $use(cb: Prisma.Middleware): void


  • Executes a prepared raw query and returns the number of affected rows.
  • @example
  • const result = await prisma.$executeRawUPDATE User SET cool = ${true} WHERE email = ${'[email protected]'};
  • Read more in our docs.
    $executeRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise;


  • Executes a raw query and returns the number of affected rows.
  • Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation.
  • @example
  • const result = await prisma.$executeRawUnsafe('UPDATE User SET cool = $1 WHERE email = $2 ;', true, '[email protected]')
  • Read more in our docs.
    $executeRawUnsafe<T = unknown>(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise;


  • Performs a prepared raw query and returns the SELECT data.
  • @example
  • const result = await prisma.$queryRawSELECT * FROM User WHERE id = ${1} OR email = ${'[email protected]'};
  • Read more in our docs.
    $queryRaw<T = unknown>(query: TemplateStringsArray | Prisma.Sql, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise;


  • Performs a raw query and returns the SELECT data.
  • Susceptible to SQL injections, see documentation.
  • @example
  • const result = await prisma.$queryRawUnsafe('SELECT * FROM User WHERE id = $1 OR email = $2;', 1, '[email protected]')
  • Read more in our docs.
    $queryRawUnsafe<T = unknown>(query: string, ...values: any[]): Prisma.PrismaPromise;


  • Allows the running of a sequence of read/write operations that are guaranteed to either succeed or fail as a whole.
  • @example
  • const [george, bob, alice] = await prisma.$transaction([
  • prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'George' } }),
  • prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Bob' } }),
  • prisma.user.create({ data: { name: 'Alice' } }),
  • ])
  • Read more in our docs.
    $transaction<P extends Prisma.PrismaPromise[]>(arg: [...P], options?: { isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): Promise<UnwrapTuple


$transaction(fn: (prisma: Omit<this, "$connect" | "$disconnect" | "$on" | "$transaction" | "$use">) => Promise, options?: { maxWait?: number, timeout?: number, isolationLevel?: Prisma.TransactionIsolationLevel }): Promise

  • prisma.user: Exposes CRUD operations for the User model.
    * Example usage:
    * ts * // Fetch zero or more Users * const users = await prisma.user.findMany() *
    get user(): Prisma.UserDelegate;


  • prisma.userCredential: Exposes CRUD operations for the UserCredential model.
    * Example usage:
    * ts * // Fetch zero or more UserCredentials * const userCredentials = await prisma.userCredential.findMany() *
    get userCredential(): Prisma.UserCredentialDelegate;


  • prisma.league: Exposes CRUD operations for the League model.
    * Example usage:
    * ts * // Fetch zero or more Leagues * const leagues = await prisma.league.findMany() *
    get league(): Prisma.LeagueDelegate;

export namespace Prisma {
export import DMMF = runtime.DMMF

export type PrismaPromise = runtime.Types.Public.PrismaPromise


  • Prisma Errors
    export import PrismaClientKnownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientKnownRequestError
    export import PrismaClientUnknownRequestError = runtime.PrismaClientUnknownRequestError
    export import PrismaClientRustPanicError = runtime.PrismaClientRustPanicError
    export import PrismaClientInitializationError = runtime.PrismaClientInitializationError
    export import PrismaClientValidationError = runtime.PrismaClientValidationError
    export import NotFoundError = runtime.NotFoundError


  • Re-export of sql-template-tag
    export import sql = runtime.sqltag
    export import empty = runtime.empty
    export import join = runtime.join
    export import raw = runtime.raw
    export import Sql = runtime.Sql


  • Decimal.js
    export import Decimal = runtime.Decimal

export type DecimalJsLike = runtime.DecimalJsLike


  • Metrics
    export type Metrics = runtime.Metrics
    export type Metric = runtime.Metric
    export type MetricHistogram = runtime.MetricHistogram
    export type MetricHistogramBucket = runtime.MetricHistogramBucket


  • Prisma Client JS version: 4.11.0
  • Query Engine version: 8fde8fef4033376662cad983758335009d522acb
    export type PrismaVersion = {
    client: string

export const prismaVersion: PrismaVersion


  • Utility Types





  • Matches a JSON object.
  • Unlike JsonObject, this type allows undefined and read-only properties.
    export type InputJsonObject = {readonly [Key in string]?: InputJsonValue | null}


  • Matches a JSON array.
  • Unlike JsonArray, readonly arrays are assignable to this type.
    export interface InputJsonArray extends ReadonlyArray<InputJsonValue | null> {}


  • Matches any valid value that can be used as an input for operations like
  • create and update as the value of a JSON field. Unlike JsonValue, this
  • type allows read-only arrays and read-only object properties and disallows
  • null at the top level.
  • null cannot be used as the value of a JSON field because its meaning
  • would be ambiguous. Use Prisma.JsonNull to store the JSON null value or
  • Prisma.DbNull to clear the JSON value and set the field to the database
  • NULL value instead.
  • @see
    export type InputJsonValue = string | number | boolean | InputJsonObject | InputJsonArray


* Type of `Prisma.JsonNull`.
* You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.JsonNull` value.
* @see
class JsonNull {
  private JsonNull: never
  private constructor()

* Type of `Prisma.AnyNull`.
* You cannot use other instances of this class. Please use the `Prisma.AnyNull` value.
* @see
class AnyNull {
  private AnyNull: never
  private constructor()





type SelectAndInclude = {
select: any
include: any
type HasSelect = {
select: any
type HasInclude = {
include: any
type CheckSelect<T, S, U> = T extends SelectAndInclude
? 'Please either choose select or include'
: T extends HasSelect
? U
: T extends HasInclude
? U
: S


  • Get the type of the value, that the Promise holds.
    export type PromiseType<T extends PromiseLike> = T extends PromiseLike ? U : T;


  • Get the return type of a function which returns a Promise.
    export type PromiseReturnType<T extends (...args: any) => Promise> = PromiseType<ReturnType>


  • From T, pick a set of properties whose keys are in the union K
    type Prisma__Pick<T, K extends keyof T> = {
    [P in K]: T[P];

export type Enumerable = T | Array;

export type RequiredKeys = {
[K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Prisma__Pick<T, K> ? never : K
}[keyof T]

export type TruthyKeys = keyof {
[K in keyof T as T[K] extends false | undefined | null ? never : K]: K

export type TrueKeys = TruthyKeys<Prisma__Pick<T, RequiredKeys>>


  • Subset
  • @desc From T pick properties that exist in U. Simple version of Intersection
    export type Subset<T, U> = {
    [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never;


  • SelectSubset
  • @desc From T pick properties that exist in U. Simple version of Intersection.
  • Additionally, it validates, if both select and include are present. If the case, it errors.
    export type SelectSubset<T, U> = {
    [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never
    } &
    (T extends SelectAndInclude
    ? 'Please either choose select or include.'
    : {})


  • Subset + Intersection
  • @desc From T pick properties that exist in U and intersect K
    export type SubsetIntersection<T, U, K> = {
    [key in keyof T]: key extends keyof U ? T[key] : never
    } &

type Without<T, U> = { [P in Exclude<keyof T, keyof U>]?: never };



  • Is T a Record?
    type IsObject = T extends Array
    ? False
    : T extends Date
    ? False
    : T extends Uint8Array
    ? False
    : T extends BigInt
    ? False
    : T extends object
    ? True
    : False


  • If it's T[], return T
    export type UnEnumerate = T extends Array ? U : T


  • From ts-toolbelt

type __Either<O extends object, K extends Key> = Omit<O, K> &
// Merge all but K
[P in K]: Prisma__Pick<O, P & keyof O> // With K possibilities

type EitherStrict<O extends object, K extends Key> = Strict<__Either<O, K>>

type EitherLoose<O extends object, K extends Key> = ComputeRaw<__Either<O, K>>

type _Either<
O extends object,
K extends Key,
strict extends Boolean

= {
1: EitherStrict<O, K>
0: EitherLoose<O, K>

type Either<
O extends object,
K extends Key,
strict extends Boolean = 1

= O extends unknown ? _Either<O, K, strict> : never

export type Union = any

type PatchUndefined<O extends object, O1 extends object> = {
[K in keyof O]: O[K] extends undefined ? At<O1, K> : O[K]
} & {}

/** Helper Types for "Merge" **/
export type IntersectOf = (
U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never
) extends (k: infer I) => void
? I
: never

export type Overwrite<O extends object, O1 extends object> = {
[K in keyof O]: K extends keyof O1 ? O1[K] : O[K];
} & {};

type _Merge = IntersectOf<Overwrite<U, {
[K in keyof U]-?: At<U, K>;

type Key = string | number | symbol;
type AtBasic<O extends object, K extends Key> = K extends keyof O ? O[K] : never;
type AtStrict<O extends object, K extends Key> = O[K & keyof O];
type AtLoose<O extends object, K extends Key> = O extends unknown ? AtStrict<O, K> : never;
export type At<O extends object, K extends Key, strict extends Boolean = 1> = {
1: AtStrict<O, K>;
0: AtLoose<O, K>;

export type ComputeRaw = A extends Function ? A : {
[K in keyof A]: A[K];
} & {};

export type OptionalFlat = {
[K in keyof O]?: O[K];
} & {};

type _Record<K extends keyof any, T> = {
[P in K]: T;

// cause typescript not to expand types and preserve names
type NoExpand = T extends unknown ? T : never;

