- What is it?
- Prerequisites
- How to run it
- How to access the VM's Docker daemon
- How to access the OpenShift registry
- OpenShift Logins
- Known issues
- Misc
- How to use Landrush
- How to use Fabric8
- How to use persistent volumes claims
- How to run any image on OpenShift
- How to sync an existing OpenShift project
- How to get HAProxy statistics
- How to test webhooks locally
- How to debug EAP image
- How to find cause of container startup failure
- How to explore the OpenShift REST API
This repository contain a Vagrant setup to start a Vagrant virtual machine running a containerized version of OpenShift Enterprise 3.2 using CDK 2.
The following prerequisites need to be met prior to creating and provisioning the virtual machine:
- developers.redhat.com or Red Hat employee subscription credentials
- Active VPN connection during the creation and provisioning of the VM
- VirtualBox installed
- Vagrant installed
- vagrant-registration plugin (>=1.2.1) installed
- Run
vagrant plugin install vagrant-registration
to install plugin - vagrant-service-manager plugin (>=1.1.0.beta.1) installed.
- Run
vagrant plugin install vagrant-service-manager --plugin-version 1.1.0.beta.1
to install plugin - vagrant-sshfs plugin (>=1.1.0) installed
- Run
vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs
to install plugin - Optionally, the OpenShift Client tools for your OS to run the
commands from the terminal. - On Windows:
- Ensure Cygwin is installed with rsync AND openssh. The default installation does not include these packages.
$ cd cdk-v2
$ export SUB_USERNAME=<your-subscription-username>
$ export SUB_PASSWORD=<your-subscription-password>
$ vagrant up
This will start and provision the VM, as well as start an all-in-One OpenShift Enterprise instance.
Run the following command in your shell to configure it to use Docker (you need the Docker CLI binaries installed):
$ eval "$(vagrant service-manager env docker)"
The OpenShift registry is per default exposed as hub.openshift. You can push to this registry directly after logging in. Assuming one logs in as the defaultuser 'openshift-dev':
$ oc login -u openshift-dev -p devel
$ docker login -u openshift-dev -p `oc whoami -t` -e [email protected] hub.openshift.rhel-cdk.
Once up an running the OpenShift console is accessible under
The OpenShift instance setup with simple authentication. There is a openshift-dev user with password devel which can be used for creating projects and applications.
There is also an admin user who is member of the cluster-admin group which has permissions to do everything on any project.
To make any administrative changes to the system, you can also login to the VM (vagrant ssh
) and use the command line tools with the --config
option referencing the system:admin configuration.
$ vagrant ssh
$ oadm --config=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig <whatever oadm command>
$ oc --config=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig <whatever oc command>
Alternatively you can set the KUBECONFIG environment variable and skip the --config option.
$ export KUBECONFIG=/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig
However, be careful that when you in this case login as a different user, OpenShift will attempt to overwrite admin.kubeconfig.
- Causes of failure on Windows
- Ensure
is set
NOTE: Not working on Windows for now unless you build Landrush from source!
Set the environment variable OPENSHIFT_VAGRANT_USE_LANDRUSH
$ cd cdk-v2
$ export SUB_USERNAME=<your-subscription-username>
$ export SUB_PASSWORD=<your-subscription-password>
$ vagrant up
The generated routes will then use openshift.cdk as TLD instead of
Set the environment variable INSTALL_FABRIC
$ cd cdk-v2
$ export SUB_USERNAME=<your-subscription-username>
$ export SUB_PASSWORD=<your-subscription-password>
$ export INSTALL_FABRIC8=true
$ vagrant up
This will install and run gofabric8. After the Fabric8 pod is successfully running the Fabric8 console can be accessed via http://fabric8.openshift. Log in as admin and checkout the Fabric8 Getting Started guide for your first steps.
The CDK provides a three persistent volumnes to experiment with. You can view them as admin as so:
$ oc login -u admin -p password
$ oc get pv
pv01 <none> 1Gi RWO,RWX Available 6h
pv02 <none> 2Gi RWO,RWX Available 6h
pv03 <none> 3Gi RWO,RWX Available 6h
To make a claim, you can do the following:
# Using the openshift-dev user
$ oc login -u openshift-dev -p devel
# Using Nodejs as example app
$ oc new-app https://github.com/openshift/nodejs-ex -l name=nodejs
# Wait for build to complete ...
$ oc expose service nodejs-ex -l name=nodejs
# Make the persistent volume claim
$ oc volume dc/nodejs-ex --add --claim-size 512M --mount-path /opt/app-root/src/views --name views
# Check the persistent volume claim
oc get pvc
pvc-evu2v <none> Bound pv01 1Gi RWO,RWX 1m
# create some sample file
$ echo '<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>' > /nfsvolumes/pv01/index.html
