Use rethinkPlugin
instead of getMapperPlugin
to get a Connection
injected to your routes.
import 'package:redstone/server.dart' as app;
import 'package:rethinkdb_driver/rethinkdb_driver.dart';
import 'package:redstone_rethinkdb/redstone_rethinkdb.dart';
final Rethinkdb r = new Rethinkdb();
main () {
RethinkDbManager manager = new RethinkDbManager("someHost", "someDatabase");
By convention in Rethinkdb the connection is named conn
and in Redstone is named dbConn
, therefore you should specify "dbConn"
inside @app.Attr
and set the name of the variable to conn
@app.Route ('/someRoute')
someRoute (@app.Attr("dbConn") Connection conn) async {
var result = await r
.table ('someTable')
//build your query as you like
You can also use the normal getMapperPlugin
, but you will instead get injected a RethinkConnection
import 'package:redstone/server.dart' as app;
import 'package:redstone_mapper/plugin.dart';
import 'package:rethinkdb_driver/rethinkdb_driver.dart';
import 'package:redstone_rethinkdb/redstone_rethinkdb.dart';
final Rethinkdb r = new Rethinkdb();
main () {
RethinkDbManager manager = new RethinkDbManager("someHost", "someDatabase");
You can tap into the dbConn
attribute without naming it in Attr
(be sure to name the variable ``dbConn) but you have to access the
Connection` through `dbConn.conn`.
@app.Route ('/someRoute')
someRoute (@app.Attr() RethinkConnection dbConn) async {
var result = await r
.table ('someTable')
//build your query as you like
You can use a ConfigRethink
instance to setup you database (and maybe handle changes in the future).
var config = new ConfigRethink(
host: "",
port: 28015,
database: "app",
tables: [
new TableConfig("users",
secondaryIndexes: ["password"]),
new TableConfig("comments",
secondaryIndexes: ["userId"])
await setupRethink(config);
var dbManager = new RethinkDbManager.fromCongif(config);
The table
property lets you specify your tables and secondary indexes within them and the setupRethink
function with create these if they don't exist.
You can also create a RethinkDbManager
from the config using the named constructor fromConfig
as shown above.
Use RethinkServices<T>
extends Table
and lets you better structure your code and avoid error when repetively specifying the same table. It also
includes some helper methods for basic CRUD operations; usually methods like get
or insert
but end int Typed
or Now
also includes a default field RethinkDb r
so you dont have to create an instance yourself. The name
of the current table can be accessed at tableName
, and intance of the super class can be accessed at table
. Here is
an example of basic crude
class ServiciosUsuario extends RethinkServices<User> {
ServiciosUsuario() : super('users');
Future<User> GET (String id) async {
User user = await getNow(id);
if (user == null)
throw new app.ErrorResponse (404, {"error": "User not found"});
return decode(user, User);
@app.Route('/:id', methods: const[app.PUT])
Future<User> PUT (String id, @Decode(from: const[app.JSON, app.FORM]) User delta) async { = null;
Map resp = await updateNow(id, delta);
if (resp['replaced'] == 0)
throw new app.ErrorResponse (304, {"error": "User not in database"});
return GET(id);
@app.Route('/:id', methods: const[app.DELETE])
Future<Map> DELETE (String id) async {
Map resp = await deleteNow(id);
if (resp['deleted'] == 0)
throw new app.ErrorResponse (501, {"error": "User not in database"});
return {"id": id};
@app.DefaultRoute (methods: const [app.POST])
Future<User> POST (@Decode() User user) async {
var resp = await insertNow(user); = resp["generated_keys"].first;
return user;
where User
class User {
@Field() String id;
@Field() String firstname;
@Field() String lastname;