// this type assumes the passed object is entirely optional
type AtLeast<O extends object, K extends string> = NoExpand<
O extends unknown
? | (K extends keyof O ? { [P in K]: O[P] } & O : O)
| {[P in keyof O as P extends K ? K : never]-?: O[P]} & O
: never>;

type _Strict<U, _U = U> = U extends unknown ? U & OptionalFlat<_Record<Exclude<Keys<_U>, keyof U>, never>> : never;

export type Strict = ComputeRaw<_Strict>;
/** End Helper Types for "Merge" **/

export type Merge = ComputeRaw<_Merge<Strict>>;

A [[Boolean]]
export type Boolean = True | False

// /**
// 1
// */
export type True = 1

export type False = 0

export type Not = {
0: 1
1: 0

export type Extends<A1 extends any, A2 extends any> = [A1] extends [never]
? 0 // anything never is false
: A1 extends A2
? 1
: 0

export type Has<U extends Union, U1 extends Union> = Not<
Extends<Exclude<U1, U>, U1>

export type Or<B1 extends Boolean, B2 extends Boolean> = {
0: {
0: 0
1: 1
1: {
0: 1
1: 1

export type Keys = U extends unknown ? keyof U : never

type Cast<A, B> = A extends B ? A : B;

export const type: unique symbol;

export function validator(): (select: runtime.Types.Utils.LegacyExact<S, V>) => S;


  • Used by group by

export type GetScalarType<T, O> = O extends object ? {
[P in keyof T]: P extends keyof O
? O[P]
: never
} : never

type FieldPaths<
U = Omit<T, '_avg' | '_sum' | '_count' | '_min' | '_max'>

= IsObject extends True ? U : T

type GetHavingFields = {
[K in keyof T]: Or<
Or<Extends<'OR', K>, Extends<'AND', K>>,
Extends<'NOT', K>
> extends True
? // infer is only needed to not hit TS limit
// based on the brilliant idea of Pierre-Antoine Mills
// microsoft/TypeScript#30188 (comment)
T[K] extends infer TK
? GetHavingFields<UnEnumerate extends object ? Merge<UnEnumerate> : never>
: never
: {} extends FieldPaths<T[K]>
? never
: K
}[keyof T]


  • Convert tuple to union
    type _TupleToUnion = T extends (infer E)[] ? E : never
    type TupleToUnion<K extends readonly any[]> = _TupleToUnion
    type MaybeTupleToUnion = T extends any[] ? TupleToUnion : T


  • Like Pick, but with an array
    type PickArray<T, K extends Array> = Prisma__Pick<T, TupleToUnion>


  • Exclude all keys with underscores
    type ExcludeUnderscoreKeys = T extends _${string} ? never : T

export type FieldRef<Model, FieldType> = runtime.FieldRef<Model, FieldType>

type FieldRefInputType<Model, FieldType> = Model extends never ? never : FieldRef<Model, FieldType>

export const ModelName: {
User: 'User',
UserCredential: 'UserCredential',
League: 'League'

export type ModelName = (typeof ModelName)[keyof typeof ModelName]

export type Datasources = {
db?: Datasource

export type DefaultPrismaClient = PrismaClient
export type RejectOnNotFound = boolean | ((error: Error) => Error)
export type RejectPerModel = { [P in ModelName]?: RejectOnNotFound }
export type RejectPerOperation = { [P in "findUnique" | "findFirst"]?: RejectPerModel | RejectOnNotFound }
type IsReject = T extends true ? True : T extends (err: Error) => Error ? True : False
export type HasReject<
GlobalRejectSettings extends Prisma.PrismaClientOptions['rejectOnNotFound'],
Action extends PrismaAction,
Model extends ModelName

= LocalRejectSettings extends RejectOnNotFound
? IsReject
: GlobalRejectSettings extends RejectPerOperation
? Action extends keyof GlobalRejectSettings
? GlobalRejectSettings[Action] extends RejectOnNotFound
? IsReject<GlobalRejectSettings[Action]>
: GlobalRejectSettings[Action] extends RejectPerModel
? Model extends keyof GlobalRejectSettings[Action]
? IsReject<GlobalRejectSettings[Action][Model]>
: False
: False
: False
: IsReject
export type ErrorFormat = 'pretty' | 'colorless' | 'minimal'

export interface PrismaClientOptions {
* Configure findUnique/findFirst to throw an error if the query returns null.
* @deprecated since 4.0.0. Use findUniqueOrThrow/findFirstOrThrow methods instead.
* @example
* * // Reject on both findUnique/findFirst * rejectOnNotFound: true * // Reject only on findFirst with a custom error * rejectOnNotFound: { findFirst: (err) => new Error("Custom Error")} * // Reject on user.findUnique with a custom error * rejectOnNotFound: { findUnique: {User: (err) => new Error("User not found")}} *
rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound | RejectPerOperation
* Overwrites the datasource url from your schema.prisma file
datasources?: Datasources

 * @default "colorless"
errorFormat?: ErrorFormat

 * @example
 * ```
 * // Defaults to stdout
 * log: ['query', 'info', 'warn', 'error']
 * // Emit as events
 * log: [
 *  { emit: 'stdout', level: 'query' },
 *  { emit: 'stdout', level: 'info' },
 *  { emit: 'stdout', level: 'warn' }
 *  { emit: 'stdout', level: 'error' }
 * ]
 * ```
 * Read more in our [docs](
log?: Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition>


/* Types for Logging */
export type LogLevel = 'info' | 'query' | 'warn' | 'error'
export type LogDefinition = {
level: LogLevel
emit: 'stdout' | 'event'

export type GetLogType<T extends LogLevel | LogDefinition> = T extends LogDefinition ? T['emit'] extends 'event' ? T['level'] : never : never
export type GetEvents = T extends Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition> ?
GetLogType<T[0]> | GetLogType<T[1]> | GetLogType<T[2]> | GetLogType<T[3]>
: never

export type QueryEvent = {
timestamp: Date
query: string
params: string
duration: number
target: string

export type LogEvent = {
timestamp: Date
message: string
target: string
/* End Types for Logging */

export type PrismaAction =
| 'findUnique'
| 'findMany'
| 'findFirst'
| 'create'
| 'createMany'
| 'update'
| 'updateMany'
| 'upsert'
| 'delete'
| 'deleteMany'
| 'executeRaw'
| 'queryRaw'
| 'aggregate'
| 'count'
| 'runCommandRaw'
| 'findRaw'


  • These options are being passed into the middleware as "params"
    export type MiddlewareParams = {
    model?: ModelName
    action: PrismaAction
    args: any
    dataPath: string[]
    runInTransaction: boolean


  • The T type makes sure, that the return proceed is not forgotten in the middleware implementation
    export type Middleware<T = any> = (
    params: MiddlewareParams,
    next: (params: MiddlewareParams) => Promise,
    ) => Promise

// tested in getLogLevel.test.ts
export function getLogLevel(log: Array<LogLevel | LogDefinition>): LogLevel | undefined;


  • PrismaClient proxy available in interactive transactions.
    export type TransactionClient = Omit<Prisma.DefaultPrismaClient, '$connect' | '$disconnect' | '$on' | '$transaction' | '$use'>

export type Datasource = {
url?: string


  • Count Types


  • Count Type UserCountOutputType

export type UserCountOutputType = {
credentials: number

export type UserCountOutputTypeSelect = {
credentials?: boolean

export type UserCountOutputTypeGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | UserCountOutputTypeArgs> =
S extends { select: any, include: any } ? 'Please either choose select or include' :
S extends true ? UserCountOutputType :
S extends undefined ? never :
S extends { include: any } & (UserCountOutputTypeArgs)
? UserCountOutputType
: S extends { select: any } & (UserCountOutputTypeArgs)
? {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['select']>]:
P extends keyof UserCountOutputType ? UserCountOutputType[P] : never
: UserCountOutputType

// Custom InputTypes


  • UserCountOutputType without action
    export type UserCountOutputTypeArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCountOutputType
      select?: UserCountOutputTypeSelect | null


  • Models


  • Model User

export type AggregateUser = {
_count: UserCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: UserAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: UserSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: UserMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: UserMaxAggregateOutputType | null

export type UserAvgAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null

export type UserSumAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null

export type UserMinAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null
username: string | null
email: string | null
hashedPassword: string | null
salt: string | null
resetToken: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt: Date | null
webAuthnChallenge: string | null

export type UserMaxAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null
username: string | null
email: string | null
hashedPassword: string | null
salt: string | null
resetToken: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt: Date | null
webAuthnChallenge: string | null

export type UserCountAggregateOutputType = {
id: number
username: number
email: number
hashedPassword: number
salt: number
resetToken: number
resetTokenExpiresAt: number
webAuthnChallenge: number
_all: number

export type UserAvgAggregateInputType = {
id?: true

export type UserSumAggregateInputType = {
id?: true

export type UserMinAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
username?: true
email?: true
hashedPassword?: true
salt?: true
resetToken?: true
resetTokenExpiresAt?: true
webAuthnChallenge?: true

export type UserMaxAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
username?: true
email?: true
hashedPassword?: true
salt?: true
resetToken?: true
resetTokenExpiresAt?: true
webAuthnChallenge?: true

export type UserCountAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
username?: true
email?: true
hashedPassword?: true
salt?: true
resetToken?: true
resetTokenExpiresAt?: true
webAuthnChallenge?: true
_all?: true

export type UserAggregateArgs = {
* Filter which User to aggregate.
where?: UserWhereInput
* {@link Sorting Docs}
* Determine the order of Users to fetch.
orderBy?: Enumerable
* {@link Cursor Docs}
* Sets the start position
cursor?: UserWhereUniqueInput
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Take ±n Users from the position of the cursor.
take?: number
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Skip the first n Users.
skip?: number
* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Count returned Users
_count?: true | UserCountAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to average
_avg?: UserAvgAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to sum
_sum?: UserSumAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the minimum value
_min?: UserMinAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the maximum value
_max?: UserMaxAggregateInputType