# Brose to http://nodejs-ex-sample-project.rhel-cdk.
# Verfify content on file system
$ vagrant ssh
$ ls -l /nfsvolumes/pv01
# All app of the same app share the same volume
$ oc scale dc/nodejs-ex --replicas 5
$ oc get pods
nodejs-ex-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 41m
nodejs-ex-6-2hs75 1/1 Running 0 15m
nodejs-ex-6-f576b 1/1 Running 0 1m
nodejs-ex-6-fboe9 1/1 Running 0 1m
nodejs-ex-6-ldaq1 1/1 Running 0 1m
nodejs-ex-6-norrq 1/1 Running 0 1m
$ oc exec -it nodejs-ex-6-norrq sh
$ cat views/index.html
Assuming user openshift-dev, you can do the following to run for example the Node.js based blogging framework Ghost.
$ oc login -u openshift-dev -p devel
Login successful.
$ oc new-project my-ghost
Now using project "my-ghost" on server "".
$ docker pull ghost
$ docker tag ghost hub.openshift.rhel-cdk.
$ docker login -u openshift-dev -p `oc whoami -t` -e [email protected] hub.openshift.rhel-cdk.
$ docker push hub.openshift.rhel-cdk.
$ oc new-app --image-stream=ghost --name=ghost
$ oc expose service ghost --hostname=my-ghost-blog.rhel-cdk.
Then visit http://my-ghost-blog.rhel-cdk. with your browser.
First step is to export the configuration from the existing project:
$ oc export is,bc,dc,svc,route -o json > project-config.json
At this stage you probably want to edit the json and change the route.
You can do this also after the import by oc edit route
Then on the second instance, create a new project, import the resources and trigger a new build:
$ oc new-project foo
$ oc create -f project-config.json
$ oc new-build <build-config-name>
The OpenShift HAProxy is configured to expose some statistics about the routes. This can sometimes be helpful when debugging problem or just to monitor traffic. To access the statistics use
The username is 'admin' and the password gets generated during the creation of the router pod. You can run the following to find the password:
$ eval "$(vagrant service-manager env docker)"
$ docker ps # You want the container id of the ose-haproxy-router container
$ docker exec <container-id-of-router> less /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config | grep "stats auth"
Since the created VM is only visible on the host, GitHub webhooks won't work, since GitHub cannot reach the VM. Obviously you can just trigger the build via oc:
$ oc start-build <build-config-name>
If you want to ensure that the actual webhooks work though, you can trigger them via curl as well. First determine the URLs of the GitHub and generic URL:
$ oc describe <build-config-name>
To trigger the generic hook run:
$ curl -k -X POST <generic-hook-url>
To trigger the GitHub hook run:
$ curl -k \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Github-Event: push" \
-X POST -d '{"ref":"refs/heads/master"}' \
The GitHub payload is quite extensive, but the only thing which matters from an OpenShift perspective at the moment is that the ref matches.
This is based using the jboss-eap-6/eap-openshift:6.4 image from registry.access.redhat.com. This image is for example used by the eap6-basic-sti template.
The startup script standalone.sh for the EAP instance within this image checks the variable DEBUG to check whether to enable remote debugging on port 8787.
# Get the name of the deployment config.
$ oc get dc
eap-app ImageChange 1
# Check the current environment variables (optional)
$ oc env dc/eap-app --list
# Set the DEBUG variable
$ oc env dc/eap-app DEBUG=true
# Double check the variable is set
$oc env dc/eap-app --list
# Redeploy the latest image
$ oc deploy eap-app --latest -n eap
# Get the name of the running pod using the deployment config name as selector
$ oc get pods -l deploymentConfig=eap-app
eap-app-3-rw4ko 1/1 Running 0 1h
# Port forward the debug port
$ oc port-forward eap-app-3-rw4ko 8787:8787
Once the oc port-forward
command is executed, you can attach a remote
debugger to port 8787 on localhost.
In conjunction with trying to run arbitrary Docker images on OpenShift, it can be hard to track down deployment errors. If the deployment of a pot fails, OpenShift will try to reschedule a deployment and the original pod won't be available anymore. In this case you can try accessing the logs of the failing container directly via Docker commands against the Docker daemon running within the VM (the Docker daemon of the VM is used by the OpenShift instance itself as well).
View the docker logs
$ vagrant ssh
# Find the container id of the failing container (looking for the latest created container)
$ docker ps -l -q
$ docker logs 5b37abf17fb6
Try this:
- Open this link in a browser
- Paste the URL of the OpenShift instance "" into the input field