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high level overview

Zach Taylor edited this page Mar 11, 2021 · 1 revision

High Level Overview

This document is designed to provide a high level understanding for different components of the operator. Content covers: what specific controllers do, why specific controllers are important, and basic architecture of the project (how different components interact with each other).

Table of Contents

Project Structure

Folder Purpose
assets Stores static assets used in the operator
build Build output.
bundle Temporary directory to use for building the CSV bundle.
cmd Commands to run the operator
deploy Deploy specific code included CSV and generated CRDs
docs Documentation
/Makefile Make commands to simplify development
pkg The business logic for the operator
pkg/apis API files to generate CRDs for the operator
pkg/controller Controller codes
pkg/managers Code to bootstrap new controller managers
pkg/reporter Montioring reporter specific code
pkg/utils Helpful utilitly functions
reports Temporary directory for reporting
scripts Contains scripts to help build or use the operator
test All our integration or end-to-end tests. Also includes testing tools
test/e2e End to end testing
test/rectest Contains custom and generated code to simply unit testing
version Version file contains the operator version

CRDs & Their Controllers


MarketplaceConfig is the first CR created. Its prime responsibility is to deploy the remaining CRs. MarketplaceConfig decides which CRs to create based on flags. Currently MarketplaceConfig can create:

  • RazeeDeployment
  • MeterBase
  • The Operator Source
  • The IBM Catalog Source

MarketplaceConfig is valuable because it is a single point of origin that ensures the correct resources are installed on the cluster.


MeterBase is responsible for setting up prometheus. MeterBase currently creates:

  • The Prometheus Operator
  • Service for Prometheus
  • Persistant Volume Storage

MeterBase is valuable because it ensures we can track metrics via prometheus.




RazeeDeployment is responsible for creating a RazeeDeploy - Job, and ensuring Razee resources are installed in the Cluster. Currently RazeeDeployment creates:

  • ConfigMap -> WatchKeeperNonNamespaced
  • ConfigMap -> WatchKeeperLimitPoll
  • ConfigMap -> RazeeClusterMetaData
  • ConfigMap -> WatchKeeperConfig
  • ConfigMap -> WatchKeeperSecret
  • Secret -> IbmCosReaderKey
  • Job -> RazeeDeployJob
  • Job -> RazeeUninstallJob
  • RemoteResourceS3

Other Controllers

Node Controller

Node controller is responsible for ensuring Kubernetes nodes are patched with the label, razee/watch-resource: lite.

Subscription Controller

Subscription Controller is responsible for creating operator groups during installation. And deleting CSV's and subscriptions during uninstallation.