export type GetUserAggregateType = {
[P in keyof T & keyof AggregateUser]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
? T[P] extends true
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateUser[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateUser[P]>

export type UserGroupByArgs = {
where?: UserWhereInput
orderBy?: Enumerable
by: UserScalarFieldEnum[]
having?: UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
take?: number
skip?: number
_count?: UserCountAggregateInputType | true
_avg?: UserAvgAggregateInputType
_sum?: UserSumAggregateInputType
_min?: UserMinAggregateInputType
_max?: UserMaxAggregateInputType

export type UserGroupByOutputType = {
id: number
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt: Date | null
webAuthnChallenge: string | null
_count: UserCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: UserAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: UserSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: UserMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: UserMaxAggregateOutputType | null

type GetUserGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
PickArray<UserGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
[P in ((keyof T) & (keyof UserGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
? T[P] extends boolean
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], UserGroupByOutputType[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], UserGroupByOutputType[P]>

export type UserSelect = {
id?: boolean
username?: boolean
email?: boolean
hashedPassword?: boolean
salt?: boolean
resetToken?: boolean
resetTokenExpiresAt?: boolean
webAuthnChallenge?: boolean
credentials?: boolean | User$credentialsArgs
_count?: boolean | UserCountOutputTypeArgs

export type UserInclude = {
credentials?: boolean | User$credentialsArgs
_count?: boolean | UserCountOutputTypeArgs

export type UserGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | UserArgs> =
S extends { select: any, include: any } ? 'Please either choose select or include' :
S extends true ? User :
S extends undefined ? never :
S extends { include: any } & (UserArgs | UserFindManyArgs)
? User & {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['include']>]:
P extends 'credentials' ? Array < UserCredentialGetPayload<S['include'][P]>> :
P extends '_count' ? UserCountOutputTypeGetPayload<S['include'][P]> : never
: S extends { select: any } & (UserArgs | UserFindManyArgs)
? {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['select']>]:
P extends 'credentials' ? Array < UserCredentialGetPayload<S['select'][P]>> :
P extends '_count' ? UserCountOutputTypeGetPayload<S['select'][P]> : P extends keyof User ? User[P] : never
: User

type UserCountArgs =
Omit<UserFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include'> & {
select?: UserCountAggregateInputType | true

export interface UserDelegate<GlobalRejectSettings extends Prisma.RejectOnNotFound | Prisma.RejectPerOperation | false | undefined> {

 * Find zero or one User that matches the filter.
 * @param {UserFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a User
 * @example
 * // Get one User
 * const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUnique<T extends UserFindUniqueArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserFindUniqueArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findUnique', 'User'> extends True ? Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find one User that matches the filter or throw an error  with `error.code='P2025'` 
 *     if no matches were found.
 * @param {UserFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a User
 * @example
 * // Get one User
 * const user = await prisma.user.findUniqueOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUniqueOrThrow<T extends UserFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Find the first User that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a User
 * @example
 * // Get one User
 * const user = await prisma.user.findFirst({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirst<T extends UserFindFirstArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserFindFirstArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findFirst', 'User'> extends True ? Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find the first User that matches the filter or
 * throw `NotFoundError` if no matches were found.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a User
 * @example
 * // Get one User
 * const user = await prisma.user.findFirstOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirstOrThrow<T extends UserFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserFindFirstOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Find zero or more Users that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserFindManyArgs=} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
 * @example
 * // Get all Users
 * const users = await prisma.user.findMany()
 * // Get first 10 Users
 * const users = await prisma.user.findMany({ take: 10 })
 * // Only select the `id`
 * const userWithIdOnly = await prisma.user.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
findMany<T extends UserFindManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserFindManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<Array<UserGetPayload<T>>>

 * Create a User.
 * @param {UserCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a User.
 * @example
 * // Create one User
 * const User = await prisma.user.create({
 *   data: {
 *     // ... data to create a User
 *   }
 * })
create<T extends UserCreateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCreateArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Create many Users.
 *     @param {UserCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Users.
 *     @example
 *     // Create many Users
 *     const user = await prisma.user.createMany({
 *       data: {
 *         // ... provide data here
 *       }
 *     })
createMany<T extends UserCreateManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCreateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Delete a User.
 * @param {UserDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one User.
 * @example
 * // Delete one User
 * const User = await prisma.user.delete({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... filter to delete one User
 *   }
 * })
delete<T extends UserDeleteArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserDeleteArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Update one User.
 * @param {UserUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one User.
 * @example
 * // Update one User
 * const user = await prisma.user.update({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
update<T extends UserUpdateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserUpdateArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Delete zero or more Users.
 * @param {UserDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Users to delete.
 * @example
 * // Delete a few Users
 * const { count } = await prisma.user.deleteMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
deleteMany<T extends UserDeleteManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserDeleteManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Update zero or more Users.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
 * @example
 * // Update many Users
 * const user = await prisma.user.updateMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
updateMany<T extends UserUpdateManyArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserUpdateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Create or update one User.
 * @param {UserUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a User.
 * @example
 * // Update or create a User
 * const user = await prisma.user.upsert({
 *   create: {
 *     // ... data to create a User
 *   },
 *   update: {
 *     // ... in case it already exists, update
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the User we want to update
 *   }
 * })
upsert<T extends UserUpsertArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserUpsertArgs>
): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T>>

 * Count the number of Users.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Users to count.
 * @example
 * // Count the number of Users
 * const count = await prisma.user.count({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the Users we want to count
 *   }
 * })
count<T extends UserCountArgs>(
  args?: Subset<T, UserCountArgs>,
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  T extends _Record<'select', any>
    ? T['select'] extends true
      ? number
      : GetScalarType<T['select'], UserCountAggregateOutputType>
    : number

 * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a User.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
 * @example
 * // Ordered by age ascending
 * // Where email contains
 * // Limited to the 10 users
 * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
 *   _avg: {
 *     age: true,
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     email: {
 *       contains: "",
 *     },
 *   },
 *   orderBy: {
 *     age: "asc",
 *   },
 *   take: 10,
 * })
aggregate<T extends UserAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, UserAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetUserAggregateType<T>>

 * Group by User.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
 * @example
 * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
 * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
 *   by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
 *   orderBy: {
 *     createdAt: true
 *   },
 *   _count: {
 *     _all: true
 *   },
 * })
  T extends UserGroupByArgs,
  HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
    Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
    Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
    ? { orderBy: UserGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
    : { orderBy?: UserGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  ByFields extends TupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  : HavingValid extends False
  ? {
      [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : P extends string
        ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
        : [
            'Field ',
            ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : ByValid extends True
  ? {}
  : {
      [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
>(args: SubsetIntersection<T, UserGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetUserGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>



  • The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for User.
  • Why is this prefixed with Prisma__?
  • Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  • Adapt a more conflict resistant naming for Prisma client's types prisma/prisma-client-js#707
    export class Prisma__UserClient<T, Null = never> implements Prisma.PrismaPromise {
    private readonly _dmmf;
    private readonly _queryType;
    private readonly _rootField;
    private readonly _clientMethod;
    private readonly _args;
    private readonly _dataPath;
    private readonly _errorFormat;
    private readonly _measurePerformance?;
    private _isList;
    private _callsite;
    private _requestPromise?;
    readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'PrismaPromise';
    constructor(_dmmf: runtime.DMMFClass, _queryType: 'query' | 'mutation', _rootField: string, _clientMethod: string, _args: any, _dataPath: string[], _errorFormat: ErrorFormat, _measurePerformance?: boolean | undefined, _isList?: boolean);
credentials<T extends User$credentialsArgs= {}>(args?: Subset<T, User$credentialsArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<Array<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>| Null>;

private get _document();
 * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>;
 * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): Promise<T | TResult>;
 * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
 * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
 * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promise<T>;


// Custom InputTypes


  • User base type for findUnique actions
    export type UserFindUniqueArgsBase = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • Filter, which User to fetch.
      where: UserWhereUniqueInput


  • User findUnique
    export interface UserFindUniqueArgs extends UserFindUniqueArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findUniqueOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound


  • User findUniqueOrThrow
    export type UserFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • Filter, which User to fetch.
      where: UserWhereUniqueInput



  • User findFirst
    export interface UserFindFirstArgs extends UserFindFirstArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findFirstOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound




  • User create
    export type UserCreateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • The data needed to create a User.
      data: XOR<UserCreateInput, UserUncheckedCreateInput>


  • User createMany
    export type UserCreateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to create many Users.
      data: Enumerable
      skipDuplicates?: boolean


  • User update
    export type UserUpdateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • The data needed to update a User.
      data: XOR<UserUpdateInput, UserUncheckedUpdateInput>
    • Choose, which User to update.
      where: UserWhereUniqueInput


  • User updateMany
    export type UserUpdateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to update Users.
      data: XOR<UserUpdateManyMutationInput, UserUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
    • Filter which Users to update
      where?: UserWhereInput


  • User upsert
    export type UserUpsertArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • The filter to search for the User to update in case it exists.
      where: UserWhereUniqueInput
    • In case the User found by the where argument doesn't exist, create a new User with this data.
      create: XOR<UserCreateInput, UserUncheckedCreateInput>
    • In case the User was found with the provided where argument, update it with this data.
      update: XOR<UserUpdateInput, UserUncheckedUpdateInput>


  • User delete
    export type UserDeleteArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null
    • Filter which User to delete.
      where: UserWhereUniqueInput


