- darklib: needs PEB linking
- moonwalk: random issue with go stack protections. sometimes if other routines are running we get a panic SPWRITE at line 101 of the asm.
- sysid lookup by exception
- hwsyscall,moonwalk need cleaned up, add error/nil value checks, do testing
- moonwalk needs a little more work, its a bit messy but functional
- figure out the moonwalk SPWRITE issue
- finish get SSN from exception table, pe package was modified with some support for exception table
- ntd and darklib are using sycall.Syscall() for Call(). need to implement asm func to avoid suspicious syscall import
- direct syscalls
- indirect syscalls
- HWsyscall - sets VEH/breakpoint on NT call, indirect syscalls it, spoofs return to look like its from kernel32
- proxycalls - custom call stack via proxied Nt calls (proxycall through TpAllocWork)
- custom no WINAPI GetProcAddress (darklib)
- custom loadlibrary (darklib)
- instrumentation callbacks (inst)
- hardware breakpoint/VEH hooks
- call stack spoofing, spoofed indirect syscalls via silentmoonwalk desync (moonwalk)
- PPID spoofing
- checks for detection mechs, i.e. if user-hook -> mod.IsHooked()
- Shellcode encryption -> add encoders pkg
- Reducing entropy -> ?????
- Escaping the (local) AV sandbox -> prime sleep
- Disabling Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) -> patching, veh hooks
- Evading common malicious API call patterns -> drip loader style calls
- Removing hooks in ntdll.dll
- In-memory encryption/sleep obfuscation
- GetModuleHandle + GetProcAddress replacement, no WINAPI calls
- DarkLoadLibrary, partial implementation. still need to link the module to PEB.
- essentially just darklib but focused on ntdll. needed for some of the syscall packages.
- direct syscalls
- sysid lookup via in mem or on disk (hellsgate), exception lookup coming soon
- halos gate fallback (if proc is hooked, try and get sysid from an unhooked neighbor)
- supports API hashing
- indirect syscalls
- sysid lookup via in mem or on disk (hellsgate), exception lookup coming soon
- halos gate fallback (if proc is hooked, try and get sysid from an unhooked neighbor)
- supports API hashing
- hwsyscalls implementation
- sets VEH and HWBP on the NT call, then tweaks the context to perform an indirect syscall + spoofed return address so call stack isnt KERNEL -> MALCODE
- silentmoonwalk desync call stack spoofing on indirect syscalls.
- slighly sketchy, go is not meant for this kind of thing,GC and stack protections make it rough, still needs some work.
- uses undocumented Nt callbacks to create a call stack that appears legitimate. Note, no return values are provided so r1,r2,err will always be empty.
- Djb2 hashing algo
- encoders for payloads
- gzip -> XOR -> gzip encoder
- set or clear an instrumentation callback
- some util functions for direct memory access
- modified fork of github.com/Binject/debug/pe
- added support for NewFileFromMemory
- util functions for working with PEB
- mainly used to walk exports for sysids and functions
- had issues with the PE package on SentinelOne systems, so this works better.
- messing with alternative call stack spoofing methods
- functions for manipulate vectored exception handlers and hardware breakpoints
all the callz follow a similar pattern for modularity (sliver builders caugh) except ntd and darklib
// you can pretty much replace [package] with direct/indirect/moonwalk/hwsyscall/proxycall and they all work the same way.
/* for opts:
callz.WithResolver(callz.SSN_MEM), // pick SSN_MEM, SSN_DISK, SSN_REMOTE, SSN_EXCEPT although some are not finished yet
callz.WithHasher(hash.Djb2) // define custom hashing func too, func(string) string{}
then for hashing just do:
m := [package].New()
ntac := m.NewProc("NtAllocateVirtualMemory")
allocatedAddress := uintptr(0)
allocatedsize := uintptr(0x8181)
fmt.Printf("[!] calling NtAllocateVirtualMemory...\n")
e, _, _ := ntac.Call(
uintptr(0xffffffffffffffff), //ProcessHandle
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&allocatedAddress)), //*BaseAddress
uintptr(0), //ZeroBits
uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&allocatedsize)), //RegionSize
uintptr(0x00001000|0x00002000), //AllocationType
fmt.Printf("ret code: 0x%x\n", e)
fmt.Printf("addr: 0x%x\n", allocatedAddress)