  • User deleteMany
    export type UserDeleteManyArgs = {
    • Filter which Users to delete
      where?: UserWhereInput


  • User.credentials
    export type User$credentialsArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
      where?: UserCredentialWhereInput
      orderBy?: Enumerable
      cursor?: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
      take?: number
      skip?: number
      distinct?: Enumerable


  • User without action
    export type UserArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the User
      select?: UserSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserInclude | null


  • Model UserCredential

export type AggregateUserCredential = {
_count: UserCredentialCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: UserCredentialAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: UserCredentialSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: UserCredentialMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: UserCredentialMaxAggregateOutputType | null

export type UserCredentialAvgAggregateOutputType = {
userId: number | null
counter: number | null

export type UserCredentialSumAggregateOutputType = {
userId: number | null
counter: bigint | null

export type UserCredentialMinAggregateOutputType = {
id: string | null
userId: number | null
publicKey: Buffer | null
transports: string | null
counter: bigint | null

export type UserCredentialMaxAggregateOutputType = {
id: string | null
userId: number | null
publicKey: Buffer | null
transports: string | null
counter: bigint | null

export type UserCredentialCountAggregateOutputType = {
id: number
userId: number
publicKey: number
transports: number
counter: number
_all: number

export type UserCredentialAvgAggregateInputType = {
userId?: true
counter?: true

export type UserCredentialSumAggregateInputType = {
userId?: true
counter?: true

export type UserCredentialMinAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
userId?: true
publicKey?: true
transports?: true
counter?: true

export type UserCredentialMaxAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
userId?: true
publicKey?: true
transports?: true
counter?: true

export type UserCredentialCountAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
userId?: true
publicKey?: true
transports?: true
counter?: true
_all?: true

export type UserCredentialAggregateArgs = {
* Filter which UserCredential to aggregate.
where?: UserCredentialWhereInput
* {@link Sorting Docs}
* Determine the order of UserCredentials to fetch.
orderBy?: Enumerable
* {@link Cursor Docs}
* Sets the start position
cursor?: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Take ±n UserCredentials from the position of the cursor.
take?: number
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Skip the first n UserCredentials.
skip?: number
* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Count returned UserCredentials
_count?: true | UserCredentialCountAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to average
_avg?: UserCredentialAvgAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to sum
_sum?: UserCredentialSumAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the minimum value
_min?: UserCredentialMinAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the maximum value
_max?: UserCredentialMaxAggregateInputType

export type GetUserCredentialAggregateType = {
[P in keyof T & keyof AggregateUserCredential]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
? T[P] extends true
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateUserCredential[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateUserCredential[P]>

export type UserCredentialGroupByArgs = {
where?: UserCredentialWhereInput
orderBy?: Enumerable
by: UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum[]
having?: UserCredentialScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
take?: number
skip?: number
_count?: UserCredentialCountAggregateInputType | true
_avg?: UserCredentialAvgAggregateInputType
_sum?: UserCredentialSumAggregateInputType
_min?: UserCredentialMinAggregateInputType
_max?: UserCredentialMaxAggregateInputType

export type UserCredentialGroupByOutputType = {
id: string
userId: number
publicKey: Buffer
transports: string | null
counter: bigint
_count: UserCredentialCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: UserCredentialAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: UserCredentialSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: UserCredentialMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: UserCredentialMaxAggregateOutputType | null

type GetUserCredentialGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
PickArray<UserCredentialGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
[P in ((keyof T) & (keyof UserCredentialGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
? T[P] extends boolean
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], UserCredentialGroupByOutputType[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], UserCredentialGroupByOutputType[P]>

export type UserCredentialSelect = {
id?: boolean
userId?: boolean
publicKey?: boolean
transports?: boolean
counter?: boolean
user?: boolean | UserArgs

export type UserCredentialInclude = {
user?: boolean | UserArgs

export type UserCredentialGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | UserCredentialArgs> =
S extends { select: any, include: any } ? 'Please either choose select or include' :
S extends true ? UserCredential :
S extends undefined ? never :
S extends { include: any } & (UserCredentialArgs | UserCredentialFindManyArgs)
? UserCredential & {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['include']>]:
P extends 'user' ? UserGetPayload<S['include'][P]> : never
: S extends { select: any } & (UserCredentialArgs | UserCredentialFindManyArgs)
? {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['select']>]:
P extends 'user' ? UserGetPayload<S['select'][P]> : P extends keyof UserCredential ? UserCredential[P] : never
: UserCredential

type UserCredentialCountArgs =
Omit<UserCredentialFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include'> & {
select?: UserCredentialCountAggregateInputType | true

export interface UserCredentialDelegate<GlobalRejectSettings extends Prisma.RejectOnNotFound | Prisma.RejectPerOperation | false | undefined> {

 * Find zero or one UserCredential that matches the filter.
 * @param {UserCredentialFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a UserCredential
 * @example
 * // Get one UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.findUnique({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUnique<T extends UserCredentialFindUniqueArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialFindUniqueArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findUnique', 'UserCredential'> extends True ? Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find one UserCredential that matches the filter or throw an error  with `error.code='P2025'` 
 *     if no matches were found.
 * @param {UserCredentialFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a UserCredential
 * @example
 * // Get one UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.findUniqueOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUniqueOrThrow<T extends UserCredentialFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Find the first UserCredential that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a UserCredential
 * @example
 * // Get one UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.findFirst({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirst<T extends UserCredentialFindFirstArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialFindFirstArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findFirst', 'UserCredential'> extends True ? Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find the first UserCredential that matches the filter or
 * throw `NotFoundError` if no matches were found.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a UserCredential
 * @example
 * // Get one UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.findFirstOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirstOrThrow<T extends UserCredentialFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialFindFirstOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Find zero or more UserCredentials that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialFindManyArgs=} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
 * @example
 * // Get all UserCredentials
 * const userCredentials = await prisma.userCredential.findMany()
 * // Get first 10 UserCredentials
 * const userCredentials = await prisma.userCredential.findMany({ take: 10 })
 * // Only select the `id`
 * const userCredentialWithIdOnly = await prisma.userCredential.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
findMany<T extends UserCredentialFindManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialFindManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<Array<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>>

 * Create a UserCredential.
 * @param {UserCredentialCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a UserCredential.
 * @example
 * // Create one UserCredential
 * const UserCredential = await prisma.userCredential.create({
 *   data: {
 *     // ... data to create a UserCredential
 *   }
 * })
create<T extends UserCredentialCreateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialCreateArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Create many UserCredentials.
 *     @param {UserCredentialCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many UserCredentials.
 *     @example
 *     // Create many UserCredentials
 *     const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.createMany({
 *       data: {
 *         // ... provide data here
 *       }
 *     })
createMany<T extends UserCredentialCreateManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialCreateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Delete a UserCredential.
 * @param {UserCredentialDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one UserCredential.
 * @example
 * // Delete one UserCredential
 * const UserCredential = await prisma.userCredential.delete({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... filter to delete one UserCredential
 *   }
 * })
delete<T extends UserCredentialDeleteArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialDeleteArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Update one UserCredential.
 * @param {UserCredentialUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one UserCredential.
 * @example
 * // Update one UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.update({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
update<T extends UserCredentialUpdateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialUpdateArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Delete zero or more UserCredentials.
 * @param {UserCredentialDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter UserCredentials to delete.
 * @example
 * // Delete a few UserCredentials
 * const { count } = await prisma.userCredential.deleteMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
deleteMany<T extends UserCredentialDeleteManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialDeleteManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Update zero or more UserCredentials.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
 * @example
 * // Update many UserCredentials
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.updateMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
updateMany<T extends UserCredentialUpdateManyArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialUpdateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Create or update one UserCredential.
 * @param {UserCredentialUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a UserCredential.
 * @example
 * // Update or create a UserCredential
 * const userCredential = await prisma.userCredential.upsert({
 *   create: {
 *     // ... data to create a UserCredential
 *   },
 *   update: {
 *     // ... in case it already exists, update
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the UserCredential we want to update
 *   }
 * })
upsert<T extends UserCredentialUpsertArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, UserCredentialUpsertArgs>
): Prisma__UserCredentialClient<UserCredentialGetPayload<T>>

 * Count the number of UserCredentials.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter UserCredentials to count.
 * @example
 * // Count the number of UserCredentials
 * const count = await prisma.userCredential.count({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the UserCredentials we want to count
 *   }
 * })
count<T extends UserCredentialCountArgs>(
  args?: Subset<T, UserCredentialCountArgs>,
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  T extends _Record<'select', any>
    ? T['select'] extends true
      ? number
      : GetScalarType<T['select'], UserCredentialCountAggregateOutputType>
    : number

 * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a UserCredential.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
 * @example
 * // Ordered by age ascending
 * // Where email contains
 * // Limited to the 10 users
 * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
 *   _avg: {
 *     age: true,
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     email: {
 *       contains: "",
 *     },
 *   },
 *   orderBy: {
 *     age: "asc",
 *   },
 *   take: 10,
 * })
aggregate<T extends UserCredentialAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, UserCredentialAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetUserCredentialAggregateType<T>>

 * Group by UserCredential.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {UserCredentialGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
 * @example
 * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
 * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
 *   by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
 *   orderBy: {
 *     createdAt: true
 *   },
 *   _count: {
 *     _all: true
 *   },
 * })
  T extends UserCredentialGroupByArgs,
  HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
    Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
    Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
    ? { orderBy: UserCredentialGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
    : { orderBy?: UserCredentialGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  ByFields extends TupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  : HavingValid extends False
  ? {
      [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : P extends string
        ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
        : [
            'Field ',
            ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : ByValid extends True
  ? {}
  : {
      [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
>(args: SubsetIntersection<T, UserCredentialGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetUserCredentialGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>



  • The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for UserCredential.
  • Why is this prefixed with Prisma__?
  • Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  • Adapt a more conflict resistant naming for Prisma client's types prisma/prisma-client-js#707
    export class Prisma__UserCredentialClient<T, Null = never> implements Prisma.PrismaPromise {
    private readonly _dmmf;
    private readonly _queryType;
    private readonly _rootField;
    private readonly _clientMethod;
    private readonly _args;
    private readonly _dataPath;
    private readonly _errorFormat;
    private readonly _measurePerformance?;
    private _isList;
    private _callsite;
    private _requestPromise?;
    readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'PrismaPromise';
    constructor(_dmmf: runtime.DMMFClass, _queryType: 'query' | 'mutation', _rootField: string, _clientMethod: string, _args: any, _dataPath: string[], _errorFormat: ErrorFormat, _measurePerformance?: boolean | undefined, _isList?: boolean);
user<T extends UserArgs= {}>(args?: Subset<T, UserArgs>): Prisma__UserClient<UserGetPayload<T> | Null>;

private get _document();
 * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>;
 * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): Promise<T | TResult>;
 * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
 * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
 * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promise<T>;


// Custom InputTypes


  • UserCredential base type for findUnique actions
    export type UserCredentialFindUniqueArgsBase = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • Filter, which UserCredential to fetch.
      where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput


  • UserCredential findUnique
    export interface UserCredentialFindUniqueArgs extends UserCredentialFindUniqueArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findUniqueOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound


  • UserCredential findUniqueOrThrow
    export type UserCredentialFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • Filter, which UserCredential to fetch.
      where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput



  • UserCredential findFirst
    export interface UserCredentialFindFirstArgs extends UserCredentialFindFirstArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findFirstOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound




  • UserCredential create
    export type UserCredentialCreateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • The data needed to create a UserCredential.
      data: XOR<UserCredentialCreateInput, UserCredentialUncheckedCreateInput>


  • UserCredential createMany
    export type UserCredentialCreateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to create many UserCredentials.
      data: Enumerable
      skipDuplicates?: boolean


  • UserCredential update
    export type UserCredentialUpdateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • The data needed to update a UserCredential.
      data: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateInput>
    • Choose, which UserCredential to update.
      where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput


  • UserCredential updateMany
    export type UserCredentialUpdateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to update UserCredentials.
      data: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateManyMutationInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
    • Filter which UserCredentials to update
      where?: UserCredentialWhereInput


  • UserCredential upsert
    export type UserCredentialUpsertArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • The filter to search for the UserCredential to update in case it exists.
      where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
    • In case the UserCredential found by the where argument doesn't exist, create a new UserCredential with this data.
      create: XOR<UserCredentialCreateInput, UserCredentialUncheckedCreateInput>
    • In case the UserCredential was found with the provided where argument, update it with this data.
      update: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateInput>


  • UserCredential delete
    export type UserCredentialDeleteArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null
    • Filter which UserCredential to delete.
      where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput


  • UserCredential deleteMany
    export type UserCredentialDeleteManyArgs = {
    • Filter which UserCredentials to delete
      where?: UserCredentialWhereInput


  • UserCredential without action
    export type UserCredentialArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the UserCredential
      select?: UserCredentialSelect | null
    • Choose, which related nodes to fetch as well.
      include?: UserCredentialInclude | null


  • Model League

export type AggregateLeague = {
_count: LeagueCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: LeagueAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: LeagueSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: LeagueMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: LeagueMaxAggregateOutputType | null

export type LeagueAvgAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null

export type LeagueSumAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null

export type LeagueMinAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null
name: string | null
description: string | null

export type LeagueMaxAggregateOutputType = {
id: number | null
name: string | null
description: string | null

export type LeagueCountAggregateOutputType = {
id: number
name: number
description: number
sport: number
_all: number

export type LeagueAvgAggregateInputType = {
id?: true

export type LeagueSumAggregateInputType = {
id?: true

export type LeagueMinAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
name?: true
description?: true

export type LeagueMaxAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
name?: true
description?: true

export type LeagueCountAggregateInputType = {
id?: true
name?: true
description?: true
sport?: true
_all?: true

export type LeagueAggregateArgs = {
* Filter which League to aggregate.
where?: LeagueWhereInput
* {@link Sorting Docs}
* Determine the order of Leagues to fetch.
orderBy?: Enumerable
* {@link Cursor Docs}
* Sets the start position
cursor?: LeagueWhereUniqueInput
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Take ±n Leagues from the position of the cursor.
take?: number
* {@link Pagination Docs}
* Skip the first n Leagues.
skip?: number
* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Count returned Leagues
_count?: true | LeagueCountAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to average
_avg?: LeagueAvgAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to sum
_sum?: LeagueSumAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the minimum value
_min?: LeagueMinAggregateInputType

* {@link Aggregation Docs}
* Select which fields to find the maximum value
_max?: LeagueMaxAggregateInputType

export type GetLeagueAggregateType = {
[P in keyof T & keyof AggregateLeague]: P extends '_count' | 'count'
? T[P] extends true
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateLeague[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], AggregateLeague[P]>

export type LeagueGroupByArgs = {
where?: LeagueWhereInput
orderBy?: Enumerable
by: LeagueScalarFieldEnum[]
having?: LeagueScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput
take?: number
skip?: number
_count?: LeagueCountAggregateInputType | true
_avg?: LeagueAvgAggregateInputType
_sum?: LeagueSumAggregateInputType
_min?: LeagueMinAggregateInputType
_max?: LeagueMaxAggregateInputType

export type LeagueGroupByOutputType = {
id: number
name: string
description: string
sport: Sport[]
_count: LeagueCountAggregateOutputType | null
_avg: LeagueAvgAggregateOutputType | null
_sum: LeagueSumAggregateOutputType | null
_min: LeagueMinAggregateOutputType | null
_max: LeagueMaxAggregateOutputType | null

type GetLeagueGroupByPayload = Prisma.PrismaPromise<
PickArray<LeagueGroupByOutputType, T['by']> &
[P in ((keyof T) & (keyof LeagueGroupByOutputType))]: P extends '_count'
? T[P] extends boolean
? number
: GetScalarType<T[P], LeagueGroupByOutputType[P]>
: GetScalarType<T[P], LeagueGroupByOutputType[P]>

export type LeagueSelect = {
id?: boolean
name?: boolean
description?: boolean
sport?: boolean

export type LeagueGetPayload<S extends boolean | null | undefined | LeagueArgs> =
S extends { select: any, include: any } ? 'Please either choose select or include' :
S extends true ? League :
S extends undefined ? never :
S extends { include: any } & (LeagueArgs | LeagueFindManyArgs)
? League
: S extends { select: any } & (LeagueArgs | LeagueFindManyArgs)
? {
[P in TruthyKeys<S['select']>]:
P extends keyof League ? League[P] : never
: League

type LeagueCountArgs =
Omit<LeagueFindManyArgs, 'select' | 'include'> & {
select?: LeagueCountAggregateInputType | true

export interface LeagueDelegate<GlobalRejectSettings extends Prisma.RejectOnNotFound | Prisma.RejectPerOperation | false | undefined> {

 * Find zero or one League that matches the filter.
 * @param {LeagueFindUniqueArgs} args - Arguments to find a League
 * @example
 * // Get one League
 * const league = await prisma.league.findUnique({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUnique<T extends LeagueFindUniqueArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueFindUniqueArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findUnique', 'League'> extends True ? Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find one League that matches the filter or throw an error  with `error.code='P2025'` 
 *     if no matches were found.
 * @param {LeagueFindUniqueOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a League
 * @example
 * // Get one League
 * const league = await prisma.league.findUniqueOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findUniqueOrThrow<T extends LeagueFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueFindUniqueOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Find the first League that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueFindFirstArgs} args - Arguments to find a League
 * @example
 * // Get one League
 * const league = await prisma.league.findFirst({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirst<T extends LeagueFindFirstArgs,  LocalRejectSettings = T["rejectOnNotFound"] extends RejectOnNotFound ? T['rejectOnNotFound'] : undefined>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueFindFirstArgs>
): HasReject<GlobalRejectSettings, LocalRejectSettings, 'findFirst', 'League'> extends True ? Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>> : Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T> | null, null>

 * Find the first League that matches the filter or
 * throw `NotFoundError` if no matches were found.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueFindFirstOrThrowArgs} args - Arguments to find a League
 * @example
 * // Get one League
 * const league = await prisma.league.findFirstOrThrow({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
findFirstOrThrow<T extends LeagueFindFirstOrThrowArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueFindFirstOrThrowArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Find zero or more Leagues that matches the filter.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueFindManyArgs=} args - Arguments to filter and select certain fields only.
 * @example
 * // Get all Leagues
 * const leagues = await prisma.league.findMany()
 * // Get first 10 Leagues
 * const leagues = await prisma.league.findMany({ take: 10 })
 * // Only select the `id`
 * const leagueWithIdOnly = await prisma.league.findMany({ select: { id: true } })
findMany<T extends LeagueFindManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueFindManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<Array<LeagueGetPayload<T>>>

 * Create a League.
 * @param {LeagueCreateArgs} args - Arguments to create a League.
 * @example
 * // Create one League
 * const League = await prisma.league.create({
 *   data: {
 *     // ... data to create a League
 *   }
 * })
create<T extends LeagueCreateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueCreateArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Create many Leagues.
 *     @param {LeagueCreateManyArgs} args - Arguments to create many Leagues.
 *     @example
 *     // Create many Leagues
 *     const league = await prisma.league.createMany({
 *       data: {
 *         // ... provide data here
 *       }
 *     })
createMany<T extends LeagueCreateManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueCreateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Delete a League.
 * @param {LeagueDeleteArgs} args - Arguments to delete one League.
 * @example
 * // Delete one League
 * const League = await prisma.league.delete({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... filter to delete one League
 *   }
 * })
delete<T extends LeagueDeleteArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueDeleteArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Update one League.
 * @param {LeagueUpdateArgs} args - Arguments to update one League.
 * @example
 * // Update one League
 * const league = await prisma.league.update({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
update<T extends LeagueUpdateArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueUpdateArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Delete zero or more Leagues.
 * @param {LeagueDeleteManyArgs} args - Arguments to filter Leagues to delete.
 * @example
 * // Delete a few Leagues
 * const { count } = await prisma.league.deleteMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   }
 * })
deleteMany<T extends LeagueDeleteManyArgs>(
  args?: SelectSubset<T, LeagueDeleteManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Update zero or more Leagues.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueUpdateManyArgs} args - Arguments to update one or more rows.
 * @example
 * // Update many Leagues
 * const league = await prisma.league.updateMany({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... provide filter here
 *   },
 *   data: {
 *     // ... provide data here
 *   }
 * })
updateMany<T extends LeagueUpdateManyArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueUpdateManyArgs>
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<BatchPayload>

 * Create or update one League.
 * @param {LeagueUpsertArgs} args - Arguments to update or create a League.
 * @example
 * // Update or create a League
 * const league = await prisma.league.upsert({
 *   create: {
 *     // ... data to create a League
 *   },
 *   update: {
 *     // ... in case it already exists, update
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the League we want to update
 *   }
 * })
upsert<T extends LeagueUpsertArgs>(
  args: SelectSubset<T, LeagueUpsertArgs>
): Prisma__LeagueClient<LeagueGetPayload<T>>

 * Count the number of Leagues.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueCountArgs} args - Arguments to filter Leagues to count.
 * @example
 * // Count the number of Leagues
 * const count = await prisma.league.count({
 *   where: {
 *     // ... the filter for the Leagues we want to count
 *   }
 * })
count<T extends LeagueCountArgs>(
  args?: Subset<T, LeagueCountArgs>,
): Prisma.PrismaPromise<
  T extends _Record<'select', any>
    ? T['select'] extends true
      ? number
      : GetScalarType<T['select'], LeagueCountAggregateOutputType>
    : number

 * Allows you to perform aggregations operations on a League.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueAggregateArgs} args - Select which aggregations you would like to apply and on what fields.
 * @example
 * // Ordered by age ascending
 * // Where email contains
 * // Limited to the 10 users
 * const aggregations = await prisma.user.aggregate({
 *   _avg: {
 *     age: true,
 *   },
 *   where: {
 *     email: {
 *       contains: "",
 *     },
 *   },
 *   orderBy: {
 *     age: "asc",
 *   },
 *   take: 10,
 * })
aggregate<T extends LeagueAggregateArgs>(args: Subset<T, LeagueAggregateArgs>): Prisma.PrismaPromise<GetLeagueAggregateType<T>>

 * Group by League.
 * Note, that providing `undefined` is treated as the value not being there.
 * Read more here:
 * @param {LeagueGroupByArgs} args - Group by arguments.
 * @example
 * // Group by city, order by createdAt, get count
 * const result = await prisma.user.groupBy({
 *   by: ['city', 'createdAt'],
 *   orderBy: {
 *     createdAt: true
 *   },
 *   _count: {
 *     _all: true
 *   },
 * })
  T extends LeagueGroupByArgs,
  HasSelectOrTake extends Or<
    Extends<'skip', Keys<T>>,
    Extends<'take', Keys<T>>
  OrderByArg extends True extends HasSelectOrTake
    ? { orderBy: LeagueGroupByArgs['orderBy'] }
    : { orderBy?: LeagueGroupByArgs['orderBy'] },
  OrderFields extends ExcludeUnderscoreKeys<Keys<MaybeTupleToUnion<T['orderBy']>>>,
  ByFields extends TupleToUnion<T['by']>,
  ByValid extends Has<ByFields, OrderFields>,
  HavingFields extends GetHavingFields<T['having']>,
  HavingValid extends Has<ByFields, HavingFields>,
  ByEmpty extends T['by'] extends never[] ? True : False,
  InputErrors extends ByEmpty extends True
  ? `Error: "by" must not be empty.`
  : HavingValid extends False
  ? {
      [P in HavingFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : P extends string
        ? `Error: Field "${P}" used in "having" needs to be provided in "by".`
        : [
            'Field ',
            ` in "having" needs to be provided in "by"`,
  : 'take' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "take", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : 'skip' extends Keys<T>
  ? 'orderBy' extends Keys<T>
    ? ByValid extends True
      ? {}
      : {
          [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
            ? never
            : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
    : 'Error: If you provide "skip", you also need to provide "orderBy"'
  : ByValid extends True
  ? {}
  : {
      [P in OrderFields]: P extends ByFields
        ? never
        : `Error: Field "${P}" in "orderBy" needs to be provided in "by"`
>(args: SubsetIntersection<T, LeagueGroupByArgs, OrderByArg> & InputErrors): {} extends InputErrors ? GetLeagueGroupByPayload<T> : Prisma.PrismaPromise<InputErrors>



  • The delegate class that acts as a "Promise-like" for League.
  • Why is this prefixed with Prisma__?
  • Because we want to prevent naming conflicts as mentioned in
  • Adapt a more conflict resistant naming for Prisma client's types prisma/prisma-client-js#707
    export class Prisma__LeagueClient<T, Null = never> implements Prisma.PrismaPromise {
    private readonly _dmmf;
    private readonly _queryType;
    private readonly _rootField;
    private readonly _clientMethod;
    private readonly _args;
    private readonly _dataPath;
    private readonly _errorFormat;
    private readonly _measurePerformance?;
    private _isList;
    private _callsite;
    private _requestPromise?;
    readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'PrismaPromise';
    constructor(_dmmf: runtime.DMMFClass, _queryType: 'query' | 'mutation', _rootField: string, _clientMethod: string, _args: any, _dataPath: string[], _errorFormat: ErrorFormat, _measurePerformance?: boolean | undefined, _isList?: boolean);
private get _document();
 * Attaches callbacks for the resolution and/or rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onfulfilled The callback to execute when the Promise is resolved.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of which ever callback is executed.
then<TResult1 = T, TResult2 = never>(onfulfilled?: ((value: T) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>) | undefined | null, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) | undefined | null): Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>;
 * Attaches a callback for only the rejection of the Promise.
 * @param onrejected The callback to execute when the Promise is rejected.
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
catch<TResult = never>(onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) | undefined | null): Promise<T | TResult>;
 * Attaches a callback that is invoked when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected). The
 * resolved value cannot be modified from the callback.
 * @param onfinally The callback to execute when the Promise is settled (fulfilled or rejected).
 * @returns A Promise for the completion of the callback.
finally(onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined | null): Promise<T>;


// Custom InputTypes


  • League base type for findUnique actions
    export type LeagueFindUniqueArgsBase = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • Filter, which League to fetch.
      where: LeagueWhereUniqueInput


  • League findUnique
    export interface LeagueFindUniqueArgs extends LeagueFindUniqueArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findUniqueOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound


  • League findUniqueOrThrow
    export type LeagueFindUniqueOrThrowArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • Filter, which League to fetch.
      where: LeagueWhereUniqueInput



  • League findFirst
    export interface LeagueFindFirstArgs extends LeagueFindFirstArgsBase {
    * Throw an Error if query returns no results
    * @deprecated since 4.0.0: use findFirstOrThrow method instead
    rejectOnNotFound?: RejectOnNotFound




  • League create
    export type LeagueCreateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • The data needed to create a League.
      data: XOR<LeagueCreateInput, LeagueUncheckedCreateInput>


  • League createMany
    export type LeagueCreateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to create many Leagues.
      data: Enumerable
      skipDuplicates?: boolean


  • League update
    export type LeagueUpdateArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • The data needed to update a League.
      data: XOR<LeagueUpdateInput, LeagueUncheckedUpdateInput>
    • Choose, which League to update.
      where: LeagueWhereUniqueInput


  • League updateMany
    export type LeagueUpdateManyArgs = {
    • The data used to update Leagues.
      data: XOR<LeagueUpdateManyMutationInput, LeagueUncheckedUpdateManyInput>
    • Filter which Leagues to update
      where?: LeagueWhereInput


  • League upsert
    export type LeagueUpsertArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • The filter to search for the League to update in case it exists.
      where: LeagueWhereUniqueInput
    • In case the League found by the where argument doesn't exist, create a new League with this data.
      create: XOR<LeagueCreateInput, LeagueUncheckedCreateInput>
    • In case the League was found with the provided where argument, update it with this data.
      update: XOR<LeagueUpdateInput, LeagueUncheckedUpdateInput>


  • League delete
    export type LeagueDeleteArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null
    • Filter which League to delete.
      where: LeagueWhereUniqueInput


  • League deleteMany
    export type LeagueDeleteManyArgs = {
    • Filter which Leagues to delete
      where?: LeagueWhereInput


  • League without action
    export type LeagueArgs = {
    • Select specific fields to fetch from the League
      select?: LeagueSelect | null


  • Enums

// Based on
// microsoft/TypeScript#3192 (comment)

export const LeagueScalarFieldEnum: {
id: 'id',
name: 'name',
description: 'description',
sport: 'sport'

export type LeagueScalarFieldEnum = (typeof LeagueScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof LeagueScalarFieldEnum]

export const QueryMode: {
default: 'default',
insensitive: 'insensitive'

export type QueryMode = (typeof QueryMode)[keyof typeof QueryMode]

export const SortOrder: {
asc: 'asc',
desc: 'desc'

export type SortOrder = (typeof SortOrder)[keyof typeof SortOrder]

export const TransactionIsolationLevel: {
ReadUncommitted: 'ReadUncommitted',
ReadCommitted: 'ReadCommitted',
RepeatableRead: 'RepeatableRead',
Serializable: 'Serializable'

export type TransactionIsolationLevel = (typeof TransactionIsolationLevel)[keyof typeof TransactionIsolationLevel]

export const UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum: {
id: 'id',
userId: 'userId',
publicKey: 'publicKey',
transports: 'transports',
counter: 'counter'

export type UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum = (typeof UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof UserCredentialScalarFieldEnum]

export const UserScalarFieldEnum: {
id: 'id',
username: 'username',
email: 'email',
hashedPassword: 'hashedPassword',
salt: 'salt',
resetToken: 'resetToken',
resetTokenExpiresAt: 'resetTokenExpiresAt',
webAuthnChallenge: 'webAuthnChallenge'

export type UserScalarFieldEnum = (typeof UserScalarFieldEnum)[keyof typeof UserScalarFieldEnum]


  • Deep Input Types

export type UserWhereInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: IntFilter | number
username?: StringFilter | string
email?: StringFilter | string
hashedPassword?: StringFilter | string
salt?: StringFilter | string
resetToken?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: DateTimeNullableFilter | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
credentials?: UserCredentialListRelationFilter

export type UserOrderByWithRelationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
username?: SortOrder
email?: SortOrder
hashedPassword?: SortOrder
salt?: SortOrder
resetToken?: SortOrder
resetTokenExpiresAt?: SortOrder
webAuthnChallenge?: SortOrder
credentials?: UserCredentialOrderByRelationAggregateInput

export type UserWhereUniqueInput = {
id?: number
username?: string
email?: string
webAuthnChallenge?: string

export type UserOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
username?: SortOrder
email?: SortOrder
hashedPassword?: SortOrder
salt?: SortOrder
resetToken?: SortOrder
resetTokenExpiresAt?: SortOrder
webAuthnChallenge?: SortOrder
_count?: UserCountOrderByAggregateInput
_avg?: UserAvgOrderByAggregateInput
_max?: UserMaxOrderByAggregateInput
_min?: UserMinOrderByAggregateInput
_sum?: UserSumOrderByAggregateInput

export type UserScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: IntWithAggregatesFilter | number
username?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
email?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
hashedPassword?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
salt?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
resetToken?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | string | null

export type UserCredentialWhereInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: StringFilter | string
userId?: IntFilter | number
publicKey?: BytesFilter | Buffer
transports?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
counter?: BigIntFilter | bigint | number
user?: XOR<UserRelationFilter, UserWhereInput>

export type UserCredentialOrderByWithRelationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
userId?: SortOrder
publicKey?: SortOrder
transports?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder
user?: UserOrderByWithRelationInput

export type UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput = {
id?: string

export type UserCredentialOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
userId?: SortOrder
publicKey?: SortOrder
transports?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder
_count?: UserCredentialCountOrderByAggregateInput
_avg?: UserCredentialAvgOrderByAggregateInput
_max?: UserCredentialMaxOrderByAggregateInput
_min?: UserCredentialMinOrderByAggregateInput
_sum?: UserCredentialSumOrderByAggregateInput

export type UserCredentialScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
userId?: IntWithAggregatesFilter | number
publicKey?: BytesWithAggregatesFilter | Buffer
transports?: StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | string | null
counter?: BigIntWithAggregatesFilter | bigint | number

export type LeagueWhereInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: IntFilter | number
name?: StringFilter | string
description?: StringFilter | string
sport?: EnumSportNullableListFilter

export type LeagueOrderByWithRelationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
name?: SortOrder
description?: SortOrder
sport?: SortOrder

export type LeagueWhereUniqueInput = {
id?: number

export type LeagueOrderByWithAggregationInput = {
id?: SortOrder
name?: SortOrder
description?: SortOrder
sport?: SortOrder
_count?: LeagueCountOrderByAggregateInput
_avg?: LeagueAvgOrderByAggregateInput
_max?: LeagueMaxOrderByAggregateInput
_min?: LeagueMinOrderByAggregateInput
_sum?: LeagueSumOrderByAggregateInput

export type LeagueScalarWhereWithAggregatesInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: IntWithAggregatesFilter | number
name?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
description?: StringWithAggregatesFilter | string
sport?: EnumSportNullableListFilter

export type UserCreateInput = {
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken?: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: string | null
credentials?: UserCredentialCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput

export type UserUncheckedCreateInput = {
id?: number
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken?: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: string | null
credentials?: UserCredentialUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput

export type UserUpdateInput = {
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
credentials?: UserCredentialUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput

export type UserUncheckedUpdateInput = {
id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
credentials?: UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput

export type UserCreateManyInput = {
id?: number
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken?: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: string | null

export type UserUpdateManyMutationInput = {
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null

export type UserUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null

export type UserCredentialCreateInput = {
id: string
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number
user: UserCreateNestedOneWithoutCredentialsInput

export type UserCredentialUncheckedCreateInput = {
id: string
userId: number
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUpdateInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number
user?: UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutCredentialsNestedInput

export type UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
userId?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number

export type UserCredentialCreateManyInput = {
id: string
userId: number
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUpdateManyMutationInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
userId?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number

export type LeagueCreateInput = {
name: string
description: string
sport?: LeagueCreatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueUncheckedCreateInput = {
id?: number
name: string
description: string
sport?: LeagueCreatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueUpdateInput = {
name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
description?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
sport?: LeagueUpdatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueUncheckedUpdateInput = {
id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
description?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
sport?: LeagueUpdatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueCreateManyInput = {
id?: number
name: string
description: string
sport?: LeagueCreatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueUpdateManyMutationInput = {
name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
description?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
sport?: LeagueUpdatesportInput | Enumerable

export type LeagueUncheckedUpdateManyInput = {
id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
name?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
description?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
sport?: LeagueUpdatesportInput | Enumerable

export type IntFilter = {
equals?: number
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedIntFilter | number

export type StringFilter = {
equals?: string
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
mode?: QueryMode
not?: NestedStringFilter | string

export type StringNullableFilter = {
equals?: string | null
in?: Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | null
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
mode?: QueryMode
not?: NestedStringNullableFilter | string | null

export type DateTimeNullableFilter = {
equals?: Date | string | null
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
lt?: Date | string
lte?: Date | string
gt?: Date | string
gte?: Date | string
not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | Date | string | null

export type UserCredentialListRelationFilter = {
every?: UserCredentialWhereInput
some?: UserCredentialWhereInput
none?: UserCredentialWhereInput

export type UserCredentialOrderByRelationAggregateInput = {
_count?: SortOrder

export type UserCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
username?: SortOrder
email?: SortOrder
hashedPassword?: SortOrder
salt?: SortOrder
resetToken?: SortOrder
resetTokenExpiresAt?: SortOrder
webAuthnChallenge?: SortOrder

export type UserAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder

export type UserMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
username?: SortOrder
email?: SortOrder
hashedPassword?: SortOrder
salt?: SortOrder
resetToken?: SortOrder
resetTokenExpiresAt?: SortOrder
webAuthnChallenge?: SortOrder

export type UserMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
username?: SortOrder
email?: SortOrder
hashedPassword?: SortOrder
salt?: SortOrder
resetToken?: SortOrder
resetTokenExpiresAt?: SortOrder
webAuthnChallenge?: SortOrder

export type UserSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder

export type IntWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: number
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter | number
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_avg?: NestedFloatFilter
_sum?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedIntFilter
_max?: NestedIntFilter

export type StringWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: string
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
mode?: QueryMode
not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | string
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedStringFilter
_max?: NestedStringFilter

export type StringNullableWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: string | null
in?: Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | null
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
mode?: QueryMode
not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | string | null
_count?: NestedIntNullableFilter
_min?: NestedStringNullableFilter
_max?: NestedStringNullableFilter

export type DateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: Date | string | null
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
lt?: Date | string
lte?: Date | string
gt?: Date | string
gte?: Date | string
not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Date | string | null
_count?: NestedIntNullableFilter
_min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter
_max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter

export type BytesFilter = {
equals?: Buffer
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
not?: NestedBytesFilter | Buffer

export type BigIntFilter = {
equals?: bigint | number
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable
lt?: bigint | number
lte?: bigint | number
gt?: bigint | number
gte?: bigint | number
not?: NestedBigIntFilter | bigint | number

export type UserRelationFilter = {
is?: UserWhereInput
isNot?: UserWhereInput

export type UserCredentialCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
userId?: SortOrder
publicKey?: SortOrder
transports?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder

export type UserCredentialAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
userId?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder

export type UserCredentialMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
userId?: SortOrder
publicKey?: SortOrder
transports?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder

export type UserCredentialMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
userId?: SortOrder
publicKey?: SortOrder
transports?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder

export type UserCredentialSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
userId?: SortOrder
counter?: SortOrder

export type BytesWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: Buffer
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
not?: NestedBytesWithAggregatesFilter | Buffer
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedBytesFilter
_max?: NestedBytesFilter

export type BigIntWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: bigint | number
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable
lt?: bigint | number
lte?: bigint | number
gt?: bigint | number
gte?: bigint | number
not?: NestedBigIntWithAggregatesFilter | bigint | number
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_avg?: NestedFloatFilter
_sum?: NestedBigIntFilter
_min?: NestedBigIntFilter
_max?: NestedBigIntFilter

export type EnumSportNullableListFilter = {
equals?: Enumerable | null
has?: Sport | null
hasEvery?: Enumerable
hasSome?: Enumerable
isEmpty?: boolean

export type LeagueCountOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
name?: SortOrder
description?: SortOrder
sport?: SortOrder

export type LeagueAvgOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder

export type LeagueMaxOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
name?: SortOrder
description?: SortOrder

export type LeagueMinOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder
name?: SortOrder
description?: SortOrder

export type LeagueSumOrderByAggregateInput = {
id?: SortOrder

export type UserCredentialCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput = {
create?: XOR<Enumerable, Enumerable>
connectOrCreate?: Enumerable
createMany?: UserCredentialCreateManyUserInputEnvelope
connect?: Enumerable

export type UserCredentialUncheckedCreateNestedManyWithoutUserInput = {
create?: XOR<Enumerable, Enumerable>
connectOrCreate?: Enumerable
createMany?: UserCredentialCreateManyUserInputEnvelope
connect?: Enumerable

export type StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: string

export type NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: string | null

export type NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: Date | string | null

export type UserCredentialUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput = {
create?: XOR<Enumerable, Enumerable>
connectOrCreate?: Enumerable
upsert?: Enumerable
createMany?: UserCredentialCreateManyUserInputEnvelope
set?: Enumerable
disconnect?: Enumerable
delete?: Enumerable
connect?: Enumerable
update?: Enumerable
updateMany?: Enumerable
deleteMany?: Enumerable

export type IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: number
increment?: number
decrement?: number
multiply?: number
divide?: number

export type UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutUserNestedInput = {
create?: XOR<Enumerable, Enumerable>
connectOrCreate?: Enumerable
upsert?: Enumerable
createMany?: UserCredentialCreateManyUserInputEnvelope
set?: Enumerable
disconnect?: Enumerable
delete?: Enumerable
connect?: Enumerable
update?: Enumerable
updateMany?: Enumerable
deleteMany?: Enumerable

export type UserCreateNestedOneWithoutCredentialsInput = {
create?: XOR<UserCreateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedCreateWithoutCredentialsInput>
connectOrCreate?: UserCreateOrConnectWithoutCredentialsInput
connect?: UserWhereUniqueInput

export type BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: Buffer

export type BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput = {
set?: bigint | number
increment?: bigint | number
decrement?: bigint | number
multiply?: bigint | number
divide?: bigint | number

export type UserUpdateOneRequiredWithoutCredentialsNestedInput = {
create?: XOR<UserCreateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedCreateWithoutCredentialsInput>
connectOrCreate?: UserCreateOrConnectWithoutCredentialsInput
upsert?: UserUpsertWithoutCredentialsInput
connect?: UserWhereUniqueInput
update?: XOR<UserUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput>

export type LeagueCreatesportInput = {
set: Enumerable

export type LeagueUpdatesportInput = {
set?: Enumerable
push?: Enumerable

export type NestedIntFilter = {
equals?: number
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedIntFilter | number

export type NestedStringFilter = {
equals?: string
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
not?: NestedStringFilter | string

export type NestedStringNullableFilter = {
equals?: string | null
in?: Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | null
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
not?: NestedStringNullableFilter | string | null

export type NestedDateTimeNullableFilter = {
equals?: Date | string | null
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
lt?: Date | string
lte?: Date | string
gt?: Date | string
gte?: Date | string
not?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter | Date | string | null

export type NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: number
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedIntWithAggregatesFilter | number
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_avg?: NestedFloatFilter
_sum?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedIntFilter
_max?: NestedIntFilter

export type NestedFloatFilter = {
equals?: number
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedFloatFilter | number

export type NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: string
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
not?: NestedStringWithAggregatesFilter | string
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedStringFilter
_max?: NestedStringFilter

export type NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: string | null
in?: Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | null
lt?: string
lte?: string
gt?: string
gte?: string
contains?: string
startsWith?: string
endsWith?: string
not?: NestedStringNullableWithAggregatesFilter | string | null
_count?: NestedIntNullableFilter
_min?: NestedStringNullableFilter
_max?: NestedStringNullableFilter

export type NestedIntNullableFilter = {
equals?: number | null
in?: Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | null
lt?: number
lte?: number
gt?: number
gte?: number
not?: NestedIntNullableFilter | number | null

export type NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: Date | string | null
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable | null
lt?: Date | string
lte?: Date | string
gt?: Date | string
gte?: Date | string
not?: NestedDateTimeNullableWithAggregatesFilter | Date | string | null
_count?: NestedIntNullableFilter
_min?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter
_max?: NestedDateTimeNullableFilter

export type NestedBytesFilter = {
equals?: Buffer
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
not?: NestedBytesFilter | Buffer

export type NestedBigIntFilter = {
equals?: bigint | number
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable
lt?: bigint | number
lte?: bigint | number
gt?: bigint | number
gte?: bigint | number
not?: NestedBigIntFilter | bigint | number

export type NestedBytesWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: Buffer
in?: Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable
not?: NestedBytesWithAggregatesFilter | Buffer
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_min?: NestedBytesFilter
_max?: NestedBytesFilter

export type NestedBigIntWithAggregatesFilter = {
equals?: bigint | number
in?: Enumerable | Enumerable
notIn?: Enumerable | Enumerable
lt?: bigint | number
lte?: bigint | number
gt?: bigint | number
gte?: bigint | number
not?: NestedBigIntWithAggregatesFilter | bigint | number
_count?: NestedIntFilter
_avg?: NestedFloatFilter
_sum?: NestedBigIntFilter
_min?: NestedBigIntFilter
_max?: NestedBigIntFilter

export type UserCredentialCreateWithoutUserInput = {
id: string
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput = {
id: string
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number

export type UserCredentialCreateOrConnectWithoutUserInput = {
where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
create: XOR<UserCredentialCreateWithoutUserInput, UserCredentialUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput>

export type UserCredentialCreateManyUserInputEnvelope = {
data: Enumerable
skipDuplicates?: boolean

export type UserCredentialUpsertWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput = {
where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
update: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateWithoutUserInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput>
create: XOR<UserCredentialCreateWithoutUserInput, UserCredentialUncheckedCreateWithoutUserInput>

export type UserCredentialUpdateWithWhereUniqueWithoutUserInput = {
where: UserCredentialWhereUniqueInput
data: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateWithoutUserInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput>

export type UserCredentialUpdateManyWithWhereWithoutUserInput = {
where: UserCredentialScalarWhereInput
data: XOR<UserCredentialUpdateManyMutationInput, UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutCredentialsInput>

export type UserCredentialScalarWhereInput = {
AND?: Enumerable
OR?: Enumerable
NOT?: Enumerable
id?: StringFilter | string
userId?: IntFilter | number
publicKey?: BytesFilter | Buffer
transports?: StringNullableFilter | string | null
counter?: BigIntFilter | bigint | number

export type UserCreateWithoutCredentialsInput = {
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken?: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: string | null

export type UserUncheckedCreateWithoutCredentialsInput = {
id?: number
username: string
email: string
hashedPassword: string
salt: string
resetToken?: string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: string | null

export type UserCreateOrConnectWithoutCredentialsInput = {
where: UserWhereUniqueInput
create: XOR<UserCreateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedCreateWithoutCredentialsInput>

export type UserUpsertWithoutCredentialsInput = {
update: XOR<UserUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput>
create: XOR<UserCreateWithoutCredentialsInput, UserUncheckedCreateWithoutCredentialsInput>

export type UserUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput = {
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null

export type UserUncheckedUpdateWithoutCredentialsInput = {
id?: IntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | number
username?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
email?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
hashedPassword?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
salt?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
resetToken?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
resetTokenExpiresAt?: NullableDateTimeFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Date | string | null
webAuthnChallenge?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null

export type UserCredentialCreateManyUserInput = {
id: string
publicKey: Buffer
transports?: string | null
counter: bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUpdateWithoutUserInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateWithoutUserInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number

export type UserCredentialUncheckedUpdateManyWithoutCredentialsInput = {
id?: StringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string
publicKey?: BytesFieldUpdateOperationsInput | Buffer
transports?: NullableStringFieldUpdateOperationsInput | string | null
counter?: BigIntFieldUpdateOperationsInput | bigint | number


  • Batch Payload for updateMany & deleteMany & createMany

export type BatchPayload = {
count: number


  • DMMF
    export const dmmf: runtime.BaseDMMF

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Is migrate reset --force failing before even touching seed file / main function? I am asking since I have the same issue and it may be related since we just added an enum type to schema.

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It works fine for me.

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I just tried it on my Mac (Redwood v5-canary and prisma 4.11) and it works. (steps: add to schema, yarn rw prisma generate, import in service)

Could you confirm your version of Prisma? It should be 4.11 on Redwood v4

Because you're on Windows, I do wonder if there's an OS-specific bug. If so, the best place to get help with this will be the Prisma repo: Doing a quick search for "ENUM" showed a few recent issues.

Keep us posted here. We can try and nudge things from our end.

Note: there's a problem with Enum and GraphQL type gen, but I don't think that's what you're dealing with here: #6025

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